
Ask for a collection code, and do you want to slow down? Beware of the new tricks of the scammers!

author:Qilu one point

The owner of the B&B received an order for a meal for group building accommodation

The "Customer" offers to pay the deposit

Accept the video connection with joy

Highlight the payment code


The money was deducted before it arrived

Steady profit becomes stable loss

The two did not meet

The money of the B&B owner has been "stolen"

What's the situation?



The police in Changyang, Yichang, Hubei Province successfully destroyed it

A criminal gang that steals payment codes "over the air".

10 people involved in the case were arrested

The amount involved is nearly one million yuan

Police ascertained

The people involved in the case used a mobile phone app

Show the "Payment Code" first

in order to adjust to the "collection code"

This time difference

Stealing bosses' "payment codes"

Then use the stolen "payment code" to spend elsewhere

Make a profit by selling what you have purchased

On March 25 this year, Ms. Tao, the owner of a homestay in Moshi Town, Changyang City, Yichang, received a WeChat friend to add a request.

After negotiating the transaction price of 6488 yuan, the other party called Ms. Tao for WeChat video chat, and the other party claimed that the company's financial business to business payment is very troublesome, and several colleagues pooled some money and paid a deposit of several thousand yuan first. Ms. Tao agreed.

During the payment process, the other party claimed that the two collection codes sent by Ms. Tao could not pay, and could only pay through the dynamic collection code of WeChat or Alipay, and asked Ms. Tao to find another mobile phone to open the WeChat or Alipay collection code and collect money on the video.

Ms. Tao took her husband's mobile phone to call up the WeChat collection code for the other party to scan, and received SMS transaction reminders from time to time in the process, because the collection code is dynamic, and the receipt of a sum has to be withdrawn and reopened, so that the other party has paid after five operations.

After hanging up the video, Ms. Tao checked her text message and found that she was deducted 4685 yuan, and then realized that she had been deceived.

Ask for a collection code, and do you want to slow down? Beware of the new tricks of the scammers!

The picture shows the police looking for the victim to investigate and collect evidence.

On the same day, the Changyang police received two similar reports one after another. After the incident, the police quickly launched an integrated combat mechanism for cracking down on rectification, and after investigation, a criminal gang headed by Liao Moumou and Qiu Moumou who stole payment codes surfaced.

On March 28, the Changyang police organized more than 10 capable police forces, and after 6 days of continuous fighting, they successfully arrested 10 criminal suspects including Qiu Moumou in Xiangyang, Hubei.

Ask for a collection code, and do you want to slow down? Beware of the new tricks of the scammers!

The picture shows the suspect being arrested by the police.

After review, the gang has a clear division of labor, Liao Moumou is responsible for finding the contact information of the owners of homestays and restaurants on the Internet, and by adding WeChat video chats, fabricating the fact that they are going to the store to build a group dinner, and on the grounds of advance payment, they took the opportunity to intercept the payment code of the victim's WeChat and Alipay, and sent it to the "scan code" gang headed by Qiu Moumou, and then quickly stole it by buying high-end cigarettes in physical stores, and then settled and shared it through virtual currency.

Ask for a collection code, and do you want to slow down? Beware of the new tricks of the scammers!

The picture shows the interface display of the collection code and the payment code.

According to the police handling the case, because when WeChat, Alipay and other interfaces are opened, the default is the payment code interface, and you need to click the switch to pop up the payment code interface.

When the suspect video chatted with the owner of the B&B, he tricked the victim into using the mobile phone of the person next to him to show the payment code on the grounds that the collection code presented by the boss was reflective and the code scanning was unsuccessful, and took the opportunity to intercept the other party's payment code. And many people use the small-amount "password-free payment" function, and transactions with a single payment amount of less than 1,000 yuan can be traded without verifying the payment password.

In just over ten days, the gang has committed more than 40 crazy crimes, involving nearly one million yuan.

At present, 10 criminal suspects including Qiu Moumou have been taken criminal compulsory measures, and the case is being further investigated.

(Rule of Law Daily WeChat public account)