
The front foot and Hui released a schedule of Dong Yuhui's broadcast, and the back foot was laughed at by the comments in the comment area

author:Voyage with Hui

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At 10 p.m. on April 21, he released the anchor schedule for April 22 on time, and the highly anticipated Dong Yuhui ended his four-day vacation and will talk about the situation with the interview guest Wu Jun in the evening session.

On Monday, April 22, the live broadcast time of Walking with Hui was 7:45 a.m., and the live broadcast duration was 12.25 hours throughout the day.

There will be six live broadcasts throughout the day, three double broadcasts, and three single broadcasts, and the anchors of the entire team will appear, and no one will take turns to rest.

The number and time of the anchor's broadcast on April 22 are as follows:

Session 1, Hansen, 7:45-10:00 a.m

Session 2, Pengpeng, 10:00-12:00 a.m

The third session, Dong Dong and Xiaoxiao, 12:00-14:00 noon

The fourth session, An An and Xiaobei, 18:00-20:30 in the evening

The fifth session, Dong Yuhui, 20:30-21:30 in the evening

Sixth, Panpan and Chuanxi, 21:30-24:00 in the evening

The front foot and Hui walked together to release the anchor schedule, and the back foot was laughed at by a friend in the comment area!

Some friends jokingly call Mr. Dong Yuhui a "part-time anchor", sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, always bringing freshness to everyone.

The front foot and Hui released a schedule of Dong Yuhui's broadcast, and the back foot was laughed at by the comments in the comment area

Netizens left messages

Some friends also reminded the editor that in the live broadcast at half past eight in the evening, you might as well let the "new anchor" introduce himself to make everyone closer.

The front foot and Hui released a schedule of Dong Yuhui's broadcast, and the back foot was laughed at by the comments in the comment area

Netizens left messages

A friend left a message saying that her crush was back. Teacher Dong Yuhui's humor and humor make the joy of every day escalate, whether it is in the live broadcast room or in the comment area.

The front foot and Hui released a schedule of Dong Yuhui's broadcast, and the back foot was laughed at by the comments in the comment area

Netizens left messages

Dear friends, do you still remember Mr. Dong's classic little whiteboard? Do you still remember the habit of sharing your feelings after reading books? If this continues, maybe Mr. Dong will really invite you to write a summary of the live broadcast or guest interviews on a whim!

For tomorrow's dialogue between Dong Yuhui and Wu Jun, everyone is full of expectations. Indeed, such a conversation is worth looking forward to!

The front foot and Hui released a schedule of Dong Yuhui's broadcast, and the back foot was laughed at by the comments in the comment area

Walk with Hui on April 22 anchor schedule