
How did Xianyu become a "vegetable market" for young people?

author:Genki sesame sauce 4Jl

"Spring is wonderful, but it's unlucky to have no money. "If Chekhov could travel through time and space from more than 100 years ago to the present, he would definitely not have such troubles. Relying on "Crying Poor Literature" alone, in a few minutes, he can set up a stall in Xianyu "Cyber" and realize the wish of "I will have a lot of money in the spring of next year".

Chekhov's mental state is more than 100 years ahead of contemporary young people, but fortunately, in his era, there is no platform to make money by "going crazy with stability" like Xianyu, and there is one more great writer in the world who creates for money "pain".

Today's young people are looking for happiness in trivial daily life, and they can get the happiness of the market with reduced expenses and double happiness on a second-hand platform with their brains, which is also a "ghost of life".

How did Xianyu become a "vegetable market" for young people?

Xianyu's annual Penfolds financial report shows that in 2023, young people can not only earn an average of 2,723.5 yuan in Xianyu, leading the trading trend of building a single match, saving money, special forces, and crazy copywriting, but also starting the trend of SWAP for everything.

The online idle goods trading market, which is obviously serious, may not have imagined that it will become a "cyber vegetable market" that allows young people to be spiritually free.


Young people need "cyber markets"

Yan Fei, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Tsinghua University, has an interesting point of view, in his opinion, the demolition of a vegetable market will have a profound impact on the surrounding residents. Because, the primary function of the vegetable market is not to buy vegetables, but to communicate with neighbors......

To a certain extent, the traditional wet market is actually very much like a public place where emotions "emerge", a community of emotions and spirits of neighbors. The young people who turn out all kinds of life patterns on the second-hand platform essentially release the yearning for interaction with like-minded and like-minded people.

In the eyes of sociologists, young people's yearning for public places similar to vegetable markets stems from the characteristics of the "suspended" era that create their similar living conditions.

In Levitabration: Mobility, Expectation, and Social Growth, Xiang Biao, a professor of anthropology at the University of Oxford, says: "Everyone is busy working, busy chasing a future. At the same time, the present is suspended and has no meaning other than as a tool to point to the future. Working hard is not because you like the job, but because you save enough money to never have to do it again. ”

This can also explain why contemporary young people always put "making money" in the first place - there is no root base to "levitate", and "making money" is the only way to make them "land".

While complaining about their work, they are "making money" in 996, 007 and even "all year round", and they also rely on side hustles to "make money" outside of work. A set of public data is that for every 10 people in the workplace, more than 4 have done a side hustle, and more than 5 adults have the idea of doing a side hustle.

It's just that young people who have too many thoughts of "making money" in their minds to seek a sense of security will inevitably not get much money, but the mental pressure is not small, and they can't go to the real vegetable market to release their emotions.

How did Xianyu become a "vegetable market" for young people?

In this regard, Xiang Biao believes that usually, "suspended" young people get the meaning of life from the two ends of their own lives and the extremely distant abstract world, and are "nearby" between the two ends, but from their relationships, they are strange, alienated and even disappear.

Young people simply turn the second-hand platform into a "cyber vegetable market", not only staging a sand sculpture or warm story such as "Ten Moving Fish" and "V Me 50", but also changing tricks to do "ticket collection" performance art: ......"Shh

In the "Cyber Market", young people finally choose to go crazy between shining and heat, and in the circle of similar interests, release their nature, bring happiness to others, and also bring some money and more happiness to themselves.


The "suspended" young man was caught by second-hand e-commerce

Second-hand trading is not only an economic behavior that allows idle items to be sold and make a little money, but also a social activity of information sharing. This gives the second-hand trading platform the advantage of becoming a "cyber market" for young people.

Those users who are active in Zhuan Zhuan can not only quickly sell the "expired love" blood, but also continue to update the product information, obtain all the new information of the second-hand 3C, and then smoothly switch to the trendy toys that buyers have been picking up and planting grass for a long time. In the commodity evaluation area, the "push and pull" between buyers and sellers is a teaching of "sales skills" and "bargaining skills".

The young people gathered on the second luxury platform are still interested in the practical and versatile LV old flowers today, and tomorrow they may be successfully planted by a fashion blogger MIUMIU's Wander hobo.

It's just that this practice of "buying seafood has to go to the seafood market, and buying dry goods has to go to the dry goods store" makes young people who "can sit and never stand, and can lie down and never sit" feel "detoured".

As a result, Xianyu, who has the comprehensive advantage of "only you can't think of it, can't buy it without you", has been "transformed" into a "cyber vegetable market" by young people who "spend money and engage in money wild".

Of course, Xianyu has also been trying to "cater" openly and secretly over the years.

On the one hand, Xianyu digs the "fish pond" of interest with all its might, and the trading based on hobbies makes the community atmosphere more "upside down", and also promotes users to move from trading to friendship.

Even, in order to enhance the interaction between users, Xianyu has separately opened up and upgraded the "will play" section, so that users in different circles can interact through experience posts, live broadcasts, etc., find interested circles, and make money in transactions while "going crazy" in interaction.

Judging from the currently known data, Xianyu has achieved almost all personalized needs can match affordable solutions: for every 1,000 yuan of transactions, 450 yuan comes from various interest goods, and all kinds of interest goods sold online throughout the year are as high as 150 million.

Based on interest, it is easier for users to move from trading to friendship. In the interest industry represented by games, pet plants, and model animation, buyers and sellers have to chat for an average of 40 days for each order, of which 40% of the chats occur after the transaction.

On the other hand, Xianyu also makes great efforts to create a young social atmosphere, build a pan-relationship with content, and generate strong links with social networking.

Previously, some college students played a stalk on Xianyu to "sell their alma mater at a low price", and the official personally intervened, seriously stating that "it is not an idle product, it is recommended not to sell it". One dares to sell, the other is really persuaded, and he doesn't let a stalk fall to the ground, which is simply running on the crazy road of young people's "temple demons are windy, and people talk a lot".

The "Fusu Season" activity throughout the spring of 2024 is more typical, and Xianyu uses the lottery tickets and local skits that young people like to do what they like, and strengthens the link with them. In the comment area of Xianyu's official Weibo, there are also many enthusiastic fans who shout "I am a local dog, I love to watch" and "I like it".

When young people deeply feel the resonance of "understand me", it will deepen the stickiness of the platform and dispel the distrust of the second-hand "lemon market" to a certain extent.

In 2023, among Xianyu's 500 million users, nearly half of the active users are post-95s, and post-00s account for 22%. This group of young people who have gone crazy in Xianyu has pushed the average daily GMV of Xianyu to more than 1 billion.

This number, I'm afraid that my peers will see it, and they will also come to Xianyu to "go crazy" steadily.