
The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

author:Birds of struggle

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The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

My name is Zhang Xiaowei, an ordinary office worker. My job is unremarkable, and I live a 9-to-5 life every day, which is plain and regular. However, one day, I had an experience that I will never forget.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

The story takes place on a weekend afternoon. I received a phone call from Xiao Liu, a classmate from junior high school. We haven't been in touch for years, and I was a little surprised to hear his voice, but I also felt a little kind. He said he was waiting for me at a nearby coffee shop and wanted to talk to me about the past. I agreed to him, and although I was a little apprehensive, I decided to meet him.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

When I arrived at the coffee shop, Xiao Liu was already sitting there waiting for me. His smile was still bright, as if time had never left a mark on his face. We hugged each other a little and then started chatting about the past. Recalling the bits and pieces of the first middle school, we all feel that time flies too quickly, as if decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

The conversation went on happily until Xiao Liu offered to invite me to dinner. I was going to refuse, after all, I already had dinner planned. However, Xiao Liu insisted very strongly, saying that he had not seen him for many years, and he must get together well. In the end, I was impressed by his enthusiasm and agreed to go to dinner with him.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

We chose a nearby restaurant and started our dinner. The atmosphere of the chat is still very harmonious, and we talk and laugh happily, as if we have returned to the happy times of our youth. However, just when I was in a good mood, I got a phone call. It was an urgent notice from the company that there was an important task that I needed to deal with immediately. I was shocked, and hurriedly apologized to Xiao Liu, saying that I would leave for a while and deal with the company's affairs.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

I hurried back to the office and had a busy night. It wasn't until late at night that I was able to breathe a sigh of relief that the matter was finally settled. I felt a little regretful because I had let Xiao Liu's enthusiasm and let him wait for me alone in the restaurant. I thought I'd call him later and apologize to him.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

However, just as I was about to call him, my phone rang suddenly. It was Xiao Liu who called. I answered the phone and heard his anxious voice. It turned out that he had just received an emergency call and learned that his father had suddenly fallen ill and needed him to rush home immediately. He said he was sorry and couldn't eat with me anymore and hoped I understood.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

I listened to the phone and felt a sour feeling in my heart. I didn't expect Xiao Liu to encounter such a thing, and I felt a little guilty and distressed. I remembered the smile on his face just now, and the scene when he insisted on inviting me to dinner, and I suddenly felt a little lucky. Luckily I had something to delay, otherwise I might have been infected by his enthusiasm and followed him to the restaurant, missing out on an important moment with him.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

I silently blessed Xiao Liu and his father in my heart, hoping that they could get through this difficult time smoothly. Although I didn't go to meet him, I'm sure our friendship will last forever. This experience taught me that sometimes things happen that we can't control, but it's important that we treat everyone with gratitude and understanding.

The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it

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The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it
The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it
The classmates who haven't been dating for many years have a treat, and I didn't have something to do temporarily, and then I shouted: Fortunately, I didn't fall for it