
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?
Attention! These social security knowledge to be solved: where to check the pension information in the future?

In the courtyard at noon in summer, the sunlight shines through the treetops and dappled on the bluestone slabs. Ah Xing sat on a stone bench in the shade of a tree, fiddling with his mobile phone in his hand, his brows furrowed.

"Ah Xing, what's wrong with you? The mother came out of the house and asked with concern.

Ah Xing glanced up at his mother and sighed, "Mom, I'm checking the information on pension payments, but I can't find it." ”

"Aren't you yet of retirement age?" the mother was a little puzzled.

"No, I checked it for my neighbor Uncle Zhang. He has not been in good health recently, and his mobility is not convenient, so let me help see if the pension has arrived. Ah Xing explained.

Mother nodded, "Oh, I see. Have you asked the social security department?"

"I asked, but their reply was always vague, saying that it was a system upgrade, so I asked me to be patient. Ah Xing said with some dissatisfaction.

Mother frowned, "It's really a little inconvenient. However, now that society is developing so fast, many things are changing, and we have to adapt. ”

Ah Xing sighed, "Yes, I know. It's just that Uncle Zhang is old and doesn't know much about these new technologies and policies, so I thought I could help him solve this problem. ”

As he spoke, his father came out of the house and overheard the conversation between the two.

Now the state is promoting the reform and improvement of the social security system, and a lot of information is gradually being queried and handled online. Father said.

Ah Xing's eyes lit up, "Really, isn't that convenient?"

"Yes, and as technology develops, there will be more facilitation measures in the future. For example, through face recognition, fingerprint recognition and other technologies to verify identity, so that the elderly can also easily operate. Father explained.

Ah Xing's heart moved after hearing this, as if he saw the hope of solving the problem, "Then I want to take a good look at these new technologies and see if I can help Uncle Zhang solve the problem." ”

Mother and father looked at each other and smiled, their eyes shining with relief. They know that Ah Xing is always helpful, especially when it comes to the elderly.

In the following days, Ah Xing began to get busy. He consulted a lot of information on the reform of the social security system and the application of new technologies on the Internet, and also went to the social security department to consult relevant staff. After some hard work, he finally found a platform where he could check pension payment information online.

Ah Xing rushed to Uncle Zhang's house and told him the good news. Uncle Zhang was very happy when he heard this, and hurriedly asked Ah Xing to help him operate it. Ah Xing patiently guided Uncle Zhang to register, log in and inquire about the operation, and after a while, the pension distribution information was clearly displayed on the screen.

"Great! I finally don't have to worry about my pension. Uncle Zhang said excitedly.

Ah Xing also felt very happy, "Yes, now that technology is so developed, our lives will become more and more convenient in the future." ”

Through this experience, Ah Xing deeply experienced the convenience and gospel brought by the reform of the social security system and the application of new technologies to the elderly. He also realized that as a young person, he should pay more attention to social development and the needs of the elderly, and actively provide help and support to them.

Over time, Ah Xing has not only helped more elderly people solve social security problems, but also actively participated in various volunteer service activities organized by the community. He used his actions to interpret the traditional virtues of "the old and the old", and also gained more growth and insight.

On a sunny afternoon, Ah Xing sat on a stone bench in the courtyard again, looking back on the experience of this time. His heart was filled with emotion and hope. He knows that with the progress of society and the development of science and technology, life will be better and more convenient in the future. And he will continue to use his own strength to contribute to the society.

The summer sun shone on Ah Xing's face, warm and bright. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he could feel the hope and beauty of the future. In this era of change and opportunity, he believes that as long as everyone does their part, they can create a better future together.

At the same time, Ah Xing also knows that whether it is the query of pension information or other issues related to social security, a transparent, efficient and convenient system is needed to support. He expects the state to continue to promote the reform and improvement of the social security system, so that every citizen can enjoy fair and sustainable social security.

In this process, Ah Xing also saw his own responsibility and mission. He decided to keep learning new knowledge and skills in order to better serve his community and the elderly. He believes that through his own efforts and dedication, he will be able to contribute more to the development of society.

As the years passed, Ah Xing's story became a good story in the community. His kindness and dedication have infected more and more people, and also inspired more people to pay attention to the living needs of the elderly and participate in social welfare undertakings.

And Ah Xing himself has also reaped endless happiness and satisfaction in the process. He knows that everything he does is worth it because he sees the change and progress that his efforts have brought about.

In the days to come, Ah Xing will continue to practice social responsibility and responsibility with his own actions. He believes that with the joint efforts of everyone, the society will become more harmonious and beautiful. And he himself will continue to grow and progress in the process, and become a better person.

Finally, when Ah Xing sat on the stone bench in the courtyard again, looking back at the past and looking forward to the future, his heart was full of gratitude and hope. He is grateful for the opportunities and challenges given to him by this era, and also for those who have struggled and grown together with him. And for the future, he is full of expectations and confidence. He knows that as long as there is love, faith and courage in his heart, he will be able to create a better tomorrow.