
Should guys be more active in relationships?

author:Zhou Zhou 1314520

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That's an interesting question. Feelings, whether you take the initiative or not, there is really no hard standard. After all, everyone is unique and has their own pace and way of expressing love.

Some boys are naturally enthusiastic and like to speak their minds boldly. This may be because of their personalities, or it may be due to their experiences or cultural background. They feel that confessing to the person they like is a kind of bravery, a kind of self-confidence, and the most direct way to let the other party understand their minds.

However, there are also some boys who may be more subtle or more cautious. They need time to sort out their emotions or wait for a suitable moment to express them. It's not that they don't know how to cherish their feelings, it's just that they choose a different way to express them.

Speaking of which, I think the most important thing is to respect each other's feelings and choices, both men and women. If both people are interested, then it really doesn't matter who takes the initiative, what matters is the sincerity and effort for the relationship.

If you really like a guy but he seems to be a bit passive, try to be proactive, communicate with him more, share your joys and sorrows, or invite him to do something fun. But remember, give him enough space and time, and don't push too hard.

So, whether a boy wants to take the initiative in a relationship really depends on the relationship between the individual and each other. The key is to be sincere, respectful and understanding, and let the relationship develop naturally. What do you think?

That's a really puzzling question. When it comes to active and passive in relationships, everyone has their own set of ways and rhythms, after all, there is no absolute standard for feelings?

Some boys, like the warm sunshine, like to directly illuminate other people's worlds and express their hearts boldly. Perhaps, this is due to their personality, or it is a trait given to them by their life experience and cultural background. They feel that confessing to the person they like is not only a manifestation of courage, but also the best way to let the other party understand their heart.

However, there are also some boys who are more introverted and reserved. They may need more time to sort out their emotions or wait for a suitable opportunity to speak out. This doesn't mean that they don't take their feelings seriously, it's just that they choose different ways to show them.

In fact, in the world of feelings, the most important thing for both men and women is mutual respect and understanding. If both people are interested, then it really doesn't really matter who takes the initiative to take that step. The important thing is that both parties can put their hearts and efforts into the relationship.

If you have a crush on a guy but he seems to be more passive, then you might as well try to be proactive, communicate and share more with him. Of course, you should also give him enough space and freedom, and don't force it too much.

So, whether boys should be more active in their relationship really depends on the specific situation and the relationship with each other. It is important that we all remain sincere and respectful and allow the relationship to develop naturally. What do you think?

Should guys be more active in relationships?

That's an interesting question. When it comes to active and passive in relationships, there is really no fixed standard, everyone has their own way and rhythm, just like the melody in music, which is different, but harmoniously coexists.

Some boys, like the free wind, like to express their emotions freely, they pursue the directness and honesty, so that the other party can clearly feel their hearts. This directness may be part of their character, and it is also their attitude towards feelings.

For others, they are more like the quiet lake, with emotions surging deep inside, but choose to express them in a more restrained way. They may need more time to think, to determine their hearts, or to wait for an opportune moment to show their emotions. It's not that they don't value feelings, it's just that they choose a deeper approach.

In the world of relationships, whether it is a boy or a girl, the most important thing is to understand and respect each other's feelings. If both people are interested, then who takes the initiative is not the most important, what matters is whether each other's hearts are connected and whether they can work together for this relationship.

If you have a crush on a guy but he seems to be more reserved, then you can try to approach him with a more open attitude, get to know him, and let him feel your sincerity and kindness. Of course, respect his rhythm and way of doing things, and don't push it too hard.

So, there is no fixed answer to the question of whether boys should be more active in their relationships. It is important that we all base ourselves on sincerity and respect, and let the relationship develop naturally in mutual understanding and effort. What do you think?

It's actually quite an interesting topic about active and passive in relationships. Everyone has their own way of expression and rhythm, just like everything in nature, each with its own unique posture.

Some boys, they are enthusiastic and like to express their feelings directly. This kind of straightforwardness may be due to character, or it may be a manifestation of life experience. They feel that directly expressing their hearts to each other is both a form of courage and a kind of respect for feelings.

Some boys are more introverted and deep. They may need more time to think about their feelings, or choose to express them in a more nuanced way at the right time. It's not that they don't take their feelings seriously enough, it's just that they choose different ways to show their emotions.

In the world of relationships, understanding and respect are essential for both boys and girls. If both people have a good feeling, then it is not the key who takes the initiative, the key is whether both parties can treat each other sincerely and work together for the relationship.

If you have a crush on a guy and he seems to be reserved, then you can try to approach him with a more open and tolerant mind. Through daily communication, share your life and interests, so that he can feel your warmth and sincerity. Of course, respect his personality and rhythm, and don't force it too much.

Therefore, there is no absolute answer to the question of whether boys should be more active in their relationships. The key is whether we can build our feelings on the basis of sincerity and respect, and let the relationship develop naturally in mutual understanding and tolerance. What do you think about this?

When it comes to active and passive in relationships, everyone has their own way of expression, just like creatures in nature, each showing a unique vitality.

Some boys, they are like the summer sun, enthusiastic and direct, and like to show their emotions unabashedly. This kind of straightforwardness may be a portrayal of their character, or it may be an attitude towards their feelings. They feel that expressing their love directly to each other is the most sincere respect for their feelings.

And some boys, like the autumn breeze, are restrained and deep, and they prefer to slowly cultivate their feelings in the long stream of water. They may need more time to think, or wait for the right moment to touch each other's heartstrings in a more delicate way. This doesn't mean that they aren't serious enough about their feelings, it's just that they choose different ways to show their affection.

In the emotional arena, understanding and respect are indispensable for both boys and girls. If two people have a heart, then who takes the initiative is not the most important, the important thing is whether both parties can work together for this relationship with a sincere attitude.

If you have a crush on a guy and he seems to be more reserved, then you can try to approach him in a more natural and relaxed way. Through daily communication, share your life and interests, so that he can feel your sincerity and warmth. Of course, also respect his personality and rhythm, and don't rush it.

Therefore, there is no fixed answer to whether boys should be more active in their relationships. The key is whether we can take sincerity and respect as the cornerstone, and let the relationship slowly warm up in mutual understanding and understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

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