
Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

author:Hibiscus released

The most important thing is that the fragrance of books can go far, and there is poetry and books in the belly. April 23 this year is the 29th "World Book Day", and the Furong District Financial Media Center has launched a series of reports focusing on national reading and reading consumption, so let's travel to the sea of books on this most beautiful April day in the world, and enjoy the joy of reading and the beauty of books together!

Fireworks are the background color of life, and the fragrance of books is the source of spirit. In Furong District, the reading places and cultural spaces dotted around are just like the "cultural greenery" in the city, with its elegant environment, rich functions and beautiful atmosphere, it integrates into the city, life, culture and future, connects culture and consumption, and stimulates the new vitality of reading consumption.

Cultural landmarks are nostalgic

"I used to go to Yuanjialing Xinhua Bookstore to read books, and now the Hunan Grand Theater store still feels familiar, and the variety of books is also richer, with a more spacious reading area and rest area, I think this is a warm urban cultural landmark. Sun Qinxin, who was wearing a school uniform, read the book leisurely in the reading area, expressing the common memories of many Changsha people when they were young.

Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

The newly unveiled Xinhua Bookstore Hunan Grand Theater store

The classic plaque with red letters on a white background, a dazzling array of books of all kinds...... In the memory of many Changsha people, Xinhua Bookstore is an inescapable cultural symbol. Yuanjialing Xinhua Bookstore, which opened in 1986, was once the largest bookstore in central and southern China, carrying the indelible memories of a generation. After more than 30 years of development, Yuanjialing Xinhua Bookstore is also facing a new transformation and upgrading. Today, the newly unveiled Xinhua Bookstore Hunan Grand Theater Store has undertaken the cultural service function of the original store, and has retained the national memory and status of Xinhua Bookstore to the greatest extent.

Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

The store gives a great reading experience

At the gate of Xinhua Bookstore's Hunan Grand Theater store, the book promotion signboard at the door is clearly visible, and there is an endless stream of people reading and buying books. A young mother is telling her daughter a picture book story, and her goal today is to finish reading a picture book on the spot. Parent-child reading has become an activity full of tacit understanding between mother and daughter every weekend.

"The overall design of Xinhua Bookstore Hunan Grand Theater Store is presented to you in the form of a 'boat', where readers can go up to our 'boat' from all directions and gather into the ocean of knowledge. According to Zhou Hui, manager of Xinhua Bookstore Hunan Grand Theater Store, as a continuation of Yuanjialing Xinhua Bookstore, the Grand Theater Store has a store of about 20,000 books, and is committed to creating a warm and comfortable reading space for readers.

Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

Dingwangtai Book Market, one of the four major book markets in the country

Also carrying the eternal memories of Changsha book lovers, there is also the Dingwangtai Book Market, one of the four major book markets in the country. On March 22 this year, the 31st Changsha Book Fair kicked off at the Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center.

In 1997, the once prosperous Huangni Street Book Market in Changsha City was relocated to Dingwangtai and is located at No. 15, Jiefang West Road, Furong District. As the largest book trading market in Hunan, Dingwangtai Book Market covers an area of about 13,000 square meters, and the four-storey book city is full of books, from best-selling novels to professional works, from classical classics to modern literature, as well as novels and comics.

"More than a decade ago, when online book buying was not common, it was always crowded and bustling on weekends and holidays. "Bangdao New Culture, which settled in Dingwangtai Book Market in 1997, is a bookstore specializing in social science, literature and art, and children's books. Speaking of the prosperity of the Dingwangtai Book Market back then, Cheng Jin, the manager of Bangdao New Culture, still remembers it vividly. Subsequently, the opportunities brought by the Internet era to the development of physical bookstores have promoted the transformation and upgrading of their business models.

"We started running an online store in 2015, and we still specialize in social sciences and children's literature, and the turnover of the online store should account for 70% of the total turnover. Relying on the advantages established in the early years, Cheng Jin and the rest of the shops that still stick to the Dingwangtai Book Market are also trying to adapt to the changes of the times, combining traditional bookstores with the Internet, and trying new business models.

"Millennium Dingwangtai, full of books in Changsha", nowadays, search for Dingwangtai on various map guidance software, "Changsha Dingwangtai Book Market" will still be automatically recommended. Although most people's reading habits have slowly transformed into online reading, Dingwangtai, a well-known national book market that has been brilliant for more than ten years, has a rich heritage and still retains its unique bookish charm, contributing to Changsha's efforts to build a national cultural hub.

Cultural spaces lead the way

A good cultural space is to integrate the spiritual torch with the life scene and convey the cultural temperament of a city. In Furong District, there are carefully constructed cultural spaces scattered everywhere, which are no longer a single reading scene, but are gradually becoming high-quality cultural living rooms and aesthetic spaces around the masses.

In the context of the upgrading of cultural consumption, efforts to provide readers with a more comfortable reading experience are the persistence of physical bookstores and one of the main factors that can attract citizens to today's physical bookstores. Not far from the Dingwangtai Book Market, the Bu Xi Bookstore, located on the 5th floor of Hunan Xinhua Building, is a leisure space that integrates a bookstore, a café, a study room and a cultural salon, one-stop to meet the needs of cultural consumption, where consumers can spend their day.

On the first floor is the bookstore, where books on black bookcases are at your fingertips. According to reports, there are currently more than 30,000 books on sale in the bookstore, including more than 300 publishers and more than 6,000 varieties. The bookstore also breaks the traditional way of displaying bookstores, and has specially set up more than 100 themed book lists: in the "Selected Works of Nobel Prize Winners in Literature", you can get a glimpse of the spiritual world of literary masters, in "Beat Every Bad Day", you can find courage in healing books, and in "Go to a Strange Conversation", you can feel the fantasy stories of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign strange novels. On the second floor, there is a paid study room, one room per person, and a separate private study room, so many customers come to study.

Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

The bookstore will hold reading activities from time to time

There is not only a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for reading, but also a rich and colorful new way of cultural life. In the exhibition hall, the upcoming book sharing activity of "The Gorge River Flows West" is being arranged. "This is a new book by the miner-poet Chen Nianxi, and we hold lectures and book signings for artists, writers, and publishers from time to time. Lu Yao, the planner of Bu Xi Bookstore, introduced that as a new retail demonstration store under Xinhua Bookstore in Hunan Province, the customer flow of the bookstore has been maintained well, and readers can view and sign up for the activities carried out by the bookstore through the small program, which has narrowed the distance between readers and bookstores, readers and readers, and attracted a large number of young people.

Passing by the Baiguoyuan Historical and Cultural District, it is difficult not to be attracted by such a door - next to the huge "Changsha 24 Hours" billboard, the antique Tang style door face is very eye-catching, this is the "Tang girl loves to read" refreshment shop.

Joy Reading Furong Books Full City|Furong District: Characteristic cultural space stimulates new vitality of reading consumption

In the "Tang Girl Loves to Read" store, you can enjoy refreshments while reading and communicating

With wooden style decoration, Tang style paper windows and books on the wall, "Tang girl loves to read" seems to be a pure land in the downtown area. As the Dingwangtai branch of Changsha City Library, readers can directly pick, borrow, and return books at "Tang Girl", or they can sit here for a day and enjoy reading. In addition, the bookstore also provides new Chinese refreshments for readers to taste, integrating reading with social interaction, tea culture, baking, traditional Chinese culture, etc., so that people can feel the charm of culture in a complex consumption environment.

Together with three or two friends, a pot of tea, a few refreshments, a good book, in the quiet of the rich Xili, leisurely enjoy a moment of slow life. "From the beginning, we wanted to create a cultural place with a human touch, and now it is not only a community bookstore, but also a window to foreign culture in ancient streets and alleys, and an experience place for offline salons and cultural exchanges. According to Wang Manling, deputy secretary of Fengquan Gujing Community, the "Tang Girl Loves to Read" refreshment shop has now become an Internet celebrity landmark check-in shop in Fengying Xili, and the store is basically full.

Nowadays, living in the fragrance of books and looking for poetic distances has gradually become the daily life of Furong people, realizing the integration of reading consumption and life. No matter what kind of attempts and innovations, we can feel the huge cultural consumption power surging in Furong District, and the corresponding reading consumption places and markets are also being promoted to upgrade, bringing us more refreshing surprises and experiences.

Source: Furong District Rong Media Center

Editor: Chen Meijuan (intern)

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