
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative

author:Wang Jingjing

Life is short, forever reincarnated in farewell. In this process, the mortuary, those ferrymen who silently guard the dignity of the deceased, play a vital role. Their work is both incomprehensible and challenging, but they firmly believe that it is a noble mission to give the deceased the last dignity. Whether it is applying makeup, arranging the body, or comforting the family, they take care of each deceased with great awe and care. However, there are many touching stories and unique regulations hidden behind this profession. Despite being misunderstood, they still stick to it because they know that it is a job full of meaning. Their efforts allow every deceased person to find dignity and peace in their final farewell. Perhaps, when we face the parting of life, we will better understand the hard work and dedication of these ferrymen. Their work is the last respect for life and the last tenderness for the deceased.

Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative

In the profession of mortuary, there is an important rule - it is not allowed to touch the body of the deceased with your hands. This provision does not stem from superstition, but is based on profound reasons and practical experience. The mortuaries are well aware that such restrictions are not only to protect the dignity of the deceased, but also to ensure that neither the living nor the deceased are harmed.

Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative

When tidying up the deceased, the undertaker needs to maintain the dignity and integrity of the deceased as much as possible. Through professional make-up and finishing, they strive to make the deceased appear serene and calm, so that the family can feel a touch of comfort and comfort when saying goodbye. However, if the deceased's body is touched directly, it may lead to the risk of cross-infection, posing a potential health threat to the living and other family members.

Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative

In addition, not touching the body of the deceased is also to protect the dignity and respect of the deceased. A corpse is the remains of life, a former shelter for the living, and should be regarded as sacred and respectable. Knowing that touching the body of the deceased directly with their hands may cause unnecessary discomfort and sadness to the family, the undertakers choose to respect this provision to ensure that the deceased receives the last dignity.

Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative

Although to the outside world, the profession of mortuary may be full of mystery and incomprehensibility, but they are silently making the final sacrifice for each deceased. Their work is not superstitious, but based on respect for life and dignity for the deceased. In this profession, they shoulder a noble mission, which is to send the last blessings and farewells to each and every one who has passed away. Therefore, both the family and the outside world should give enough respect and understanding to the work of the mortuary. Their dedication and efforts have enabled every deceased person to gain peace and dignity in the last journey of their lives.


Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative
Why can't you touch the body of the deceased with your hands? Undertaker: It's not superstition, even if it's a relative