
Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

author:The commune was broadcast in the early morning

Traditional Chinese costumes are like a flowing historical picture, depicting the elegance of the ancients. With the change of the times, the fashion of each period has left a unique mark on traditional clothing. On April 20th, a grand "National Silk Hanfu Festival • Ancient Charm and Modern Style" event kicked off at the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou. Hanfu lovers from all over the world gathered together to participate in the grand event.

Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

Chinese and foreign Hanfu enthusiasts from different regions will carry out three-dimensional displays of traditional Chinese culture in the form of seminars, Hanfu displays, tea art and guqin exchange meetings. The event was very lively, and lovers dressed in all kinds of gorgeous Hanfu appeared one after another, either as light and elegant as a fairy, or as solemn and elegant as a queen, and the beauty of Hanfu was perfectly displayed on them.

Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu
Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

The "fashion red carpet" link was set up in the hall in an ingenious way, and the audience wore fashionable Hanfu and walked around, leaving amazing moments on the red carpet. They shared their love for the beauty of Hanfu with like-minded friends, and witnessed the inheritance and innovation of Hanfu culture together.

Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu
Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

When night falls, the night of Hanfu opens brightly. The well-known Hanfu performance team brought the theme catwalk of "Ancient Charm and Modern Style", which skillfully integrated traditional Hanfu with modern fashion. The audience seemed to travel through time and space and appreciated the infinite charm and possibility of Hanfu culture.

Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu
Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

The initiative of "wearing Hanfu of life and enjoying the charm of the past and the present" echoed in the night sky. Hanfu, as an artistic treasure of excellent traditional Chinese culture, carries the unique aesthetic pursuit and national character of the Chinese nation. In the evolution and innovation of the current diversified lifestyle, the new "clothing revolution" has injected new vitality and infinite possibilities into the wearing scenes, collocation methods, expression styles and aesthetic trends of Hanfu.

Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu
Marvel, Hanfu can be so fashionable!2024 National Silk Hanfu Festival, the colorful movement of Hanfu

This grand event is not only a feast of traditional culture, but also an in-depth excavation and inheritance of Hanfu culture. It allows us to see the new life of Hanfu in modern society, and also makes us more determined to love and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture.