
Jiang Han: The old things in the streets of Shuyang City - don't call the director a little daddy

author:Bao Yilong
Jiang Han: The old things in the streets of Shuyang City - don't call the director a little daddy

Jiang Han

Old things in the streets of Shuyang City

Don't call the director a little daddy

In the sixties and seventies of the last century, Shucheng people all knew Dong Dengren, Dong Dengren was the director of the county commercial bureau, he was approachable, willing to do things for others, and he did not have a stand when he saw the people, and he did not play official with his subordinates, he didn't like people to call him Director Dong, so Shucheng people called him Dong Xiaodad, and he accepted it happily. The convention is customary, and everyone unanimously calls him Dong Xiaodad, and after a long time, even his real name has been forgotten.

I know Dong Dengren not only because he is the director of the county commercial bureau and has a certain amount of power, but because he sees his special feature, that is, he is the only person who is allowed to carry a gun among the county's administrative cadres.

Dong Xiaodad is a 49-type worker and peasant cadre, who experienced the rain of bullets, birth and death, and was injured in many parts of his body during the Liberation War. In order to properly settle these outstanding heroes, the county organization department plans to transfer him to the county commercial bureau as the number one leader; in the era of the planned economy, he was in charge of the county's commodities and materials, and in the eyes of others, the director of the commercial bureau was undoubtedly a fat shortage.

Jiang Han: The old things in the streets of Shuyang City - don't call the director a little daddy

Dong Xiaodad does not take being the director of the commercial bureau seriously, he believes that no matter what position he is in, it is revolutionary work, and serving the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of the communists. Do not seek fame and fortune, do not seek self-interest, be honest and honest, and show the good quality of the party's cadres.

When the organization department asked him to hand over his gun before taking up his post, Director Dong became anxious and immediately expressed his attitude: He would rather not go to his hometown to farm land than hand over his gun as a director of the commercial bureau! It is said that the Browning worn by Director Dong was rewarded to him by his commander when he was in the army, and it has a certain peculiarity.

Some say that he saved a certain chief, others say that the gun was the trophy of a captured Kuomintang major, and others say that the leader approved him to wear a gun because he had been the chief of the security section. There are different opinions, no matter what, this gun has been worn on Director Dong for more than 20 years and has not been moved.

How can you agree to ask him to surrender his gun now? Director Dong lost his temper, because this matter was a bit stiff with the organization department for a while. The organization department has not announced that the document has been printed, and Director Dong is not going to work, so he is watching the development of the situation at home.

In the end, the secretary of the county party committee expressed his position and said to Director Dong, we all know that you have a gun, it is a peaceful environment now, and the cadres do not wear guns, considering your special situation, the gun can not be handed over for the time being, but you can't carry it with you, let alone use a firearm without authorization, obey the decision of the county party committee, and you will go to work immediately!

Seeing that the gun was not surrendered, Director Dong agreed to all other conditions, his tightly knit brows relaxed, and happily like a child, he happily went to report to work at the Commercial Bureau.

Jiang Han: The old things in the streets of Shuyang City - don't call the director a little daddy

Dong Xiaodad is a worker and peasant cadre, the education level is not high, he knows the importance of culture for the post, after taking office, actively work, study hard, usually Zhongshan pin a pen pinned to the bag, often read books and newspapers, business system cadres and workers are very respectful of this old leader.

When Dong Xiaodad was in office, it was during the period of the national planned economy, and there was a shortage of materials and commodities, so everything he bought was supplied by ticket. Dong Xiaodad can't hide from relatives and friends to find him, it's nothing more than to make a slip of approval, buy some cigarettes, alcohol, brown sugar, soap or something. This is a trivial matter for the director of commerce, but Dong Xiaodad still adheres to the principle, can hide and hide, and really can't have to make less batches, legend has it that his cousin in the countryside came to him to approve the Grand Canal brand cigarettes, he took out a pen and wrote: This introduction to people to buy cigarettes, please handle it according to the regulations. As a result, my cousin only bought 4 boxes of Huaxin cigarettes, and also took 2 boxes of Datieqiao cigarettes.

The cousin looked unhappy.

It is said that once he met an acquaintance on the street asking for a note, and there was no paper on the spot, so he had an idea, took out a pen, pulled the acquaintance's hand, and wrote in his palm: Comrade Zhang, please sell this person 4 taels of potato dry wine.

This acquaintance couldn't cry or laugh, for fear that this special approval would be soaked in sweat, so he had to raise his hand and go to the tobacco and alcohol company to find Zhang Jiahe, the person in charge of the wine cabinet.

There are too many approvals, Zhang Jiahe is in a hurry, it is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice, what should I do if there is not so much wine supply?

When Dong Xiaodad saw that Zhang Jiahe was worried, he comforted him and said: In the future, if my relatives come to buy wine with my approval slip, they will give 1 tael for 2 taels. Got it?

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer people who came to Dong Xiaodad's approval. Eventually, someone learned the secret. In those days, Dong Xiaopa's wisdom dealt with many relatives and friends. Although everyone was displeased, they still admired him for doing business and refused to go through the back door.

In 1975, in order to settle junior and senior high school graduates, the county decided to establish a youth point in Zhabudang to decentralize unemployed young people from various systems to work.

Jiang Han: The old things in the streets of Shuyang City - don't call the director a little daddy

For the sake of the next generation, he worked tirelessly and personally led the team to jump into the truck to buy building materials one by one.

Once, on a winter night, Dong Xiaodad took the car to Miaotou to haul sand, and had a dispute with someone on the ferry boat, and was pushed into the river and drowned half to death in the chaos. Fortunately, no one was hit, and all three bullets drilled into the south wall of the Miaotou Complex.

Dong Xiaodan has worked hard for the construction of commercial educated youth points, and many commercial points are still fresh in his memory.

Dong Xiaodad is such a person!