
The greatest success of contemporary parents is to point out four ways out for their children to be stable from generation to generation

author:Mu Qingshan

The greatest success of contemporary parents: showing their children 4 ways out, stable from generation to generation, many people don't know!

The ancients said: "If the descendants are virtuous, the family will naturally prosper; ”

This profoundly shows the importance of family education in shaping the growth of children.

Although schooling is also crucial, as the famous educator Li Zhenxi said, "Schooling is only an important supplement to family education." ”

Taking the inheritance of Wu Rongchang's meat dumpling brand as an example, its success not only stems from the hard work of each generation of inheritors, but also inseparable from the wisdom and accumulation of the first three generations of the family.

Wu Rongchang's gradual development from a small workshop to a well-known brand is the result of the family's inheritance and joint efforts from generation to generation.

The meaning of a good family is not only in material wealth and wealth, but also in the ability of each generation to do its best to help the next generation reach a higher level.

This inheritance is not only the transmission of skills and wealth, but also the continuation of a family spirit, family responsibility and mission.

For the vast majority of families, the so-called leap in class is not achieved overnight, but the continuous efforts and long-distance running of several generations.

Each generation needs to take over the baton of the previous generation, work hard, and finally achieve a qualitative leap through the joint efforts of successive generations.

The success of the Ng Rong Cheong family is a prime example of this kind of class jump, and through the family wisdom and hard work passed down from generation to generation, they have achieved a magnificent transformation from a family workshop to an industrial company.

It can be seen that a stable life is not something that can be easily created by one generation, but requires the joint efforts and continuous efforts of multiple generations. It is undoubtedly an unrealistic fantasy for parents to hope that their children will be able to live a stable life instead of working hard.

The greatest success of contemporary parents is to show their children 4 ways out, so that they can be stable from generation to generation.

The greatest success of contemporary parents is to point out four ways out for their children to be stable from generation to generation

Try to let your child play the "longboard effect"

Some psychologists believe that children should be taught according to their aptitude:

If the child is gifted, he or she should pay attention to all-round development, and strive for a balanced improvement of all aspects of ability with the short-board effect as the strategy.

If the child's qualifications are ordinary, they should give full play to their strengths, take the longboard effect as the guide, and amplify their advantages in one aspect to the extreme.

The short-board effect is to seek a balanced development of overall performance and improve comprehensive capabilities by making up for deficiencies.

However, for the general public, this strategy is often difficult to work, because mediocre all-round development can hardly constitute a core competitiveness.

The longboard effect, on the other hand, advocates concentrating on what individuals do best, in order to build a unique competitive advantage.

The other day, I heard a thought-provoking story.

A well-known education blogger mentioned his experience of contact with a successful family during the sharing session.

"That day, I went to an educational forum and there was a middle-aged lady sitting next to me. During our casual conversation, she talked about her homeschooling experience. Her ancestors initially migrated to the town from a remote mountainous area, and through hard work and hard work, they gradually established themselves by opening a small shop in the town.

Later, her parents successfully entered the university through study and hard work, and after graduation, they found a stable job in a small city, which further improved the family's status.

With the help of the resources accumulated by her family, she was able to receive a high-quality education in a big city, and after graduation, she entered a well-known company.

Today, she and her husband have successful careers, and their children are also receiving education in international schools, enjoying high-quality educational resources. She says it's all the result of generations of tireless work in the family. ”

The blogger lamented that many people only see the success and happiness of this family now, but ignore the hard work and sweat behind them.

Just like this family, they have worked for generations to provide better education and development opportunities for future generations.

As ordinary people, although we may not have such a prominent family background, we can also focus on cultivating children's talents in areas that we are really good at through the joint efforts of several generations, such as science, literature, art, etc.

After all, every child is unique in their own way, and we don't have to expect them to be all-rounders.

Instead, we should focus on cultivating their strengths and interests with limited resources and energy, so that they can achieve excellence in a certain field.

In this way, not only will it help children build self-confidence, but it will also lay a solid foundation for their future development.

The greatest success of contemporary parents is to point out four ways out for their children to be stable from generation to generation

Free-range children to improve their "reverse quotient"

There is a view that the key to fully stimulating children's IQ and emotional intelligence is to cultivate their reverse quotient.

Adverse quotient, in short, is the attitude and strategy that an individual shows when encountering challenges and difficulties.

In the face of adversity, whether to retreat and give up, or to move forward bravely, often determines a person's future direction and life pattern.

Throughout the world, the difference between people in IQ and EQ is not significant, and what can really widen the gap between people is precisely the reverse quotient.

After all, not everyone has the courage and strength to "Phoenix Nirvana, reborn from the ashes".

There is no shortage of celebrities in history who have demonstrated the importance of anti-quotient with their actions.

For example, the famous scientist Albert Einstein was not an outstanding student when he was a student, and was even considered by his teachers to have difficulty in learning.

However, he never gave up his pursuit and exploration of science. In the face of difficulties and setbacks, he chose to persevere, and through continuous efforts, he finally proposed the theory of relativity and became a giant in the field of physics.

For example, Thomas Edison is one of the famous geniuses in the history of technology, with patents for incandescent lamps, phonographs, movie projectors, and cameras.

Among them, Edison's four major inventions: the phonograph, the electric light, the electric system and the sound movie, enriched and improved the civilized life of mankind.

However, his success was not without its challenges. When Edison invented the electric light, he experienced numerous failures. He experimented with hundreds of materials before finding the right filament material.

In the face of failures and difficulties, Edison was never discouraged, he always faced them positively, and learned from them, and finally succeeded.

In life, failure is always inevitable, we should face up to failure and face challenges bravely.

As parents, we should let our children grow up in the storms of life, rather than sheltering them. Let children choose their own path in life, so that they can temper their perseverance and adversity.

The greatest success of contemporary parents is to point out four ways out for their children to be stable from generation to generation

Let children suffer the hardships of "making money" and learn to be grateful

When it comes to the connection between letting children experience the hardships of making money and learning to be grateful, some people may find it difficult to understand.

But in fact, the connection between the two is obvious.

If children have not experienced the hard work of making money, it will be difficult for them to truly appreciate the difficulty of their parents earning money, and they will not be able to recognize the value behind every penny. Therefore, it is crucial for children to experience this process.

In the case of internationally renowned football star Cristiano Ronaldo (Cristiano Ronaldo), his success did not happen overnight.

Although he now stands at the pinnacle of football, enjoying a hefty salary and advertising endorsements, his success is backed by countless days and nights of hard training and hard work.

According to reports, Ronaldo worked in a restaurant in order to earn living expenses when he was young, and he knows that it is not easy to make money.

This experience not only made him cherish his career opportunities more, but also made him more grateful and give back to society.

He is actively involved in philanthropic causes, providing help and support to the underprivileged.

This example shows us how important it is for children to experience the hardships of earning money.

Just like Cristiano Ronaldo, through first-hand experience and hard work, children can not only cherish their parents' efforts more, but also develop the quality of perseverance and courage.

The greatest success of contemporary parents is to point out four ways out for their children to be stable from generation to generation

Cultivate children's "forbearance and composure" temperament

《论语》中,孔子曾说:“君子敏于事而慎于言。 ”

This quote tells us that a true gentleman should be quick in his actions, but cautious in his words.

This quality is similar to "forbearance and composure". Forbearance is not cowardice, but a strategic silence and waiting, in order to act at the right time.

Those who can really achieve great things are often trained from "forbearance".

How do you stand when you lack the background and connections?

The answer is to learn the wisdom of "don't use the hidden dragon", like a dragon in the abyss, waiting for the opportunity to lurk in the depths of the water.

In this fast-paced era, everyone is eager to succeed quickly, but often overlooks the patience and strategy required behind success.

Forbearance is not only a strategy, but also a kind of wisdom, and it is the only way to success.

Imagine why plum blossoms bloom proudly in the bitter cold in winter?

It is precisely because it has experienced the withering of autumn and the silence of winter, and endured the loneliness of a season, that it has been exchanged for the splendor of that moment.

In the same way, every forbearance in life is for a better bloom.

Some people say that the real strong people are not those who are always aggressive and sharp, but those who can stay calm and calm at critical moments.

They know that before the time comes, they must continue to precipitate themselves and keep honing themselves until that moment really comes.

Historically, Sima Yi during the Three Kingdoms period was a model of "forbearance and composure".

During the Cao Cao and Cao Pi periods, he was always conscientious, and although he was an official to the prince, he never had two hearts.

He endured for decades, secretly accumulated strength, and finally decisively seized the opportunity when the Cao Wei regime was turbulent, and took control of Cao Wei's power in one fell swoop through the Gaopingling Incident, laying the foundation for the Sima family to establish the Jin Dynasty.

His forbearance and composure enable him to win with one blow at a critical moment.

So, when you feel that the road ahead is blank and overwhelmed, you might as well learn to forbear. Because, only forbearance can make you stick to the wind and rain until the moment the rainbow appears.

"The gentleman hides his weapon and waits for the time to move. This is not only an old saying, but also a wisdom of life. Let us learn to be patient, wait for the opportunity, and achieve our own brilliant life.

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