
Execute the first line | "Thank you, Judge, my salary is finally coming back!"

author:New things in the Yangtze River Delta

Recently, the Dafeng Court continued to carry out the enforcement action of deepening the "small target and big people's livelihood", and successfully helped the applicant for execution, Yang, recover the labor remuneration, and committed to solving the annoying "salary" of the masses.


Brief facts of the case

The person subject to enforcement, Lu, hired Yang to work due to the needs of project employment, but his salary has not been settled. Yang repeatedly urged to no avail, filed a lawsuit with the court, and after the court organized and coordinated, the two parties voluntarily reached a mediation agreement, but Lu did not perform as agreed, and Yang applied to the court for compulsory enforcement.


Execution process

After the applicant for enforcement provided clues, the enforcement judge successfully found the person subject to enforcement, Lu.

Execute the first line | "Thank you, Judge, my salary is finally coming back!"
Execute the first line | "Thank you, Judge, my salary is finally coming back!"

"Your target is relatively small, and people's wages of thousands of yuan are still in arrears for several years, and you must find a way to fulfill it today. The executive judge talked and admonished on the spot, but Lu was "arrogant" and said: "Judge, you just detain me, and I don't have any money." ”

Seeing that the person subject to enforcement did not fulfill his wishes, the enforcement judge decided to take judicial detention measures against him in accordance with law.

Execute the first line | "Thank you, Judge, my salary is finally coming back!"
Execute the first line | "Thank you, Judge, my salary is finally coming back!"

After learning the news, the family of the person subject to enforcement took the initiative to contact the enforcement judge and expressed their willingness to find a way to raise funds. In the end, the person subject to enforcement was forced to perform 6,200 yuan with the assistance of his family, and the case was successfully concluded.

In the next step, the Dafeng Court will continue to uphold the enforcement concept of "as I am in charge", focus on the urgent and difficult problems of the people, continue to make efforts in cases involving people's livelihood and other small targets, and strive to ensure the "temperature" of people's livelihood with the "intensity" of enforcement.

Contributed by: Qian Zhigang, Luo Gang

Editor: Tang Zhixing