
Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

author:Sister Min talks about pension

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

Last night, I saw a post saying that on 19 April, a septuagenarian lady and an octogenarian lady in Tieling, Liaoning Province, died after a quarrel and fight! This incident is not only a tragedy for two families, but also a wake-up call for the entire society. It makes us deeply realize that whether we are young or gray-haired, we should learn to control our emotions, cherish peace, and not let the impulse ruin our own lives and the lives of others.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!
Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

The ancients said: "Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and open the sky." This sentence embodies the wisdom of the ancients and admonishes us to learn to be patient and give in when faced with conflicts and contradictions. In modern society, as the pace of life accelerates, people seem to be more and more likely to lose patience and control their emotions. This incident is a living example of the need for us to learn to control our emotions and avoid making irreparable mistakes on the spur of the moment, no matter how young we are.

Confucius once said, "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is one of the core of Confucianism and a basic principle of interpersonal communication. In real life, it's easy to forget this. In this incident, if the two old people could understand and tolerate each other, maybe this tragedy would not have happened. It's a pity that they chose to use violence to solve the problem, and ultimately hurt others and themselves.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

In addition to controlling emotions and adhering to interpersonal principles, older adults need to learn to communicate effectively. Shakespeare once said, "Communication is the bridge of the heart." "Only through effective communication can we better understand each other's thoughts and feelings, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. In this incident, if the two old men can sit down and communicate calmly, they may be able to resolve the contradictions and misunderstandings between them.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

Of course, we can't just put the blame on individuals. Society should also assume some responsibility. As a vulnerable group in society, the mental health and quality of life of the elderly are equally important. We should care for and support them by building a sound social support system. As Mencius said, "The old and the old of the people." "We should treat every elderly person as our own family and give them the respect and care they deserve.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

In addition, the family and social environment also have an important impact on the mental health of older adults. A harmonious and warm family environment can make the elderly feel the warmth and support of family affection, while a family environment full of contradictions and conflicts can make the elderly feel lonely and helpless. Therefore, we should strive to create a harmonious and fraternal family and social environment so that the elderly can live a happy and peaceful life in their old age.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

The incident also made us aware of the importance of mental health in the elderly. As they age, older adults may face challenges such as declining physical functioning, changing social roles, and the death of loved ones. These changes can have an impact on the mental health of older adults. Therefore, we should pay attention to the mental health problems of the elderly, and find and help them solve psychological problems in a timely manner.

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

In closing, I would like to say that this incident is a profound lesson. It admonishes us to learn to control our emotions and cherish a peaceful life no matter what stage of life we are in. Especially in old age, we should learn to let go of our obsessions and enjoy the beauty of life. After all, life is short, so why not be a little indulgent and open-minded? Just as Su Shi said: "Life is like knowing everywhere? It should be like Feihong stepping on slush and snow." "Let's cherish every moment and enjoy every good time!

Seventy-year-old lady and octogenarian old lady quarrel and fight, and one died!

On this basis, we should also think deeply about how to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents at the root. Educational, cultural, and legal dimensions require our attention and efforts. By strengthening moral education, we can cultivate people's empathy and tolerance; by promoting excellent traditional culture, we can promote the Chinese nation's virtues of harmony, respect, purity, and silence; and by improving laws and regulations, we can provide more legal protection and channels for the elderly to protect their rights.