
When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

author:I love noodle fish

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

In ancient times, there was a small village called Yunxi, and the people in the village lived a calm and simple life. In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the path at the entrance of the village, reflecting a golden yellow. The women of the village are finishing their day's work and preparing to go home to cook. Among them, there is a woman named Wan'er, who is hardworking and kind, and is recognized as a good daughter-in-law by the villagers.

On this day, Wan'er went to the town to buy some households, and it was late on the way home. She carried the basket and hurried down the path. It was silent, only the sound of her footsteps echoing. Suddenly, a light breeze blew, and the leaves rustled, and Wan'er couldn't help but feel a little hairy in her heart. She quickened her pace, wanting to get back to the village as soon as possible.

At this moment, a figure flashed out of the bushes on the side of the road, blocking Wan'er's way. Wan'er looked at it and saw that it was a monk in a robe. The monk clasped his hands together, bowed to Wan'er, and said, "Female donor, the poor monk is lost, how should I go to Lingshan Temple?"

Wan'er's heart tightened, she had heard of Lingshan Temple, which was an ancient temple that had been abandoned for many years, and it was said that ghosts often haunted at night. She didn't want to get too entangled with the monk, so she pointed to a path in front of her and said, "If you follow this road all the way, you will be able to see Lingshan Temple." After saying that, Wan'er wanted to bypass the monk and continue on her way.

However, the monk didn't seem to intend to let Wan'er go. He grabbed Wan'er's wrist, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Female benefactor, the poor monk still has something to ask for." Wan'er was shocked and wanted to break free from the monk's hand, but found that the monk's strength was so great that she couldn't break free at all.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the distance. Wan'er looked up and saw a figure running towards her quickly. The man was an old carpenter named Ah Fu, one of the elders of the village. Ah Fu held an axe in his hand, and his face was full of anxiety. He shouted loudly as he ran: "Wan'er, come back to the village with me!"

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

When Wan'er saw this, she was overjoyed, she knew that Ah Fu was a courageous person and would definitely be able to save her from danger. She used all her strength and shouted for help: "Uncle Fu, help me!"

Ah Fu heard Wan'er's cry for help and ran faster. He rushed to Wan'er and the monk in a few steps, brandished his axe, and shouted, "You monk, let go of Wan'er!"

When the monk saw that Ah Fu was menacing, there was a hint of panic on his face. He let go of Wan'er's wrist and turned around to run away. However, how could Ah Fu let him escape easily, he chased after him, grabbed the monk by the collar, and dragged him back.

Wan'er took the opportunity to break free from the monk's control and ran to Ah Fu's side. She looked at Ah Fu gratefully and said, "Uncle Ah Fu, thank you for saving me." Ah Fu waved his hand and said, "Wan'er, you're fine." This monk is very weird, and we have to be careful with it. ”

After the monk was caught by Ah Fu, his face became gloomy. He stared at Ah Fu and Wan'er viciously, and said, "You two dare to harm my good deeds, I won't let you go!" After speaking, he suddenly broke free of Ah Fu's hand and fled deep into the woods.

Seeing this, Ah Fu wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Wan'er. Wan'er said: "Uncle Fu, that monk is very strange, let's not chase after it, let's go back to the village first." Ah Fu nodded and said, "Wan'er, you're right, let's go back to the village first, and then discuss countermeasures." ”

So, the two returned to the village together. Wan'er told the rest of the village what had happened, and everyone was amazed. They speculated about the identity and purpose of the monk, but no one could tell.

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

Ah Fu sat on the stone bench at the entrance of the village, his brows furrowed. He remembered the legend he had heard about Lingshan Temple when he was younger, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart. He knew that this incident was no accident, and that the monk must have some ulterior motives.

As night fell, the village was covered in darkness. Wan'er and Ah Fu sat at home, uneasy. They know that this peaceful village is about to usher in an unknown turmoil......

Ever since the encounter with the strange monk that night, Yunxi Village has been shrouded in shadows. The villagers were all worried that the monk would bring bad luck to the village. The old carpenter Ah Fu frowned, he knew that this matter was not trivial, and he must find out the truth as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Ah Fu gathered a few strong men in the village and prepared to go to Lin San Temple to find out. Wan'er also insisted on going along, she wanted to see for herself what secrets were hidden in the place that the monk said that night.

The group followed the path that Wan'er had walked that night and came to the front of Lingshan Temple. I saw that the temple was in a dilapidated state, and the door was ajar, as if waiting for their arrival. Ah Fu motioned everyone to be careful, and then took the lead in entering the temple.

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

The temple was desolate, the Buddha statue had collapsed, and the incense had been broken. They looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Just as everyone was about to leave, Wan'er suddenly noticed something wrong - there seemed to be a secret door hidden under the base of the Buddha statue.

Ah Fu cautiously pushed open the secret door, and a cold breath came to his face. They descended the stairs to a basement. The basement was dim, except for a few flickering oil lamps.

The crowd held torches and walked cautiously. Suddenly, a strange sound came, as if someone was whispering. They followed the sound, and saw a figure in a robe sitting in a corner of the basement, muttering a word.

Ah Fu recognized it at a glance that it was the monk who had stopped Wan'er that night! They approached cautiously, only to hear the monk say, "Soon, soon, as long as I complete the last ritual, I will be able to get what I want." ”

The crowd was terrified, and they understood that the monk must be performing some evil ritual. Ah Fu rushed forward, grabbed the monk's collar, and shouted, "What are you doing, you evil monk?"

After the monk was caught by Ah Fu, his face showed a look of horror. He struggled to break free from Ah Fu's grasp, but Ah Fu was so strong that he couldn't break free at all. At this time, other villagers also stepped forward and surrounded the monks.

Under the pressure of everyone, the monk finally told the truth. It turned out that he was an evil monk who had been expelled from his sect and had been searching for a secret technique that would enhance his mana. He heard that there was an ancient book hidden under the temple of Lin San, which recorded this secret technique, so he came here to look for it.

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

That night, he stopped Wan'er to ask for directions, in fact, he wanted to use Wan'er as a bait to distract the attention of the villagers, so that he could concentrate on finding ancient books. Fortunately, Ah Fu appeared in time, saved Wan'er, and also exposed his conspiracy.

After listening to the monk's explanation, everyone was shocked into a cold sweat. They were glad that an elder like Ah Fu was guarding the village, and they were also glad that they were able to see through the conspiracy of the evil monks.

Eventually, the villagers tied up the monk and prepared to hand him over to the government. And that ancient book was also found and destroyed by Ah Fu to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil again.

After this incident, the villagers of Yunxi Village have become more united. They know that only by uniting together can they resist the evil forces of the outside world. And Ah Fu and Wan'er, because of this incident, have become heroes in the hearts of the villagers.

After sending off the evil monk, Ah Fu knew that this was not the end. Although the destroyed ancient book no longer exists, the secret art pursued by the evil monk may still be circulating in some corner of the world. Ah Fu decided to strengthen the village's defenses, while also teaching the villagers some basic ways to defend themselves in case of emergency.

After this incident, Wan'er also became stronger and braver. She is no longer just a good wife and mother in the family, but has become a role model for the women in the village, leading them to learn martial arts and protect their homeland.

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

As the days passed, Yunxi Village, under the leadership of Ah Fu and Wan'er, became more and more prosperous and safe. The villagers lived a quiet and happy life, and occasionally mentioned the strange events of that night, but only as an after-dinner conversation, and no longer felt afraid.

However, just when the villagers thought that everything had returned to calm, a new crisis crept in.

One day, a group of vicious thieves suddenly came outside the village, they robbed the passing merchants, and threatened to sack Yunxi Village. When the villagers heard the news, they panicked and didn't know what to do.

At this time, Ah Fu stood up. He calmed the emotions of the villagers and told them not to panic, but to unite and defend against foreign enemies. He also gathered the strong men of the village and developed a strict defense plan.

Wan'er was not idle, she led the women in the village, sewed battle clothes for the soldiers, prepared dry food, and did a good job of logistics. Although they could not participate directly in the fighting, their support and encouragement greatly boosted the morale of the fighters.

When the thieves arrived in Yunxi Village, they were shocked by the momentum of the villagers. After a fierce battle, the thieves were beaten to pieces by the villagers and fled in a hurry.

This victory strengthened the villagers' belief that nothing could defeat them as long as they were united. And Ah Fu and Wan'er, because of their bravery and wisdom, have won the deep respect of the villagers.

When the woman was walking at night, the monk stopped her to ask for directions, and the old carpenter said, "Come with me back to the village."

Yunxi Village has once again returned to its former tranquility. But Ah Fu and Wan'er know that the world is always full of unknowns and variables. They decided to continue to strengthen the village's defenses while training more young people so that they could learn to protect themselves and their homes.

In this way, under the leadership of Ah Fu and Wan'er, Yunxi Village has gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter one after another. Their story has also been passed down to future generations and has become an eternal legend in this land.