
The Forum on the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics will be held in 2024

author:Jintai information
The Forum on the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics will be held in 2024

On April 19, the "Forum on the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics - 2024", jointly organized by China Executive Leadership College Pudong and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, was held at China Executive Leadership College in Pudong, with the theme of "Construction of New Think Tanks in the Journey of Chinese-style Modernization".

Cao Wenze, Vice President of China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, Pan Min, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Civilization Office, and Wang Dezhong, President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Zhang Shengxin, Vice President and Director of the Teaching and Research Department of China Executive Leadership College in Pudong, presided over the forum.

Cao Wenze stressed that the party's think tank must adhere to the original intention of "providing advice to the party" and make due contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization. First, it is necessary to focus on the party's innovative theoretical armament, offer a good policy of "research and interpretation", work systematization, study, physics and chemistry, and earnestly make fresh ideas fresh and thorough theories; Third, it is necessary to strengthen the study of major practical problems, offer a good strategy for "solving difficult problems", adhere to the demand-oriented and problem-oriented, and proceed from the urgent needs and strategic needs of the party and the state, and actively carry out forward-looking, policy-oriented, and applied research; fourth, it is necessary to focus on the construction of Shanghai's "five centers" and offer a good policy of "promoting development", put forward new ideas, new ideas, and new methods for solving problems, and more effectively promote the implementation of the major strategic plans of the central government in Shanghai. China Executive Leadership College Pudong has always been in accordance with the concept of "party management think tank, characteristic library, system governance, brand development, and talent strengthening", strengthening the construction of cadre education-oriented think tanks, and doing a good job in providing suggestions and suggestions for party building.

Pan Min pointed out that Shanghai attaches great importance to the construction of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics, and has basically formed a city-wide new think tank construction layout system with a relatively reasonable professional structure and a relatively complete echelon structure, clearly established a new type of think tank construction research orientation of "serving the national strategy and serving the development of Shanghai", established and improved a set of new think tank management system that conforms to the development law of think tanks and the characteristics of decision-making consulting and research, and better submitted the "Shanghai answer sheet" for the innovation of think tank system and mechanism. It fully demonstrates the advantages and characteristics of Shanghai's new think tank with "internationalization" as the logo and "world influence" as the direction, and cultivates and forms a number of iconic think tank brands with Chinese characteristics, the characteristics of the times and the characteristics of Shanghai. In the next stage, Shanghai will earnestly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his visit to Shanghai, make every effort to build a best practice place for Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and systematically promote the implementation of the "new high-end think tank construction project" by improving the political ability, professional ability, international ability, communication ability and brand ability of the city's new think tank.

Wang Dezhong proposed that the new modern think tank should focus on solving several key problems. First, it is necessary to meet the needs of Chinese-style modernization, regard the study of major strategic issues as the main task, and produce more in-depth, insightful, and valuable high-quality research results. It is necessary to give full play to the expertise of intellectually intensive think tanks, promote organized and systematic research arrangements, and be a good think tank and think tank for the party and government to make decisions. Second, it is necessary to adapt to the new situation of rapid and changeable development, strengthen the basic method of investigation and research, and continuously improve the research ability to solve practical problems. It is necessary to strengthen the investigation and study of the world, the country, and the city, and earnestly ensure that the research is useful and useful. The third is to adapt to the new trend of contemporary scientific and technological development, use intelligent and digital technology to enrich research tools, and continuously improve the scientificity and accuracy of research results. It is necessary to use modern tools to study modernization issues and better meet the objective needs of decision-making and consultation in the digital era. Fourth, it is necessary to adapt to the new requirements of international exchanges, actively carry out academic diplomacy, and continuously enhance the international communication power and influence of think tanks. It is necessary to pay attention to public diplomacy, set global issues, carry out international exchanges, and innovate international communication methods. Fifth, it is necessary to adapt to the new trends of talent development, grasp the important guarantee of gathering talents, and continuously consolidate the talent foundation of modern new think tanks. It is necessary to improve the flexible and multi-effective mechanism for attracting and retaining people, and establish a professional and diversified contingent of high-level talents.

Yang Zhenbin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Jin Yinan, former director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the National Defense University, Zhou Hanmin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Shanghai Public Diplomacy Association, and Wang Ronghua, expert member of the National Textbook Committee and chairman of the Shanghai Education Development Foundation, delivered keynote speeches.

Yang Zhenbin believes that as an important part of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics is an inevitable requirement for Chinese-style modernization, which can provide solutions to the outstanding contradictions and problems existing in the process of Chinese-style modernization on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also summarize experience and theoretical innovation around the great practice of Chinese-style modernization, and constantly enrich its profound connotation. He took the construction of think tanks of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example to explain how to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of colleges and universities to improve the construction of think tanks and the ability to serve high-quality development. He said that it is necessary to deepen reform, persist in promoting interdisciplinarity, and continue to transform technological and disciplinary advantages into strategic and policy advantages; adhere to the transformation and implementation of achievements, and strive to enhance the influence and contribution of political advisory services in order to solve practical problems; adhere to research paradigm innovation, and actively promote the wide application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data in decision-making consulting research; handle the relationship between academic research and policy research, and provide a mechanism guarantee for experts and scholars to actively carry out think tank construction and political advisory services.

Jin Yinan emphasized that the construction of think tanks should be done in the first place. It is necessary to efficiently produce valuable results, and strongly support leading cadres to become managers with a broad strategic vision and scientifically respond to the increasingly complex situation. The second is to see farther than the manager at a high place and at the forefront as much as possible, predict possible problems and difficulties in advance, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. Third, we should attach great importance to efficiency and speed, and avoid being swayed by opinions without real insight. Fourth, we must "read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles, and know 10,000 kinds of people." Insist on stepping on the land of China, bear in mind China's national conditions, and build a good Chinese think tank.

Zhou Hanmin proposed that the construction of a new type of think tank should learn from the strengths of others and unite as one. Only by fully integrating the research forces of various parties can we provide effective decision-making advisers for the urgent, difficult, and dangerous problems faced by the party and the state in a timely manner. Second, it is necessary to work for a long time, persist in it for a long time, think deeply, study the overall context thoroughly, tell the complete story clearly, and make in-depth research that is beneficial to the country. Third, we must conduct in-depth research and grasp the truth. For example, the Shanghai Public Diplomacy Association has innovatively created the "Jiangshang Meeting Room" to strengthen exchanges with foreigners in Shanghai in a flexible and practical way, understand real information, listen to relevant opinions and suggestions, and form a number of decisions and consultations with reference value.

With the theme of "Think Tank Wisdom is the Last Word", Wang Ronghua proposed that the new think tank of socialism with Chinese characteristics should work "new" and "special". Adhering to the party's leadership is the most distinctive feature and the most fundamental symbol of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics, and it is also the essential difference between the ideological attributes of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics and the think tanks of major developed countries, and it is also the key to the steady and far-reaching and high-quality development of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics. He believes that the mainland has become the second largest country after the United States in the number of think tanks, but it is not yet a think tank power, and there are outstanding problems such as bottlenecks in "wisdom", blockages in "connections", and blind spots in "application", which have led to insufficient effectiveness in response to decision-making, insufficient accuracy in political advice, insufficient influence in public opinion guidance, and insufficient discourse power in international communication. We must be based on the "two overall situations", with the consciousness of a historical orientation and the responsibility of a historical mission, and innovatively solve the problems of think tank development vision, development ability, cognitive level, evaluation system, management mode, and communication mode. He stressed that the development of think tanks should be soul-casting, clear-minded, and question-oriented, that is, adhere to the party's management of think tanks, and change from "task-driven" to "mission-oriented"; adhere to the supremacy of the people, bear in mind the "great man of the country", cast the "important weapon of the country", establish a decision-making consultation supply and demand docking mechanism, and do a good job as a problem solver for the times, the people and the country; adhere to Chinese characteristics, cultivate "national talents", and explore institutional and mechanism innovations such as compound talent training and flexible exchange of talents.

Yue Zongwei, Deputy Director (Deputy Director) of the General Office (Personnel Bureau) of the Development Research Center of the State Council, Zhu Zhibin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Xinhua News Agency Research Institute, Professor Shen Fei, Director of the Party Spirit Education Research Center of China Executive Leadership College Pudong, and Professor Mao Xinya, Director of the Research Center of the "Belt and Road" and Opening-up Research Center of China Executive Leadership College in Pudong, delivered keynote speeches.

Focusing on "promoting the high-quality development of decision-making consulting research", Yue Zongwei believes that consulting research should work the "four characteristics" of necessity, accuracy, practicality and flexibility, that is, the selection of research topics should highlight the necessity, accurately identify and find the right big and real topics that are related to the overall situation and the long-term situation, and ensure that they are valuable and can be done well; Precision; Countermeasures and suggestions should highlight practicability, and on the basis of in-depth research and thorough analysis of problems, pragmatic and effective problem-solving ideas and targeted and actionable countermeasures and suggestions should be put forward; the research mechanism should highlight flexibility, and establish and improve a flexible, diverse, open and inclusive research mechanism by strengthening internal and external cooperative research and building cooperative research platforms, so as to ensure the source of research resources, realize the exchange and collision of ideas and understandings, and promote the mushrooming of high-quality research results. Think tanks should be honest and innovative in the high-quality development of consulting and research, and answer the same questions together, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to promote the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics and better serve the process of Chinese-style modernization.

Zhu Zhibin exchanged the path exploration of Xinhua News Agency's construction of a media-based national high-end think tank, first, based on the "great man of the country", firmly grasp the central task of serving the Party Central Committee's governance, and in national security, country studies, social mentality, ecological civilization, Public opinion analysis and other fields have gradually formed a characteristic research brand; second, the main direction of attack focuses on research, interpretation and promotion of the party's innovative theories, creates the core advantages and characteristic business of media-based national high-end think tanks, actively guides social public opinion, and builds social consensus; third, the system and mechanism focus on scientific and Fourth, strengthen the external propaganda function of think tanks, continuously expand the influence of international think tank circles and public opinion fields, create the first think tank external propaganda model, coordinate the reporting power of the whole society to empower the release and promotion of key think tank achievements, and form a three-dimensional and three-dimensional Fifth, expand the international vision in terms of platform building, and strive to build a multi-level think tank cooperation and exchange platform with me as the mainstay.

Combined with the practice of think tank construction of China Executive Leadership College in Pudong, Shen Fei proposed that party school teachers should rely on the joint construction of characteristic disciplines and "integration of multiple regulations" to do a good job in think tanks, focus on the party's innovation theory, promote research and interpretation, and give full play to the interdisdisciplinary, cross-unit, and cross-regional advantages of cadre education-based think tanks to conduct in-depth research on the party's innovation theory. Second, we must rely on the training theme, cooperate with the "wisdom", focus on the major strategic decisions and deployments of the party and the country, adhere to the "needs of the party", and grasp the "three majors", that is, there are voices at major nodes, bright views on major issues, and platforms for major periods. Third, we should rely on special research and case studies to promote local development.

Mao Xinya believes that shouldering the sense of mission of "the party school surnamed the party" and "serving the overall situation of national development" is the premise for doing a good job in providing advice to the party; relying on special classes and giving full play to the unique resource advantages of the students is an important way to do a good job in providing advice to the party; and strong guarantee is the key to transforming the results of decision-making and consultation into practical policy references. Over the years, China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong has promoted the integration of teaching, research and consulting, giving full play to the advantages of student resources, making good use of the "two brought" materials of students, and allowing students to condense the difficult problems in their work through thinking collision and collective efforts through structured seminars, group discussions, experience exchanges, etc., and form a good working mechanism.

Xiong Yun, vice president of China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, summarized the forum, he believed that the forum further clarified the mission of the new think tank with Chinese characteristics based on the construction of Chinese-style modernization, exchanged the characteristic practices and important experience of the construction of the new think tank with Chinese characteristics, focused on the operation and management of the new think tank with Chinese characteristics, discussed the problems and difficulties faced, and put forward valuable suggestions for promoting the high-quality development of the new think tank with Chinese characteristics.

The team of China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, some department heads, teachers and all students of the seminar on the construction of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics attended the forum.

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