
In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

author:Free Sports A

Imagine that one winter day in 1973, a company clerk ended several years of military life with great anticipation, embarked on the journey home, and returned to his hometown of Shanghai after a long absence. It's not just a simple journey home, it's a journey that spans thousands of miles, full of emotions and stories. In that era when communication was not developed, such a journey was full of difficulties and longing. But do you know that this clerk brought home not only bags and sustenances, but also the responsibilities and responsibilities of the young people of that era. Let's take a look at the hidden story behind this journey, will it touch your heartstrings?

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

1973 may be just a year in history for many people, but it has a special meaning for our protagonist. He ended his military life in the Great Northern Wilderness in this year, and was ready to return to his hometown of Shanghai to meet those relatives who thought about him day and night.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

The preparation before departure is like a small battle. He chose Heilongjiang's specialties: fungus, beans and sunflower seeds, as well as his father's favorite Beidahuang liquor, which is a part of his family's heart. Although the bag is heavy, it is full of love and expectation.

Taking the train home, in those days, was simply an "expedition". From the Great Northern Wilderness to Shanghai, the distance along the way was undoubtedly far away for people at that time. The train moves slowly, and the scenery outside the window gradually changes from the dense snow to the green of the south. Such a change is not only a change of scenery, but also a change of mood.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

On the train, he and his companion Xiao Wang shared their own stories, and those interesting and bitter things in the company seemed to be the mark of youth.

At this moment, all the fatigue seemed to be swept away. Home, finally arrived.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

Back home, everything was so kind, so warm. His mother's smile, his brother's curiosity, and the warmth of home all made him feel that the trip was worth it. That night, the family sat around and shared the specialties he brought back from the Great Northern Wilderness, a simple meal, but with endless love and warmth.

The next day, instead of continuing to rest, he chose to visit the families of other educated youths. For those families who have also experienced parting and care, his visit has undoubtedly brought some comfort. This sense of responsibility began from the moment he carefully selected the gifts for his home.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

During this journey, we not only saw the feelings of an ordinary soldier, but also the style of the youth of that era. Although they are young, they carry heavy family and social responsibilities, and even under difficult conditions, they do not forget to care for their families and maintain friendships. Such a journey, although it has gone through a lot of hardships, but every step embodies a strong human touch and the characteristics of the times.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

The train journey in 1973, although it is only one of countless stories of ordinary people, is also a microcosm of the great changes in Chinese society. Through such a narrative, we may be able to better understand the living conditions and emotional world of people in that era. This history belongs not only to them, but also to each and every one of us in a sense, because everyone's life is a part of the times.

In 1973, when I was serving as a company clerk, I remembered the experience of going home to visit my family

Today, when we sit in a high-speed bullet train or airplane, can we still experience the happiness of anticipation and reunion during the long journey? Perhaps, this is also a question we should think about. In the fast-paced life, do we still retain the longing for home and the concern for friends? The warmth of this journey reminds us not to forget that no matter how the times change, the most sincere feelings between people will never go out of style.