
Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!


On a spring afternoon, a tranquil park in Shanghai is surrounded by a sea of colorful flowers swaying in the breeze. Two young girls in light dresses are like a pair of elves in a sea of flowers, shuttling lightly among the flowers, enjoying the gifts of nature.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

Suddenly, their eyes were drawn to a particularly bright flower, a colorful, delicate flower that sparkled in the sun. The two girls excitedly ran to the flowers, ready to record the beautiful moment with their cameras.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

However, just as they were about to touch the flowers, a gray-haired old man appeared, his brows furrowed, and his eyes staring at the two girls like torches.

A trace of confusion welled up in my heart. They knew that the flower had been picked up from the ground, but the old man was suspicious.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

"No, we picked it up on the ground. One of the girls whispered, but the old man didn't seem to believe it.

At this time, the surrounding onlookers gradually joined the discussion, and the behavior of the two girls was not a big deal at this time.

"Uncle, these two little girls just picked up flowers and took pictures, and they didn't hurt the flowers. Someone said on the girl's side.

"You see, the uncle is disciplining others, and we should support him. Others supported the old man's approach.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

With the exposure of the video, netizens have also joined the discussion and expressed their views and opinions.

"This old man is too mean.

"I think the old man may be out of good intentions to protect the environment, but he can't be so harsh. ”

"If it's two big boys, will the old man also accuse him like this?"

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

These remarks are different, but they all reflect the attention and thinking of netizens about this incident. In this "battle of flowers", everyone has their own position and opinion, but it also makes people aware of the importance of norms and ethical standards for public space.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

As for the old man's behavior, I personally think that he may be motivated by good intentions for environmental protection, but the way of accusation that is too harsh may be counterproductive. When dealing with similar situations, you should pay more attention to communication and understanding with others, rather than blindly blaming.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!

In the end, this "battle over the sea of flowers" may be just an episode in life, but it has triggered deep thinking about morality and behavioral norms from all walks of life. I hope that in the future life, we can all pay more attention to environmental protection, respect others, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful society.

Picking up flowers and taking pictures sparked moral controversy! The uncle accused the two girls of picking indiscriminately, netizens: Take care of yourself first!