
The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

author:Ejina, China

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The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

Recently, in 2023, the 2023 league-level key construction project Provincial Highway 229 Qinghekou to Jiayuguan Highway Maintenance Project is being fully accelerated, and the implementation of the project marks a step closer to the goal of opening up the traffic artery of the "life forbidden area" in Ejina Banner, which is of great significance for improving and enhancing the road traffic conditions in remote areas in the west of Ejinaqi.

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

At the construction site of the Qinghekou to Jiayuguan Highway Maintenance Project of Provincial Highway 229, concrete mixture trucks and hoisting trucks shuttled back and forth in the roar, and workers were carrying out on-site pouring operations in an orderly manner. In the past few days, the project construction team has actively seized the good weather, reasonably arranged the construction period, and efficiently "rushed" multiple operation faces to ensure the quality and progress of maintenance.

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

Ren Xiyue, deputy project manager of the 6th project department of Longjian Road and Bridge, said: "A total of 5 small bridges have been built on the whole line of the Provincial Highway 229 project, and three have been completed, and the 85 small bridges under construction are being poured with caps, including slipform construction, protection engineering, and bridge and culvert engineering. ”

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

Provincial Highway 229 Qinghekou to Jiayuguan Highway Maintenance Project is located in the internationally recognized "life forbidden area" that is not suitable for human habitation. In the face of climatic conditions such as heavy sand in spring and autumn, drought and little rain in summer, and large temperature difference between day and night, the construction team formulated a thorough construction plan to ensure that the construction personnel can work safely and efficiently in the harsh natural environment.

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

Wu Wenqiang, technical director of the Provincial Highway 229 project, said: "At present, 75% of the total project has been completed, and we will speed up the construction progress to ensure that it is completed as soon as possible." ”‌

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

It is understood that the implementation of the project section from the Black Eagle Mountain Interchange (Beijing-Xin Expressway) north side to the provincial highway 229 line Mengganjie, the main content of the project is to deal with the disease of some sections, the overall paving of the base layer, the surface layer, the whole line of protection and drainage facilities to reinforce, the whole culvert to be demolished and newly built, to supplement and improve the traffic safety facilities, maintenance mileage of 126 kilometers, according to the three-level highway standard design, the width of the roadbed is 8.5 meters, the width of the road surface is 7.0 meters, the total investment of the project is 229 million yuan.

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!

The maintenance project will enter the road maintenance construction in early July 2023, and as of now, the subgrade and pavement base of the project have been completed, and the asphalt pavement has completed 18% of the total project, and it is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August this year. The repair and maintenance of Provincial Highway 229 is of great significance for driving the rapid development of the regional economy, further optimizing and improving the structure of the road network in the western part of Ejinaqi, solving the problem of difficult travel for the herdsmen along the route, and providing fast and smooth transportation conditions for the transportation of raw materials and products of industrial and mining enterprises.

Source: Ejina Qirong Media Center Editor: Wu Huimin Review: Yuan Weinian Wang Meng Final Review: Wang Yi

The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!
The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!
The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!
The construction of the "Jiahei" highway is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of August!