
Laoshan District Sino-Korean Street Community Party Building: The community council will discuss happiness

author:Qilu discovered

Left bank demeanor community

"Can the pavilion in the square be repaired and renovated, many places have been damaged and cracked, and there is no way to rest here in summer" "Some owners in the community do not leash their dogs when they walk their dogs, can they formulate a community convention for this phenomenon" "The table tennis court needs to be equipped with an awning, and it is too sunny to play ball in summer"..."Don't be in a hurry, say it slowly, let's talk openly today and solve problems one by one." ”

Laoshan District Sino-Korean Street Community Party Building: The community council will discuss happiness

On the morning of April 15th, the square of the left bank of the Zhonghan Street in Laoshan District, Qingdao City, was particularly lively, under the shade of the trees, the community party organization, the residents of the community, the person in charge of the property and other parties gathered in the community square, everyone sat together, and talked about the recent troubles and worries. In the end, issues such as repairing the pavilion, upgrading the table tennis court, and formulating the dog breeding convention were unanimously adopted, and were guided by the community party committee and led by the community party organization.

In order to further stimulate the enthusiasm of residents to participate in the "co-governance and sharing" of the community, the party organization of the Left Bank Grace Community replaced the conference room with a few "small Maza" instead of desks, and moved the "residents' meeting hall" to the community square, so that the consultation and deliberation were more grounded, warm, and popular, and also allowed the residents of the community to transform from "spectators" to "participants". In the meeting, the residents spoke freely, put the problems and problems encountered in ordinary times on the bright side, and put forward solutions and suggestions, and the community party organization recorded the problems one by one, insisted on doing what they could do, answering that they could answer, and carried out graded undertaking and special handling of difficult things for problems that could not be solved, and accurately understood what residents thought, thought and hoped for with the goal of "things to be solved". At the scene, warm applause and laughter were heard from time to time, and the residents actively offered suggestions and suggestions to discuss and improve the living environment of the community and continuously improve the happiness index of residents.

Serving the people is the starting point and end point of all work, and it is also the goal and pursuit of party building. Next, the "Red Mazha Council" will go deep into the community and go into every household, put people's livelihood issues such as community environmental sanitation and facility maintenance and transformation on the "table", build the "bridge" and "road" around the residents, and constantly solve the problems of community governance, improve the service level of the community, and build the community into a happy home for co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

West Korea Xinyuan Community

Laoshan District Sino-Korean Street Community Party Building: The community council will discuss happiness

In order to promote grassroots governance to be more precise and refined, and effectively enhance the sense of belonging and participation of community residents, the party organization of Xihan Xinyuan community sets up a "community discussion day" every month, led by the community party organization, and organizes the building chief, business committee, property management, and resident representatives to jointly "talk about things, discuss things, directors, and expose things", negotiate and solve the hot and difficult problems that community residents are concerned about, and achieve mass affairs and mass discussions. Everyone is decided, build a consensus on community governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and build a "heart-to-heart bridge" between the party and the masses.

Laoshan District Sino-Korean Street Community Party Building: The community council will discuss happiness
Laoshan District Sino-Korean Street Community Party Building: The community council will discuss happiness

Before and after cleanup

This month's community meeting, led by the community party organization, conducted on-site discussions on the most concentrated community elevator maintenance and other daily issues. The second phase of Xihan Xinyuan Community was built in 2009, and the elevators of many buildings in the community have different degrees of aging, among which Building 58 is the most serious, and residents have strong maintenance demands. At the meeting, the community party organization and property staff listened carefully to the residents' demands, answered residents' questions on the spot, and guided residents to determine the maintenance plan through consultation and communication. The residents of Building 50 reported that garbage and sundries were piled up in the corridor, which seriously affected the quality of the residents' living environment, and hoped that the property would arrange staff to clean it up..... The community party organization listened patiently and sorted out the collected "micro wishes", and the small things should be done immediately, at one time, and the big things should be discussed and tracked, in which the corridor has been cleaned up, and the elevator maintenance has been put on the agenda.

At the meeting, the community party organization widely solicited the content of the residents' convention from residents, and collected more than 40 suggestions such as "civilized travel" and "community safety". On this basis, the community party organization integrated the draft of the residents' convention, paid close attention to the difficulties and plugging points of community governance, used the form of "one article, one thing" and easy-to-understand language to refine the content, and implemented it in the community.

The community council not only builds a convenient platform for residents to talk about things, so that residents' opinions can be fully expressed, and plays an important role in building consensus, resolving contradictions, and safeguarding the interests of the masses, but also mobilizes the enthusiasm and initiative of residents to participate in community affairs, so that residents can play a leading role in community governance.

(Source: Micro China and South Korea)