
I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and tearfully summarized the lesson of blood and tears, and I went to travel to Qiannan to read this one

author:Dashing lamb

Source of this article: Taken from readers' contributions!!

I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and tearfully summarized the lesson of blood and tears, and I went to travel to Qiannan to read this one

I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and was full of emotion. This trip, although there were some hiccupes, but overall, I gained a lot. Today, I will share with you the lessons of my blood and tears from this trip, hoping to help you.

First of all, I want to say that when traveling to Qiannan, the transportation must be planned in advance. I originally thought that I could go directly by train, but when I arrived at the train station, I found that there were very few trains to Qiannan, and it was difficult to grab tickets. In the end, I had to choose a long-distance bus, and the road was bumpy for eight hours, which was really miserable. Therefore, it is recommended that you must check the traffic information in advance, and it is best to buy tickets in advance to avoid being in a hurry at that time.

I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and tearfully summarized the lesson of blood and tears, and I went to travel to Qiannan to read this one

When I arrived in Qiannan, the first stop I went to Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village. The scenery is indeed beautiful, but there are also a lot of tourists. Especially on holidays, people are crowded, and you can't take the picture you want when you take pictures. Moreover, the commercial atmosphere in the village is also very strong, and many shops sell souvenirs and souvenirs, and the prices are not cheap. Therefore, if you want to go to Xijiang Thousand Miao Village, it is recommended that you choose to go on a non-holiday basis, so as to better experience the customs of Miao Village.

Next, I went to Libo Xiaoqikong. The scenery of the mountains and rivers there is really beautiful, however, the facilities in the scenic area are somewhat unsatisfactory. Some sections of the road are so narrow that you can't walk at all when there are a lot of people. Moreover, the price of the restaurant in the scenic area is not cheap, and a bowl of noodles costs dozens of yuan. Therefore, I suggest that before going to Libo Xiaoqikong, it is best to bring some dry food and drinks for emergencies.

In the process of playing, I also noticed some other minor issues. For example, the tour guide service of some attractions is not standardized, some tour guides will even force tourists to shop, and the ticket price of some attractions is too high, which makes people feel that it is not worth it. Therefore, I suggest that everyone should be vigilant in the process of playing, and do not be deceived by some unscrupulous merchants and tour guides.

I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and tearfully summarized the lesson of blood and tears, and I went to travel to Qiannan to read this one

As for the cost, my trip cost me about 3,000 yuan. Among them, the cost of transportation accounted for a large part, because I didn't plan in advance, so I spent a little more money. In terms of accommodation, I chose a mid-range hotel with relatively reasonable prices but average conditions. In terms of dining, I tried the local specialties as much as possible, but there were some places where the prices were on the high side. In addition, I also bought some souvenirs and souvenirs, which also added some expenses.

Here, I would like to remind you that the prices in southern Qiannan are not low, especially in the tourist season, and the prices are even higher. Therefore, everyone must make a good budget before traveling, and leave a certain amount of leeway, so as not to be overstretched when the time comes.

In addition, I would like to share some tips from my travels. For example, when visiting scenic spots, try to avoid the high temperature in the middle of the day to avoid heat stroke, when taking photos, you can try to find some different angles and compositions to take more distinctive photos, and when shopping, you can ask the prices of several shops and compare them before deciding to buy.

In general, although there were some twists and turns in this trip to southern Qiannan, I also gained a lot. I felt the beauty of nature and the charm of people, and I also realized the difficulties and places that need to be paid attention to during travel. I hope that these lessons of my blood and tears can be helpful to everyone, so that everyone can have a smoother and more enjoyable trip in the future.

I just came back from a trip to Qiannan and tearfully summarized the lesson of blood and tears, and I went to travel to Qiannan to read this one

In conclusion, I would like to say that travel is not only about seeing the scenery, but also about experiencing life and feeling life. Therefore, in the process of traveling, we should not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also pay attention to the people and things around us, and experience and feel with our hearts. In this way, we can truly reap the meaning and value of travel.

I hope this article can be helpful to friends who are about to travel to Qiannan. On the way to travel, may we all be full of harvest and live up to this trip.

Note: The costs and experiences mentioned in this article are based on individual circumstances and are for reference only, and actual travel costs and experiences may vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. When planning your trip, please budget and arrange according to your actual situation. Like and support, thank you for your attention, and walk with you every moment!

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