
The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

author:Pavilion said

A man in Guangxi jumped from the 5th floor of the hospital?

Having it but being overwhelmed is the biggest tragedy in life.

We always say that life is only once, and we should cherish it.

But when despair comes, life is not so important in the hearts of some people.

The fragility and resilience of human beings are most profoundly reflected on this edge.

..................................................................... 01......................................................................

At 15 o'clock in the afternoon of April 19, a tragedy occurred in a hospital in Nanning, Guangxi, which was embarrassing.

When people were seeking medical treatment in order, an exclamation pierced the sky above the hospital.

A middle-aged man climbed over the guardrail on the fifth floor and sat on a narrow platform on the outside.

It could be seen that the man was thin and not tall, and he kept looking down.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

Soon the people around noticed that something was wrong, and some people shouted "Don't jump!"

A male doctor on the fifth floor was also attracted by the noise and quickly approached the man sitting on the edge of the platform.

Trying to distract him by talking.

It can be seen that the doctor reached out to hold the man as he spoke.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

However, due to distance restrictions, it was unsuccessful in pulling the man back to safety.

After the man sat quietly on the platform for a moment, his eyes became firm,

Then he threw the pink bag in his hand downstairs and told everyone not to come near here.

Xue's father was also a little moved when he saw this, even if he was going to die, he was still thinking about others at the end of his life.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

After throwing the bag, he jumped from the fifth floor, more than 20 meters high, without the slightest hesitation, and fell on the tiles of the hospital lobby.

In the final picture, the man is lying quietly in a pool of blood,

This jump is more than lucky.

The pink bag fell aside, telling a silent tragedy.

It all came so suddenly, and it made people feel unprepared.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

What worries my father the most is actually the doctor behind the man.

How he wished he could hold the man and not let him be impulsive.

But in the end, he could only watch the man jump down, but he had no way to save a life.

For him, this scene will bring a very big psychological shadow!

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!
The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

At the same time, the father also wondered, why did this man choose such an extreme way to end his life?

What could have happened to make a middle-aged man so desperate?

An insider revealed the reason behind it,

Said the man had recently been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

To make matters worse, he has no health insurance, and the high cost of treatment will put a huge financial strain on the family.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!
The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

Some people say that the man's son has just bought a marriage house, and now his father is sick and his son wants to sell the house to him for treatment.

But the daughter-in-law disagreed, and there was a dispute between the husband and wife over the matter.

The father did not want to be a burden to them, so he chose to end his life himself.

Xue's father was also very sad to see this, every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, maybe this is the best choice for this father.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

Some witnesses at the scene said that they couldn't help but tremble after seeing the man jump off the building, and I am afraid that they will never forget this scene.

We don't know the real reason why the man jumped off the building.

However, it is known that he is not a cancer patient as reported on the Internet, and he has been treated in a standardized manner, and there are no medical complaints and disputes.

At present, we can only wait for the official announcement, and everyone still needs to look at it objectively and not spread rumors at will.

The patient jumped off the 5th floor, and the doctor tried his best not to hold it, and his head was broken in an instant!

If it's really because of illness, my father can only feel sorry.

After all, the despair and life pressure brought about by illness can easily become the last straw that crushes the camel's back.

Everyone has their own limits to endure,

When the pressure exceeds the load, it is not surprising that it will collapse.

..................................................................... 02......................................................................

Many netizens began to question the fault of the hospital, believing that the most fundamental reason behind this was the high cost of medical treatment.

They feel that the current hospital charges more than ordinary people can pay, making many families unable to shoulder the responsibility, and indirectly leading to many tragedies.

After the man jumped off the building, the relevant medical personnel immediately called the police, and then the police also came to investigate.

Two hours later, the hospital returned to normal. In fact, such a tragedy, no matter who sees it, will be very depressed.

Although it was a relief for the man, he would undoubtedly leave more harm to the living in doing so. The burden of life, sometimes too heavy to bear, is undoubtedly the deepest lament in the journey of life.

We often emphasize the uniqueness and preciousness of life, and cherish every moment of breath and existence. We can see that at the scene of the crime, some people tried to reach out to save them, some people watched nervously, and some people picked up their mobile phones in a panic to take pictures, and they all desperately wanted to stop the man's behavior, which touched the father's heart and saw the kindness of strangers.

Looking at this man's son again, if what netizens said is true, then the son is still very filial. After his father was terminally ill, he did not think about giving up, but was willing to sell the house in order to treat his father.

It's just that he didn't expect that his father would leave the world so decisively in the end. I only hope that my son will live a good life, which can be regarded as fulfilling his father's wish.

I've seen similar cases before. A migrant worker in Henan committed suicide because he could not afford to pay 90,000 yuan for surgery and did not want to drag down his family. Before he died, he wrote such a sentence, "You have never been poor, you don't understand" He lost hope in his illness, and in order not to become a burden, he chose the latter to end his life in the torture of illness and self-determination.

From these examples, the school father can see that it is not easy for ordinary families, and he also knows how to cherish the people in front of him. Illness is a topic that we can't avoid, and how to treat parents who are seriously ill is also an important choice related to morality and emotion, and I believe that everyone will struggle.

When the weight of life is overwhelming, when the light of hope is obscured by the haze, how do we face such challenges? Some choose to face it bravely, some choose to run away, and some struggle to find a way out. For those who are in need, what we can do is to give them more care and support. A warm word, a look of encouragement, or even a simple hug can give them strength.