

author:Beta watches the game

The LPL Spring Tournament has just ended, and all kinds of revelations about the transfer period have arrived. On the 21st, the well-known whistleblower Han Yi revealed that RNG and WBG will swap players in the summer tournament, and RNG will use breathe to exchange with WBG's ZDZ and xiaohao.


The original text of Hanyi's revelation is as follows, he revealed: ZDZ and xiaohao to RNG, it has been confirmed, and at the same time breathe to WBG. and with the label of "Hanyi broke the news that WBG and RNG swapped players".


Some time ago, Han Yi broke the news that the WBG Summer Tournament bought breathe and Tarzan. At that time, many people were concerned about what to do with WBG's single ZDZ, after all, ZDZ made significant progress throughout the spring, and WBG was able to almost reach the semifinals in the playoffs, which was inseparable from ZDZ's performance, but I didn't expect that the playoffs were just over, and the starters were gone. Now it seems that not only is the starter gone, but his efforts in this spring game are likely to be in vain, because the summer game went to RNG, and the points that he worked hard in WBG in the spring game were all in vain.


It's the same with xiaohao.,The progress of the whole spring game is also obvious.,From the hero coin at the beginning,To the back of the tool man jungler can also be played.,As a result, the summer game is back to the countdown team.,These two have been at the bottom of the LPL rankings when they were in AL before.,The summer game went to RNG.,It's also a return to the original point again.,I probably thought I could go to the bubble game.,As a result, I went to RNG to accompany tangyuan.,It can only be said that they are blessed in the summer game.。


Then the lineup of the WBG Summer Tournament is the top laner breathe, the jungler Tarzan, the mid laner Xiaohu, and the bottom lane Light plus Liu Qingsong. To be honest, this lineup,It's really all counting on Light.,breathe、Tarzan and Xiaohu are all biased towards the role of the tool man.,Xiaohu can sometimes carry.,Ueno is a complete auxiliary team.,breathe focuses on a stable line.,tarzan is a good rhythm in the early stage.,Then you can only believe in the light explosion in the summer.。 In addition, the WBG boss angrily reprimanded fans on Weibo and strongly supported Light, and the summer game should be played around Light.


As for RNG, wei doesn't know what the situation is, there are rumors that wei is going to LNG, so it seems that the lineup of the RNG Summer Tournament is likely to be the top laner ZDZ, the jungler xiaohao, the mid laner tangyuan, and the bottom lane lwx plus ming. The worst performance was not strengthened, and the stable performance left the team, and the RNG in the summer game still feels like the level of the four kings. Of course, it is only the breaking news stage, and the specific news is still mainly based on official announcements!


So, do you have anything to say about this revelation? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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