
Why sales positions are becoming more and more popular

author:Easy Job State HR

  Friends who are looking for a job should have a deep understanding, once you open a recruitment website or recruitment software, the top of the list or push the most for you is the recruitment information of sales positions, and even many clerical jobs have the nature of sales, which is really brain-headed.

  So why is this happening? To briefly summarize some of my personal views:

  1. Sales is a typical position with low threshold, large flow, great demand and normalization of demand. Every enterprise and company will have a sales department, and the sales department is the most direct department that can bring direct benefits to the enterprise and the company. Although many sales positions have extremely low requirements for academic qualifications, work experience, etc., many people may think that sales is not to sell the east, it is an individual can do, but the sales work is indeed a good job in all aspects of quality, comprehensive ability is very good people to do a good job, especially in the case of probationary period wages are not high and the learning pressure is large, not everyone who is recruited can be competent, can adapt and stick to it, resulting in a huge flow of posts. So you will find that many companies and companies are basically recruiting sales positions throughout the year.

  2, the reputation of "sales" has been played by many enterprises and companies

  For example, the financial and insurance industries are an industry that has been labeled, many people hear the sales of these two industries, the first reaction is unfriendly, and even associated with words such as "scammer" and "pyramid scheme", sales are just to sell things.

  Such cases have deterred many people who want to enter the sales industry, and many people in the sales industry have chosen to quit.

Why sales positions are becoming more and more popular

  3. Internal management issues of enterprises and companies

  Many enterprises and companies do not have systematic management and training for sales. Chicken-blood management. 365 days to give you "chicken soup", "draw a big pie", and even many companies for sales support, only salary temptation and brainwashing. Most small and medium-sized enterprises do not even understand their own products, firmly believe that the opening of the bill to collect money on their own success, coupled with the sales really need a strong ability to resist pressure, can not stick to the should go.

  4, many people looking for a job the first choice will not be sales

  It is undeniable that sales is indeed a position that can make money, can accumulate contacts, can improve their horizons, can exercise comprehensive ability, etc., is a good way for young people to quickly realize their wealth freedom. But in the job search process, a considerable number of people prefer to work in positions such as civilian jobs that seem relatively easy.

  There are really very few "gold medal sales" that are done well, but no matter what profession you are engaged in and what position you are in, you should first have a correct attitude and have a full understanding of the profession and position you are engaged in.

  90% of the world's bosses are from sales backgrounds, and doing sales is the most motivating industry. Doing sales can not only contact people from all walks of life, but also accumulate contacts, and the experience learned will be of greater help to their future development.

  Doing sales is a science, and making a good sales requires unremitting learning and hard work, so what does sales look like in your eyes? Would you like to work in sales?  Friends who are looking for a job should have a deep understanding, once you open a recruitment website or recruitment software, the top of the list or push the most for you is the recruitment information of sales positions, and even many clerical jobs have the nature of sales, which is really brain-headed.

Why sales positions are becoming more and more popular

  Why is this happening? To briefly summarize some of my personal views:

Why sales positions are becoming more and more popular

  Doing sales is a science, and making a good sales requires unremitting learning and hard work, so what does sales look like in your eyes? Would you like to work in sales?