
Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death


Behind the glory of the emperor and the generals, there is the tragic fate of countless unknown palace maids. They were born to be chosen by fate, entered the deep palace, and since then they have been isolated from the outside world and live in a world full of power and conspiracy. In this world, they are both servants and victims. Is their life really just like livestock, to be slaughtered? Is their death really uncared for, like a mustard? Today, let us go behind the curtain of history and explore the real lives of those forgotten palace maids. Will their stories tell us some untold secrets?

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

The selection of the palace maid and the beginning of life

In ancient times, the selection of palace maids was a solemn and mysterious state affair. Most of them came from commoner families, mostly between the ages of 10 and 14, and were considered pure and flawless enough to serve the Son of Heaven. In the selection process, officials go deep into the people and select according to strict criteria, not only for physical appearance, but also for family background, physical health and moral performance.

The chosen girl, often unknowingly, is forced to say goodbye to her family and embark on a one-way road to the deep palace. Their lives have been turned upside down. At the beginning of their entry into the palace, they were shaved off their long hair and put on uniform palace clothes, which signified that they had become part of the palace. Here, they received strict etiquette training, learning how to walk, how to speak, and how to serve their superiors, with every movement in accordance with court rules.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

The accommodation conditions of the ladies were very different from the homes they once had. They were housed in a special palace maid's quarter, living in a modest dormitory, where their daily routines were strictly monitored. In these dormitories, they are the companions of each other and face the unknown future together. The lives of the palace ladies were set in great detail, and every moment was arranged in an orderly manner, from getting up to going to bed.

In the palace, the status of the palace ladies was low, and their work was trivial and heavy. They were responsible for cleaning the palace and providing daily services for the members of the royal family, such as grooming, dressing, eating, etc. In addition to these daily tasks, the court ladies also participated in various court ceremonies, such as sacrifices, banquets, etc., and their figures were everywhere, but they seemed to be invisible.

The life of the ladies of the court is not a single work of service, they also have to face power struggles in the court. Some of them may soar in status overnight because they are favored by the royal family, while others may be severely punished for breaking taboos. In this world full of intrigue and conspiracy, the palace ladies must always be vigilant to keep their meager living space.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

The life of the ladies is not entirely passive. In the corners of the court, they will also find their own little pleasures. In their spare time, they interact with each other and share each other's stories and dreams. Some of them will even secretly study literature and painting as a way to express their inner emotions and yearning for a better life.

However, no matter how hard the ladies try to adapt, their lives are always full of uncertainty. Their fate, from the moment they were chosen, was no longer their own. Can their future be changed? Can their dreams be realized? These questions gradually disappear into the long river of history with their stories.

The daily duties and challenges of the palace maid in the palace

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

In the deep palace compound of the ancient imperial palace, the presence of the palace ladies is not well known to the outside world, but their daily lives are full of endless duties and unforeseen challenges. The work of the ladies was not limited to day-to-day service, but also involved the complex interpersonal relationships and marginal power struggles in the court.

The basic duties of the court maid included providing various services to the members of the royal family in their daily lives. These services range from the most basic dietary routines to complex ceremonial activities. Every morning, the ladies had to wake up early to prepare breakfast for the royals, which included careful selection of ingredients, cooking and plating. In addition to this, they are also responsible for taking care of the royal family's clothes, including washing, ironing and organizing the wardrobe.

During certain festivals or celebrations, the ladies also needed to participate in more elaborate court etiquette. They had to set up the banquet venue with great care, ensuring that every piece of utensils and decoration was in accordance with the specifications of the palace. The work of the ladies was especially important on these occasions, and any small mistake could cause resentment and even severe punishment.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

However, the daily life of the ladies was not only about obedience and obedience, they also had to face various challenges from within the court. The court was a place of intrigue and intrigue, and the ladies were often part of these struggles, whether intentional or not. They may be forced to be the eyes of a powerful minister or concubine, spy on the actions of other palace officials, or even participate in more complex power plays.

In addition, court ladies had a lower status in the palace and often faced sexual harassment or abuse from those in higher positions. Without any rights or voice, they can only endure in silence, because any form of resistance can lead to serious consequences, including being sent to the cold or worse.

In the daily life of the palace ladies, the relationship between them is also complex and changeable. Although their shared fate has led them to form a mutually supportive relationship to some extent, they can also become competitors to each other in such a competitive environment as the court. Some court ladies may betray their companions in order to obtain better treatment or higher status, or choose to protect themselves rather than others at critical moments.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

Despite all the difficulties and challenges, the palace ladies still found their own way of survival. In a corner of the court, they established a unique sisterhood through communication and sharing. They sang together, told stories, and even secretly exchanged news about the outside world, which became a ray of solace in their harsh lives.

Although the life of court ladies is full of endless duties and challenges, their presence is indispensable to the functioning of the court. They silently shoulder responsibilities and face challenges, supporting the daily life of the entire palace and the vast court machinery in an almost invisible way.

The palace maid's personal emotional world and secret life

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

In the depths of the ancient imperial palace, although the lives of the palace ladies were strictly regulated, they still managed to find their own emotional world and a glimmer of freedom in the hidden corners of the court. Although the identities and duties of the ladies limited their contact with the outside world, their inner world and secret life were rich and complex.

In the daily life of the court, in addition to performing daily service tasks, court ladies will also look for opportunities to carry out some personal activities in their spare time. These activities, though simple, are a way for them to find solace in the repetitive and monotonous life of life. For example, they may secretly get together in the middle of the night, when the rest of the court is resting, to exchange stories and dreams with each other.

The friendship between the ladies of the court is an important part of their emotional world. With a common living environment and a similar fate, they rely on each other and establish a deep emotional bond. This friendship is not only based on shared experiences, but also deepens through mutual support and understanding. This friendship was especially prized in such a competitive and stressful environment as the court, which provided emotional support and psychological comfort to the ladies.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

In addition to communicating with their companions, the ladies also carried out some cultural activities in the hidden corners of the court. Some of them may learn calligraphy and painting, not only as a way for them to express themselves and record their emotions, but also as an attempt to find personal space in court life. These artistic activities are usually carried out in the dead of night, and the ladies will use carbon or simple ink to depict their dreams and aspirations for the outside world on rough paper.

Music was also a way for the ladies to express their emotions. On some specific occasions at the court, such as banquets or festivals, the ladies had the opportunity to play musical instruments or sing. While these performances are part of their duties, they also provide them with the opportunity to showcase their talents. In these moments, music becomes a channel for their emotional release, and they express their inner joy and sorrow through melodious melodies and soulful singing.

In the closed environment of the court, the emotional lives and secret activities of the ladies were their way of resisting the monotony of life. These activities, although simple, are extremely meaningful, not only enriching the inner world of the palace ladies, but also providing them with an opportunity for spiritual escape and self-expression. Through these secret cultural and artistic activities, the ladies found their own way of living in the golden cage of the court, and although their bodies were imprisoned, their minds and emotions remained as free as possible.

Reveal the true living conditions of ancient palace maids: life is like livestock to be ravaged by others, and there is no place to bury after death

The old age and fate of the palace maid

In the ancient palaces, the ladies of the palace had their youth and beauty fade with the passage of time, and their old age and fate were a little-known topic. The ladies of the palace have spent most of their lives in the palace, and when they are old and decrepit and can no longer carry out their daily service work, what is their fate and fate?

The retirement arrangements for the ladies of the court varied in different dynasties and in the imperial palace. In some cases, court ladies were able to receive a certain amount of pension and living security after a certain number of years of service to the royal family. They were allowed to leave the palace and return to their hometowns, or spend their old age in the palace maids' villages near the palace. Although such an arrangement is rare, it is undoubtedly a comfort for those palace ladies who have served hard all their lives.

However, many more palace maids were not so lucky. They were homeless in the palace and often forgotten in the corners of the court in their later years. They may be placed in a special old palace maid's courtyard and continue to live on the edge of the palace, living in obscurity. Here, they take care of each other and reminisce about their youthful days in the palace until the end of their lives.

The way the palace ladies were handled was also a topic of embarrassment. In ancient times, the status of court ladies was low, and their deaths were often not taken seriously. In some cases, there was no dedicated cemetery or ritual for the ladies after their deaths, and their bodies may have been hastily buried in an unnamed place near the court. This treatment reflected the marginalized status of court ladies in court society, and even after their deaths, they found it difficult to gain the respect they deserved.

Despite this, there are still some palace maids in history who have changed their fate through special means. For example, some court ladies were promoted to concubines because they were favored by the emperor or high-ranking officials, and some even became empresses. The fate of these court ladies took a dramatic turn, and they gained not only noble status, but also power and wealth. However, such examples are in the minority after all, and the fate of most palace ladies remains mundane and obscure.

The old age and fate of the court ladies was an aspect of ancient court life that could not be ignored. Their lives have devoted countless toils and youth to the palace, but their later years are often lonely and forgotten. The stories of the ladies are not only about their service and sacrifice in their youth, but also about how they found their place in the complex society of the court and how they faced the end of their lives.