
Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

author:Smoke and rain in southern Xinjiang


When the Three Gorges Dam rises majestically over the Yangtze River, people marvel at its engineering marvels, but they don't anticipate a different scene in its downstream waters.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

Recently, a large number of hundred-pound eels have appeared in the Yangtze River, and the surge of these behemoths has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

Why don't the experts take fishing measures? Is there some ecological wisdom or respect for the laws of nature behind this? I'm going to take you through the deeper reasons behind this ecological phenomenon.

1. Ecological feast: the unexpected gift of the Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam was built to generate electricity and flood control, but it also inadvertently provided a paradise for fish to thrive.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The surge in the number of eels, a predator in the Yangtze River, appears to be a response to the improvement of the ecological environment.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

However, this phenomenon has also raised concerns about the possible impact on the ecological balance.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The surge of eel is not only an ecological feast brought by the Three Gorges Dam, but also a test of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River.

2. The Ecological Mystery: Behind the Boom in Fish

Is the surge in the number of eel a signal of ecological improvement, or a wake-up call for ecological balance?

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The ecological mystery behind this phenomenon has caused experts to ponder.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The increase in the number of eel may affect the survival of other fish species and may even pose a threat to the ecological environment of the Yangtze River.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

Experts are studying this phenomenon in an attempt to find out the real cause of the eel surge and its long-term impact on the Yangtze ecosystem.

3. The Fishing Question: Why Not Take Action?

Why did experts not take immediate action in the face of the surge in the number of eels?

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The reasons can be manifold. On the one hand, overfishing may disrupt the ecological balance and affect the self-healing ability of the Yangtze River ecosystem. On the other hand, experts may be waiting for more data and research in order to develop more scientific and rational management measures.

4. Ecological balance: how to deal with the surge of eel?

In response to the surge in the number of eels, experts have proposed a series of measures.

Increasing the planting density of aquatic plants and controlling the number of eel are all strategies adopted to maintain the ecological environment and ecological balance of the Yangtze River.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The aim of these measures is to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature without damaging the ecosystem.

5. Future prospects: the sustainable road of the Yangtze River ecology

The Yangtze River is the mother river of China, and its ecological health is directly related to the well-being of hundreds of millions of people.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

The surge in fish stocks under the Three Gorges Dam is both a challenge and an opportunity.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

How to find a balance between protecting the ecology and promoting economic development, and how to embark on a path of sustainable development are the problems we must face.


The phenomenon of the surge of fish under the Three Gorges Dam is an awakening of our awareness of ecological protection.

Under the Three Gorges Dam, the fish stock has skyrocketed! Hundreds of catties of fish are everywhere, so why don't experts take fishing measures?

While paying attention to this phenomenon, we should think more about how to scientifically manage and protect our ecosystem to achieve a win-win situation for ecology and economy.

Today's topic:

What do you think of the surge in fish populations under the Three Gorges Dam?