
Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

author:Literary stories say

There are heated discussions: Haixia's "resignation" has attracted attention - the famous CCTV host Haixia is in the limelight!

Recently, CCTV announced the latest version of the host list, which aroused the enthusiastic attention of the audience. Keen netizens found that although Dong Qing and Zhu Xun, who had been rumored to have "disappeared" for a long time, were still among them, however, as an iconic figure in "News Network", Haixia's name mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

Ms. Haixia, as the veteran host of CCTV's recognized authoritative news program "News Network", has long served as the host of the "façade" of the program. Her professional and rigorous hosting style, as well as her humble and decent demeanor, are deeply imprinted in the hearts of every audience.

Therefore, when the news of her sudden "resignation" was learned, many viewers were deeply regretful and confused. However, just when everyone was discussing Haixia's whereabouts, sharp-eyed netizens discovered that Haixia did not really leave the screen, but quietly transformed into behind-the-scenes work, and was promoted to important positions such as deputy director of the host management center.

She has not only won CCTV's high recognition and praise for her hard work over the years, but also opened up a new stage for herself to devote herself to public welfare.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

As a CCTV host, Haixia's professionalism has been widely known since she joined the company in 1993. Today, although she is no longer active in front of the camera, with her rich experience and unique personality charm, Haixia still enjoys a high status in the hearts of the audience and future hosts, and can be called a model for everyone to learn.

Her career can be described as a passionate workplace inspirational legend, which is worthy of our in-depth discussion and recollection.

Warm and sweet: Haixia and her husband Luo Yongzhang's romantic encounter and love story

When it comes to Haixia's happy family life now, it is naturally inseparable from her love with her husband Luo Yongzhang.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

It turned out that when Haixia was 27 years old, her parents began to worry about her marriage. However, fate often needs to be predestined in the dark before it can come quietly.

At an ordinary colleague party, Haixia and Luo Yongzhang, who was 11 years older than herself, met unexpectedly. At the time, the colleague who introduced the two acquaintances thought that given the large age gap, they might not be able to cross paths.

However, what was unexpected was that Haixia and Luo Yongzhang hit it off at first sight when they first met, and they talked happily, so that everyone present could feel the fiery enthusiasm surging between them.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

In fact, Luo Yongzhang, who was 38 years old at that time, has always focused on the field of oncology scientific research, and has nothing to do with emotional matters. However, the moment he met Haixia, deep down he couldn't help but be deeply attracted by her wonderful temperament, and even germinated the idea of wanting to spend the rest of his life together.

And Haixia was also attracted by Luo Yongzhang's introverted, calm, focused and serious personality, and became interested in this kind and simple man. On the way to send Haixia home, she skillfully said to Luo Yongzhang the words "I really went upstairs", which made him, who had always been silent, muster up the courage to ask Haixia for contact information.

In the following two months, the two interacted online, and their relationship grew naturally like spring rain. The love for Haixia can not be concealed, once Haixia went to Shandong on a business trip, Luo Yongzhang carefully planned an ingenious marriage proposal ceremony - using countless dominoes to piece together the words "Haixia, Luo Yongzhang has loved you for 100 years".

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

When Haixia witnessed this romantic scene, tears instantly welled up in her eyes, her heart was full of emotion, and she accepted Luo Yongzhang's marriage proposal without hesitation. A year later, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Learn from mistakes to treat others with sincerity

Although Haixia now enjoys a high reputation and is highly respected in the hosting industry, her road to success did not happen overnight. Looking back at her early career, it is not difficult to see that she also made unintentional mistakes, but it was these mistakes that allowed her to learn valuable life lessons.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

In 1993, Haixia, who had just graduated from the broadcasting department and joined CCTV, happened to catch up with the major reform of "Evening News" from recording to broadcasting. As a newcomer, she naturally needs to face more severe work pressure and challenges than recording and broadcasting.

As expected, during a live broadcast, Haixia was preparing to broadcast the news, but unexpectedly found that she had taken the broadcast script by mistake.

At that time, she could only say "I'm sorry" to the camera with a little embarrassment, and then quickly found the right manuscript and continued to complete the broadcast. It wasn't until the end of the show that Haixia was able to take a breather, but she didn't expect that this trivial mistake would trigger a deep reflection and question about her professionalism.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

For a long time, Haixia has had a high degree of self-demand, and any slight negligence is an unacceptable gross fault in her eyes. Therefore, after the curtain came down on the day's work, Haixia could not suppress the decadent emotions in her heart, and when everyone did not notice it, she actually cried and sobbed lonely.

The incident hit Haixia hard and made her think deeply about whether she was truly qualified to take on this noble and professional job. However, just a few years later, by chance, she received an unexpected response from a viewer.

It turned out that the audience at that time also witnessed Haixia's "I'm sorry", but he did not doubt Haixia's ability because of this, but gave her high praise.

Haixia, the "disappeared" CCTV host, has already embarked on another avenue!

The audience member said that Haixia's sincere apology just shows her respect for her work and respect for the audience, and it is this sincere attitude that is most worthy of our affirmation and appreciation.

Since then, Haixia has suddenly realized that her occasional mistakes in her work are actually due to her being overly involved and maintaining an extremely rigorous and serious attitude towards every matter.

And this persistent pursuit of work is precisely the professionalism she should have as an excellent host, with such an understanding, Haixia will be more handy in her future work, full of confidence and sincerity.

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