
Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

author:There are cute babies at home

The struggle of a boy with cerebral palsy: the tenacity of maternal love and the care of society

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

In the wave of short videos, a boy with cerebral palsy named Duoduo resonated with the majority of netizens. With his strong will and unremitting efforts, he gradually overcame physical difficulties and became an inspirational role model in the eyes of everyone. And Gong Qian, the mother behind him who paid silently, paved a road to success for him with maternal love.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

Last winter, a short video quietly became popular on the Internet. In the picture, Duoduo is practicing walking, and although his steps are faltering, his eyes reveal an unyielding light. The children around him cheered for him, and this warm scene touched the heartstrings of countless people. With the wide spread of the video, Duoduo's story has gradually become known to more people.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

Duoduo was diagnosed with cerebral palsy since he was a child, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow for a family. However, Gong Qian did not give up her treatment and care for her son. She sought medical advice everywhere and developed a complete rehabilitation plan for Duoduo. Under Gong Qian's careful care, Duoduo gradually learned to stand, walk, and even began to try to integrate into campus life.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

In the face of the hardships and challenges of life, Gong Qian has always maintained an optimistic and tenacious attitude. She knows that the power of motherly love is infinite, so she never gives up hope for Duoduo easily. In order to raise the cost of treatment, she did not hesitate to work hard, and even shared a lot of growth stories with the help of short video platforms, so as to gain social attention and help.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

Today, Duoduo has made significant progress. Not only is he able to walk independently, but he is also able to learn and play with other children in school. All of this is inseparable from Gong Qian's hard work and social care. And Gong Qian has also become a heroic mother in the minds of many people because of her sharing on the short video platform.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

Duoduo's story is not only moving, but also thought-provoking. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, we need more mothers like Gong Qian to care for those children in need with love and tenacity. At the same time, society should also give more attention and support to these special children, so that they can enjoy a happy childhood like ordinary children.

Nine years of sharpening a sword! The boy finally climbed 20 steps, and the new progress is exciting!

Let's praise Duoduo and his mother Gong Qian, and applaud their tenacity and bravery. May every child thrive in the sun, and may the power of mother's love always warm our hearts.