
When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!


Buying a car, for many people, is a big deal. Walking into the 4S store, in the face of a dazzling array of models and the enthusiastic recommendation of the sales staff, do you feel a little lost? Today, I want to tell you that when buying a car, even if the sales staff of the 4S store obstructs you in every possible way, there are three places that you must carefully check. Otherwise, it will be too late to regret the loss after buying a car!

When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!

1. Vehicle appearance and details

First of all, don't rush to get in the car for a test drive, first go around the car a few times and carefully observe the appearance of the vehicle. Inspect the body for scratches, dents, etc., especially the corners and bottom. At the same time, open the door and check whether the gap between the door and the body is even, and whether there is any abnormal noise when the door is closed. These details reflect the quality of the vehicle.

When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!

2. Vehicle interior and configuration

Once inside the car, don't be fooled by the luxurious interior and rich equipment. Carefully inspect the seats, steering wheel, center console, and other components for wear and tear or defects. In addition, test whether the audio, air conditioning, navigation and other configurations are working properly. Don't forget to check the trunk to see if the spare tire, tools, etc. are complete.

3. Vehicle chassis and engine

When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!

If possible, ask the salesperson to lift the car up and check the chassis. Check the chassis for rust, oil and other problems. At the same time, open the hood to observe whether the engine has oil leakage, dust accumulation and other phenomena. If possible, you can also start the vehicle and listen to the sound of the engine.

When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!

Buying a car is not a trivial matter, and it must be treated with caution. Don't be fooled by the salespeople of the 4S shop, stick to your principles and carefully check every detail of the vehicle. Only in this way can you ensure that you buy a satisfactory car and avoid regretting losses in the future. If you find this suggestion helpful, don't forget to like and share it with more friends!

When buying a car, even if the 4S store is blocked, these places must be checked!