
How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

author:There is indeed a way

In recent years, many foreign-funded gas stations have entered our market. Comparatively, the price is cheap and the service is OK. Many netizens feel that they have come to a gas station in a certain bay in their city, which is much cheaper than PetroChina and Sinopec, and the quality is acceptable. caused another part of netizens to shout: Welcome to come to us to build a website. Our gas stations here are losing money, so you guys should come and share some of it!

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

很多‬网友们不理解中石油,中石化为何常年价格偏高。 而‬这些外资以及一些私人的加油站的价格却相对‬又那么低,难道不是更赔钱了吗‬?既然赔钱,还不如让他们多分担一些。 还有人‬给出了‬不同的‬观点‬和‬建议‬,甚至‬有人‬给‬本土‬油企支招‬如何‬反击‬和‬应对‬。

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

Here's what they had to say:

Good thing, bring in.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

Someone warmly welcomed.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

There was mention of fine-tuning and plunging.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

It should have been introduced a long time ago, and now oil prices are too expensive.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

Hope more to come.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

It's good to let them share the burden!

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.


How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

Someone mentioned how to fight back.

How to deal with the low-cost oil at foreign-funded gas stations? Netizens are hotly discussed: welcome, let them also share the burden.

结语:其实大家不了解,中石油和中石化之所以赔钱也‬是有原因的。 It has also been interpreted by experts before. 首先因为油‬的‬质量好,其次是服务好就‬需要‬大量的‬从业人员‬,所以‬运营成本就会‬高。 还有‬就是‬服务保障‬,尤其是在偏远地区,运输和‬服务‬都是不计成本的。 而‬外资‬更‬注重‬利益‬,他们是‬不会‬把‬站‬建在‬偏远地区的‬。 笔者‬倡导‬大家能理性客观的看待这个问题。 也希望‬我们‬的‬本土‬企业‬一路向前‬,得到‬更多人‬的‬认可‬和‬理解‬。


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