
The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years


The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

In an ancient and remote mountain village, there is a butcher named Li San. He was a burly man, with a meaty face, and his hands were covered with thick calluses from killing pigs for many years. His eyes are deep and cold, as if they are hiding endless secrets.

Li San takes killing pigs as his profession, and his craftsmanship is exquisite, and the pigs will no longer struggle with a knife. He killed pigs for three years, and he killed almost all the pigs in the village. However, in the dead of night, there would always be strange noises coming from Li San's house, sometimes low whimpering, sometimes sharp screams, and the villagers said that it was the pig he killed was crying out.

One day, Li San was killing pigs in the yard as usual. It was a fat black pig with horror and despair in its eyes. Li San held a sharp knife in his hand and walked towards the black pig with an expressionless face. At this moment, a black shadow passed by, and the black pig suddenly let out a terrible scream and fell to the ground. Li San was stunned, he looked around, but there was no trace of the black shadow.

Since then, Li San always felt that something was watching him. Whenever he was alone in the house, he could always feel a gust of wind blowing, as if something was hovering around him. He began to become suspicious and did not even dare to sleep alone.

Late one night, Li San was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. He put on his clothes and cautiously opened the door. Outside the door stood an old man in a black robe with a gloomy face. The old man claimed to be a subordinate of Lord Yama and came to convey the will of Lord Yama.

"Li San, you have killed tens of thousands of pigs in three years, but in fact you have killed tens of thousands of people!" The old man's words made Li San fall into an ice cave.

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

"I ...... I'm just a butcher, I kill all pigs, how can I kill people?" Li San stammered.

The old man sneered and said, "The pigs you killed are all souls that are about to be reincarnated. If you go down with a knife, you will not only cut off their way of life, but also make them unable to reincarnate and can only wander in the world. These souls are angry, turning into powerful ghosts, causing trouble everywhere, causing many people to ruin and die!"

Li San was dumbfounded when he heard this, he never thought that he would cause so many people to suffer by killing pigs. A strong sense of fear and guilt welled up in his heart, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Lord Yama said that if you want to atone for your sins, you must find those powerful ghosts and reincarnate them. Otherwise, you'll end up worse than they do!" the old man said, turning and disappearing into the night.

Li San stood in place, with mixed feelings in his heart. He knew he had committed a heinous crime and that he had to find a way to make amends. So, he began a difficult journey to find the ghost.

In the process of searching for ghosts, Li San encountered various strange and terrifying events. Sometimes he would encounter hideous-faced ghosts in the wilderness, and sometimes he would hear the cries of unjust spirits in the middle of the night. He constantly fought wits and courage with powerful ghosts, and used his wisdom and courage to resolve crises again and again.

In the process, Li San gradually discovered the kindness and bravery in his heart. He begins to reflect on his actions and realizes that his mistake was not just in killing the pigs, but in the fact that he never really cared about the pain and struggle of those lives. He decided to spend the rest of his life making amends for this mistake and helping to liberate those suffering souls.

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

However, it is not an easy task to be overpowered. Li San must find the grievances of each of the ghosts and untie their knots in order to make them leave this world willingly. This requires a great deal of patience and perseverance, as well as profound Dao cultivation. Li San began to seek advice from everywhere and learn the method of transcendence. He visited Taoist priests and eminent monks in various places and humbly consulted them. Under their guidance, Li San gradually mastered the trick of superpowering ghosts.

In the process of transcending ghosts, Li San encountered various challenges and tests. Sometimes he encounters powerful demons that require all his skills to be subdued, and other times he finds himself in a deep predicament that requires wisdom and courage to find a way out. But no matter what difficulties he encountered, Li San never gave up. He firmly believed that as long as he persevered, he would definitely be able to complete the task given to him by Lord Yama.

As time passed, Li San successfully surpassed one powerful ghost after another. Every time a terrible ghost is liberated, an indescribable joy and satisfaction wells up in his heart. He knew he was doing something meaningful, bringing hope and salvation to souls who had suffered.

However, Li San is also well aware that his task is far from complete. He knew there were more ghosts waiting for his redemption, and he couldn't stop. So, he continued to embark on a journey to find the ghosts, and used his actions to make up for his past mistakes.

As Li Sanchao became more and more powerful ghosts, his reputation gradually spread all over the neighborhood. Some admired his courage, others appreciated his help, but others expressed doubts and incomprehension of his actions. However, no matter what the outside world said, Li San was unmoved, he knew what he was doing and what he was doing.

One day, when Li San succeeded in surpassing a powerful ghost again, he suddenly felt a strong wave of vertigo attack. As soon as his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself in an eerie and dark place, surrounded by a thick fog.

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

"This is the Netherworld. A deep and majestic voice rang in his ears. Li San looked up and saw an old man in a black robe with a majestic face standing in front of him. The old man is none other than Lord Yama.

"Li San, are you guilty?" asked Lord Yama.

Li San's heart sank, he bowed his head and said, "I know that I made a mistake, and I am trying my best to make up for it." ”

Lord Yama nodded and said, "You are indeed making up for your mistakes, but your sins have not yet been washed away. You need to continue to be overpowering until your sins are completely removed. ”

After Li San heard this, although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he also understood that this was the reality he had to face. He respectfully kowtowed three times to Lord Yama, and then asked, "May I ask Lord Yama, how can I know when I will be able to wash away my sins?"

Lord Yama was silent for a moment, and then said, "When there is no longer a trace of distraction in your heart, when you truly understand the preciousness and respect of life, your sins will be removed. ”

After speaking, Lord Yama disappeared, leaving Li San alone to meditate on the spot.

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

From that day on, Li San worked harder to find and surpass the ghosts. He is no longer just acting to atone for his sins, but to truly understand the meaning and value of life. In his struggle against ghosts, he gradually understands that every life is precious and deserves to be respected and cherished.

Time passed, and Li San's transcendence technique became more and more exquisite. Not only is he able to subdue demons with ease, but he is also able to untie their knots with warm words. His kindness and bravery touched more and more souls, and his fame gradually spread throughout the underworld.

Finally, one day, when Li San succeeded in surpassing a powerful ghost again, he felt an unprecedented sense of relief and pleasure. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly opened them. He finds himself back in the real world and in a beautiful and peaceful valley.

"You have washed away your sins. A gentle and peaceful voice rang in my ears. Li San looked up and saw a woman dressed in white with a kind face standing in front of him. The woman smiled and said, "Congratulations, Li San." You have understood the true meaning of life, and your sins have been removed. ”

After Li San heard this, an indescribable joy and gratitude surged in his heart. He kowtowed three times to the woman, and then asked, "May I ask the girl, what can I do to continue to help those suffering souls?"

The woman smiled and said, "You've done well enough, Li San." But if you want to continue to help them, you can learn the deeper ways to surpass those more powerful ghosts. Remember, the true meaning of life lies in respecting and cherishing every living being, whether it is human or ghostly. ”

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

After saying that, the woman disappeared, leaving Li San alone in the valley to ponder. He took a deep breath, then spread his arms as if to embrace the whole world. He knew that he had found the meaning and value of life, and he had also found his future direction.

Under the guidance of the woman, Li San began a new round of cultivation. He traveled around, visited famous mountains and rivers, and consulted with masters from all walks of life for advice. He was no longer satisfied with just being overpowered, but wanted to be able to harness greater power to help those who were more helpless.

In the process of practicing, Li San encountered various challenges and tests. Sometimes he needs to cultivate on the steep mountain peaks to blend with the aura of heaven and earth, and sometimes he needs to explore deep caves in search of legendary mysterious treasures. But no matter what difficulties he encountered, Li San never gave up. He firmly believes that as long as he persists, he will definitely be able to master a higher and deeper Dao method.

After several years of hard work, Li San finally mastered a powerful Dao method - Soul Purification Technique. This method can directly purify the grudges of the ghosts, so that they can be truly liberated. Li San began to use this method to surpass those more powerful ghosts, and his reputation spread farther in the underworld and the human world.

However, as Li Sanchao became more and more powerful, he gradually discovered some secrets hidden behind it. It turns out that the reason why these evil ghosts turn into evil ghosts and haunt the world is largely due to the greed and selfishness of the world. People do not hesitate to harm others and even slaughter living beings for their own benefit. These actions not only cause great suffering to the living beings, but also make their souls unable to rest in peace, and eventually turn into ghosts and wander around.

Li San was deeply distressed, and he decided not only to transcend the ghosts, but also to spread the concept of kindness and tolerance to the world. He began to travel around telling people about his experiences and insights, hoping that they would understand the preciousness of life and the importance of respecting every life.

The butcher killed pigs for three years, but Lord Yama said: You killed tens of thousands of people in three years

Li San's words and deeds touched more and more people, and they began to reflect on their own actions and learn to respect and cherish life. As a result, the world has become more harmonious and beautiful, and the number of ghosts has gradually decreased.

However, just when Li San thought that everything was going to end, he unexpectedly discovered an even more amazing secret. It turned out that those powerful ghosts who had been overtaken by him did not really disappear, but entered a special space - the realm of souls. In this space, they are truly liberated and reborn, embarking on a new journey.

Li San was deeply shocked by this discovery, and he realized that his mission was not over. He decided to continue exploring the realm of souls to help those who had been reborn to start a new life.

So, Li San embarked on a new journey again. He traveled through time and space to the realm of souls. Here, he met all kinds of souls, from former ghosts to those who could not be reincarnated for various reasons. Li San used his kindness and wisdom to influence them and help them get out of the shadows of the past and start a new life.

In the journey of the soul realm, Li San not only helped countless souls, but also gained more wisdom and strength. He gradually understood that the true meaning of life lies not only in respecting and cherishing every life, but also in feeling and understanding the value and meaning of each life with his heart.

Eventually, when Li San completed his mission in the Soul Realm, he returned to the human world. He has become a true master of the Dao, not only mastering the profound Dao, but also possessing a compassionate and wise heart. He used his strength to help those in need, and used his words and deeds to influence those who needed it.

Li San's story has been passed down as a good story in the human world and the underworld, and has become a legend in the hearts of generations after generations. He used his own experience to tell the world that the true meaning of life lies in respecting and cherishing every life, and that a true hero must not only have courage and strength, but also have compassion and wisdom.