
The defense minister spoke with the US secretary of state on the phone to seek the US waiver of sanctions and the chief of the general staff approved the launch of military operations

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Today, we bring you an important piece of news! According to reliable information, the Israeli Defense Minister made an urgent phone call with the US Secretary of State. The purpose of the call was to persuade the U.S. government to abandon sanctions against Israel. Recently, the Israeli government decided to continue the military operation, but it has received widespread attention and criticism from the international community. In order to resolve the current crisis situation, Israel hopes for the understanding and support of the United States.


The Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Army approved the continuation of the military operation

Earlier, the chief of the General Staff of the Israeli military had already approved plans for the continuation of the military operation. The decision has sparked global fears of an escalation of the conflict. Despite international pressure, the Government of Israel firmly believes that national security and border stability can be maintained only through strong means.

The defense minister spoke with the US secretary of state on the phone to seek the US waiver of sanctions and the chief of the general staff approved the launch of military operations

At present, more than 1.5 million innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip have reportedly taken refuge in Rafah. This is a harrowing figure and a reminder of the tragic consequences of war.

The defense minister spoke with the US secretary of state on the phone to seek the US waiver of sanctions and the chief of the general staff approved the launch of military operations

Israeli Prime Minister: Soon there will be more fierce blows against Hamas!

The Israeli Prime Minister issued an urgent statement announcing that he would launch more fierce strikes against the Hamas organization! He stressed that protecting the lives and property of his own citizens is the top priority of the Israeli Government and will not tolerate any form of terrorist attacks and threats.

The defense minister spoke with the US secretary of state on the phone to seek the US waiver of sanctions and the chief of the general staff approved the launch of military operations

We are well aware that military operations inevitably result in casualties, regardless of the side. However, Israel firmly believes that it is only through strong retaliation that it can effectively combat the forces of terrorism and ensure the security of its own people.

We hope that in this tense situation, all parties will remain calm and restrained, resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue, and avoid more innocent sacrifices. Peace and stability are everyone's aspirations and the cornerstone of human progress.

That's all for the latest news we bring to you. Stay tuned as we bring you more updates.

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