
He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

author:Fengfeng said history

At the last moment of Aisin Jueluo Shanqi's life, he said with deep emotion: "Remember the 'favor' given by Japan, and do not return to China to serve, otherwise I will die with regret." "

In the passage of time in 1922, Aixin Jueluo Shanqi in his twilight years leaned weakly on the sickbed, and he affectionately and firmly left the last teachings to his children.

Dear children and grandchildren, remember the deep friendship that Mr. Kawashima and Japan have bestowed upon us, but please remember that our family tradition is not to contribute to the cause of China.

This is my last plea to you, and if I break this wish, I will die with regret, so remember!

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Why would a member of the Aixin Jueluo family from a prominent background say such shocking words? What is his mental journey? In the face of such remarks, how did his children react and choose?

As a complex figure in history, Yoshiko Kawashima once used the name Jin Bihui to highlight her aristocratic lineage - she was born into a prominent family in the late Qing Dynasty.

The daughter of Prince Aegean Jueluo Shanqi, she was once the legitimate representative of Gege in the Qing Dynasty, but her deeds were controversial because of her disgraceful side.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

She should have enjoyed the time of her father's protection, but she never thought that her happiness would be ruthlessly transformed by reality, and her father's political ambitions would put her in a position of sacrifice.

At the age of only 6, she was indifferently handed over to Naniwa Kawashima by her biological father to become his adopted daughter, and Shanqi chose a chilling neglect of her experience.

Upon her arrival in Japan, she began a new chapter as Yoshiko Kawashima, specializing in the sharpening of her military and intelligence skills.

As she grew up, she assumed the pseudonym Jin Bihui and became a Japanese intelligence elite, frequently secretly transmitting key information to the Japanese side.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

She is deeply troubled by her female identity, but chooses to dress in men's clothes and move forward, and is known as the "Male and Female Spy Queen".

Her determination stems from the shadow of her unbearable childhood, when she was brutally bullied by her adoptive father, and the pain made her resolutely say goodbye to the past.

After returning to China, although she advertised herself as a "descendant of Yan and Huang", her behavior turned against her compatriots, which is distressing, for example, in the September 18 incident, her disgraceful role is clearly visible.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

She had planned many harrowing events, such as the cunning of Yoshiko Kawashima when Japan was helpless in the face of the Northeast Army led by Zhang Zuolin, which led to Zhang Zuolin's tragic death.

It's easy to solve, as long as I quietly infiltrate into the enemy camp and attack from inside and outside, their destruction is just around the corner!

When Yoshiko Kawashima's magic was counted, the Japanese army showed a sly smile on his face, and he was in full swing planning Zhang Zuolin's fate layout.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Faced with Kawashima Yoshiko's visit, Zhang Xueliang did not show special attention, after all, he was an ordinary person, and she was a princess of the Qing Dynasty from a prominent background.

However, it is really surprising that this former Gege secretly betrayed the key information of the Northeast Army, resulting in a serious leak of military information.

A deadly bomb announced the end of the Zhang Zuolin era, and Yoshiko Kawashima slyly showed her figure in the turmoil of the Northeast Army.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

In 1945, with the end of the puppet state of Manchukuo, Yoshiko Kawashima suffered a major setback in holding on to her father's last legacy, and her vision of a revival of the Qing Dynasty was shattered.

In the historical moment of 1948, the fate of a female spy came to an end, and the whole country breathed a sigh of relief.

If the historical Aisin Jueluo Shanqi witnessed Kawashima Yoshiko's behavior, I am afraid that not only would he not blame, but he would praise it.

After all, some of Zenqi's own actions were just as bold and radical as Kawashima's crimes, which may explain why he had such shocking last words—both of them in a sense transcending conventional moral boundaries.

Is it a good policy to stick to the position of refusing a visa?

Unswervingly support Aixin Jueluo Shanqi's loyalty to the Qing Dynasty!

He firmly believed that as long as the royal foundation was solid, he would be able to firmly enjoy the throne of Prince Su, and this glory would be passed down from generation to generation, making his family a symbolic "Iron Hat King" and enjoying supreme glory for generations.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

As the glory of the last generation, Shanqi bears the name of the prince, but at the turn of fate, the edifice of the Qing Dynasty will fall. With the decline of the Qing Dynasty, the title of "Prince Su" will fade with history.

He stood firm and resolutely did not leave his name on Pu Yi's abdication edict, because that would mean that once he put pen to paper, the traditional identity he represented would also end.

During the turbulent period of the Eight-Nation Alliance's invasion of China, he actively assisted Prince Qing and Li Hongzhang in the tense peace negotiations, but sadly, he was finally forced to sign the extremely unequal "Xinchou Treaty", which profoundly revealed the humiliation and helplessness at that time.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

As he was about to embark on a crucial negotiation, he traveled all over the world and unexpectedly met Naniwa Kawashima, an international figure on the way, which brought him an unexpected boost.

Catalyzed by the Kawashima Naniwa Incident, in the Beijing assassination operation planned by Wang Jingwei and others, Shanqi decisively promoted the establishment of the first modern police system and successfully captured all those involved.

In those harsh times, when any overt rebellion or covert plot meant the threat of death, Shanqi chose a cunning strategy, ostensibly following the rules, but behind the scenes there were other plans.

On the surface, Shanqi stood on a high platform and solemnly declared: "I will definitely give them the most severe sanctions." However, Wang Jingwei was quietly released in secret, and this action was unexpected.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

On the way to escape, Wang Jingwei angrily denounced his former ally Shanqi as an "old stubborn" stubborn.

Wang Jingwei is in prison, longing for peace at night, but unexpectedly, Shanqi's admiration is like an unavoidable challenge, prompting him to start a late-night heated debate with him.

Join us in the service of the Qing Dynasty and experience unparalleled dignity and opulence, all at your fingertips. Every day came as promised, Wang Jingwei was furious and decided to completely cut off contact with Shanqi.

At a time when the political situation in the Qing Dynasty was turbulent, the wheels of history rolled in, and the beacon fire of the Xinhai Revolution was suddenly ignited.

Yuan Shikai and Sun Yat-sen cleverly reached a delicate agreement: as long as the Qing emperor Puyi was willing to abdicate, Sun Yat-sen would immediately fulfill his promise to make Xian Xian.

Yuan Shikai couldn't wait to gather his forces and marched towards the Forbidden City with great momentum, a move that shocked the little emperor Pu Yi.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Yuan Shikai relied on his military strength to prompt Pu Yi to bid farewell to the dragon throne, and the royalist forces in the face of reality had no choice but to sign the edict of abdication, and the wheels of history rolled forward.

As the Prince of Su, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, my position cannot be shaken, so how can you hold yourself in a high position? Hurry up and sign it, otherwise the consequences will be like facing the pressure of guns and cannons, and there will be no delay.

In the face of the turbulence of the situation, Shanqi, who lost the support of power, resolutely moved to Lushun Dalian with his family at the instigation of Kawashima Naniwa, which made the figure of "Shechen" Shanqi appear here.

Power has fallen into the hands of evil, and traitors are in control

In the face of Lushun, which had been trampled by the iron hooves of the Japanese army, it is unbelievable that Shanqi was able to maintain a smile when he witnessed the suffering of the people, which revealed the stark contrast between his complex attitude and the grim situation at that time.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Misled by Kawashima Naniwa, Shanqi lost his mind and became unconditionally attached to Japan, disregarding ethics and morality.

He eagerly promoted the "Sino-Japanese hand in hand" and publicly commemorated the inglorious history of the Japanese army that invaded China.

Even in the face of the mourning period of the Japanese emperor, they did not forget to show disrespect, almost as if they were wandering around the territory of the mainland in military uniform, which was unacceptable.

In Lushun, when he learned the news that Yuan Shikai was brewing to restore the imperial system, Shanqi was excited, thinking that if he could revive the imperial system, he might be able to get the position of prince.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

A few months later, Yuan Shikai died with deep worries, his face suddenly haggard, and his heart was full of doubts: "Why did he go so fast?

In the face of Yuan Shikai's decline, Shanqi resolutely stood on his own, rushed to the apartment like a whirlwind, packed all the valuables he treasured, and resolutely walked towards the pawnshop, ready to turn the situation around with them.

Once a business tycoon who had clung to a heavy box and seemed to control endless wealth, he resolutely threw himself into the great cause of restoration and gathered troops and horses, but this dream of revival failed to turn things around and came to an unfortunate end.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Now in a predicament, the task of restoration is urgent and arduous, and at this moment, Kawashima Naniwa took the initiative to come forward and expressed his willingness to lend a hand.

Your Excellency, I would like to do my best to meet your needs, but the follow-up cooperation will rely more on your support and trust.

At Kawashima's generous offer, Shanqi hurriedly thanked him and immediately borrowed a huge amount of money from him. Traveling back to that glorious past, he will undoubtedly still be a prominent prince with a fortune, when gold, silver and beauty were at his fingertips.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Urgently assembled, formed an elite team, and marched forward bravely, leading a team of tens of thousands of horses that had not yet been fully formed, galloping towards the stage of history - the Forbidden City.

Behind him, Naniwa Kawashima watched from the sidelines, and this ambitious move seemed to him to be a dramatic showdown.

When the ocean warriors led by Shanqi set off for Beijing, the voices of exhaustion and confusion were already permeated, such as "exhausted", "what is our goal", and "the horn of war has sounded", these voices quickly transformed into a boiling market atmosphere.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

The soldiers hired by Shanqi were not well-trained, and many ordinary people were tempted by money to join the recruitment process, and they are still ignorant of their mission.

Shanqi is in deep trouble, facing the turmoil of the army and the loss of talents, and the figure of each departed seems to laugh at his dream of restoration.

But he understood that the retreat at this time had been cut off, and he could only advance to the Forbidden City without hesitation and insist on that glimmer of life.

Before stepping on the threshold of the Forbidden City, gunfire rang out and the army broke up like a tide. Their running cries for help echoed, clearly painting the helpless image of the victims.

Shanqi, who was originally full of confidence, embarked on the road of no return due to emotional uncontrol, and in a fit of anger, his body suddenly collapsed and went straight to the hospital gate.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

The former protector Naniwa Kawashima has decisively left, and Shanqi's dream of revival has been shattered, and he has become an outcast in the eyes of others. The supply chain is broken, and they frequently visit Shanqi's residence to collect debts, and the trust of the past is gone.

In the face of unpaid debts, he chose to express his deep respect for Japan with practical actions, and resolutely let his daughter commit to Kawashima Naniwa and become his adopted daughter.

It was decided to send all of their children to Japan for a quality education as a deep commitment to Japanese culture.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Kawashima Naniwa was well versed in the world, and he was considerate of Shanqi's wise choice, and generously gave him extra time, and this tolerance accompanied Shanqi until the last moment of his life.

At the last moment of his life, he urgently summoned the children to return to Lushun and warned him deeply: "Remembering the deep friendship between Japan and Mr. Kawashima, do not choose to return to China to serve, otherwise I will die with regret." ”

After expounding everything, Aixin Jueluo Shanqi's life came to an end.

He sent 38 children abroad, and warned them not to work for China, and their children's reputations were disgraced

Did they practice her father's last teachings? Yoshiko Kawashima responded with practical actions, and the rest of them either threw themselves into the torrent of revolution and became staunch fighters, or returned to ordinary life and made rational choices.

Only Yoshiko, who insisted on her own opinions, was ruthless and resolute, and became an unforgettable female spy in history.

Devoted to his life, he was loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but looking at the overall situation, in the long history of the Chinese nation, there are controversial voices, or it can be said to be a complex role in the turning point of Chinese history.

He insisted on his own opinion and chose that unique path, but for this he endured the accusation of traitors, which affected his 38 passionate children, and their reputations were disgraced because of it.

The most heart-wrenching thing is the deep suffering caused by Yoshiko Kawashima to the Chinese people!

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