
3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

author:Floral space

Three kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably splendid, comparable to the most industrious flowers!3 With the improvement of people's living standards, more people choose to plant flowers at home to add a touch of color to life. There are three types of flowers, the upside-down Admiralty, the Sunflower and the African Impatiens, which bloom for up to six months and are arguably the most industrious.

They are colorful and colorful, which not only beautify the environment, but also help to purify the air and improve the quality of life. In this fast-paced society, looking at these diligent blooming flowers, it seems to feel that the pace of life is slowing down, and the mood is also happy.


3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

Hanging upside down Admiralty, gorgeous flowers hang upside down on the branches like Admiralty, the flowers are gorgeous, rich in color, and are deeply loved by flower friends. It blooms from the beginning of April to the end of December, and blooms almost all year round, truly achieving spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the flowers are continuous.

Its flowers resemble strings of small bells, swaying in the wind, giving it a soft and elegant feel. Hanging it on the balcony can not only add three-dimensionality to the space, but also make the balcony full of life.

3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

The maintenance of the upside-down Admiralty is not complicated, you only need to ensure sufficient sunlight, moderate watering and fertilization to make it grow healthily. It prefers sunny environments, so it's best to keep it in a sunny area. Watering should be done in moderation to avoid root rot caused by too much water. Fertilization can choose compound fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and apply them every two weeks.


3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

The sunflower is also known as the can't die, noon flower, pine leaf peony, its flowering period is in summer, the flowers are colorful, there are yellow, red, pink, etc. The sunflower's flowers are large and dazzling, as bright as the sun, giving a sense of vitality and hope. It can bring a warm and optimistic atmosphere to the home.

The maintenance method of sunflower is also very simple, it is a light-loving plant, so it needs to be kept in a sunny place often. Watering every few days, the soil can dry out slightly, and in order for it to bloom more, frequent topping pruning is required to promote the growth of branches.

3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

It has a long flowering period and blooms throughout the summer, but if it is kept indoors, it is guaranteed to be above 16 degrees Celsius, and it blooms continuously throughout the season, so it can be said to be one of the most industrious flowers. Sunflower is not picky about fertilizers, both Hua Duoduo II and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used, and water-soluble fertilizers are sprayed on the leaves, which can be quickly absorbed and flowered.

African impatiens

3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

The flowers of the African impatiens come in a variety of colors, ranging from dark pink, light pink, and white. It is a particularly flowering plant, as long as the temperature is right and the environment is suitable, it can bloom all year round, like a constantly rotating flower ball, beautiful and moving. Hang it up to save space and bring life to your home.

It is most suitable for growing in a sunny and warm environment, as long as the temperature is suitable, the four seasons of flowering continue, can be called a burst machine, of course, must do a good job of topping, about after 2 to 3 times, you can achieve the effect.

3 kinds of flowers, can bloom for six months at once, put on the balcony is incomparably brilliant, comparable to the most industrious flowers!

The maintenance method of the African impatiens is to keep the temperature of its growth between 18-28 degrees, it likes light, but it can also tolerate shade, suitable for semi-shaded places. Watering should keep the soil moist to avoid root rot due to excessive moisture. Fertilization can choose compound fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, mainly organic fertilizers, once every 20 days.