
A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

author:Butterfly flower rain

Recently, a piece of news has attracted widespread attention: that is, a first-grade class of 46 students in a primary school in Wuhan jointly persuaded a 7-year-old boy to quit.

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

However, this boy has an energy that no one else has, that is, the parents of the whole class hate him and vow to expel him from the class.

And this person who can toss is probably not ordinary, because he is just a new student transferred this semester - Xiao Ming (pseudonym). After only two months in the class, he cleaned up the students in the class, so that the parents were trembling every day.

"Have you been beaten today?" has become a mantra for the parents in this class, because they are really afraid that their children will be hurt again. Is such a day still a stable day?

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

And the children in this class really couldn't bear it any longer, so they poured beans into the bamboo tube and poured beans into the bamboo tube to their parents about the bullying and humiliation they encountered at school-

Sometimes he pulls the girl's hair, sometimes he pushes others, he suddenly attacks the head of a classmate, and he even kicks a male classmate in the crotch three times!

Not only that, Xiao Ming also cursed his classmates with swear words, gave his middle finger to his classmates, provoked his classmates to participate in the brawl, and even said "I just want to bully you, if you dare to sue, I will bully you even more"!

From the description of the parents in the joint petition, we can see that this child is a little devil, and he is violent to any child. And in order to show his prestige, he not only threatened with words, but also fought against his classmates, and he had no scruples at all. How else can such a child be educated?

I think that before the parents handed in the joint petition, they must have communicated with the teachers and parents countless times. And such efforts had no effect, so the parents couldn't bear it anymore, so they chose to use the form of a joint petition to force Xiao Ming, the little devil, to retreat.

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

As far as this is concerned, there is nothing wrong with what these parents are doing. We can't protect one child and prevent other children from going to school with peace of mind. In the past, the years were quiet, but his joining became a chicken feather, such a situation, which parent is willing to accept it? And parents want Xiao Ming to drop out, there is also their reason, it can be said that the reason why Xiao Ming transferred here is because he has no way to stay in the original school, so there is such a result.

If he could be dissuaded from other schools, why did we become a backstabber here? If he was allowed to stay here and hurt a class of students, what reason did he have to stay here?

In order to calm things down, the school let Xiao Ming go home, and the head teacher and a teacher gave him online lessons. However, this is not the solution to the problem after all, after all, Xiao Ming has the right to education, and homeschooling does not comply with the provisions of the current compulsory education law.

So, how to solve this problem? The doctor's diagnosis is that he has neither mental illness nor ADHD, and is a normal child. In this context, Xiao Ming should go back to school.

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

However, parents are reluctant because no parent wants to see their child in the shadow of bullying all day long. I'm only in the first grade of elementary school, and I still have six years to live? Aren't parents going to live in fear every day?

Now, however, the parents have chosen to reconcile, and Xiao Ming will return to school after the May Day holiday. Why would parents choose to compromise? They must be helpless, after all, seven-year-olds have the right to compulsory education.

And can this kind of reconciliation change Xiao Ming's behavior? I'm afraid nothing has changed, and the hearts of parents should always be hanging in the air.

And netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter-

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

"This child has the right to education, so the other 46 children have to give in? It is not advisable to ignore the education rights of the other 46 children for the sake of one child!"

"Parents must accompany the students, otherwise how to ensure the safety of other children. When he harms someone, the Law on the Protection of Minors will protect him from punishment, and who will protect the minor victim?"

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

"How should this kind of child be educated well, otherwise the chicken and dog will be restless, and whose child is not the meat of the heart? ”

The students all banded together to beat the little bunny. Beat him hard and you'll have a long memory. ”

The school did not give a solution, and the parents were helpless in addition to worrying, this is really a speechless situation!

A 7-year-old boy was persuaded by 46 parents to quit and went to school after May Day, who will ensure the safety of the other children?

Dear readers, who will ensure the safety of the other children when a 7-year-old boy was dissuaded by 46 parents and goes to school after May Day?

[I am Butterfly Flower Rain Education, focusing on current affairs and the latest education trends, and I like to express my thoughts and thoughts in words. Friends who like me, please follow me: Butterfly Flower Rain Talk Education]

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