
Check the results!

author:Released in Wuxi

Wuxi City 2024

Public institutions uniformly recruit staff in an open manner

The results of the written examination were announced on 22 April

The following describes how to make an inquiry

Check the results!

Inquiry website: (click at the end of the article to read the original article directly)

Consultation telephone: 0510--81880029 review application time: If the candidates have any objections to the test results, they should apply for a review to the personnel examination center of the examination area within 3 days after the results are announced (before 16 o'clock on April 24, 2024).

Scan the QR code for details

In addition, the results of 2024 Jiangsu public institutions have been checked this morning

Check the results!


How to check your scores

Check the results!

Scan the QR code below to check the results


Or log in to Jiangsu Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Network (

Make an inquiry


How to determine your own face

Check the results!

1. The written test score must be passed

The written test score reaches the minimum passing line (generally 50 points), which is subject to the official announcement.

2. The proportion of the ranking into the prescribed number

According to the written test results from high to low scores, the interview object is determined according to the number of recruits, generally a ratio of 1..3. If the candidates who pass the written examination do not reach the prescribed proportion, the interview objects shall be determined according to the actual number of qualified candidates.

Here's an example

If 1 person is recruited for the position to apply for the examination, and the interview ratio is 1:3, then the top 3 in the written test can enter the interview.

If there are 2 positions to apply for, and the interview ratio is 1:3, then the top 6 in the written test can enter the interview.

If 3 positions are recruited and the interview ratio is 1:3, the top 9 in the written test can enter the interview.

The system only publishes individual written test results and rankings, and will not publish other people's. That is to say, you only know whether you are in the interview or not, but you don't know the score difference with competitors in the same position (generally it will be announced before the interview, and the details are subject to the actual situation).

Xiaobu is here

First of all, I wish everyone a successful entry~

Source: Official website of Wuxi Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

Editor: Wuxi Publishing Studio