
"Asleep" into a VIP?

author:Dream of entertaining stars


Sleepwalking aunt at the concert

At Jay Chou's concert, an aunt in the VIP seat became an uninvited guest, and she fell asleep in the dazzling lights and deafening applause.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

This concert is such a rare event, some people can't even grab tickets, and some people brave the cold and heat, and go through a lot of hardships to get into this sea of carnival. And this aunt seemed to be not interested in this audio-visual feast, so she fell asleep peacefully in the notes intertwined with countless screams.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

This bizarre scene was filmed by someone with a heart and caused quite a stir on the Internet. What an absurd scene: crazy fans on one side, and sleeping aunts who enjoy VIP treatment on the other, this contradictory picture makes people laugh.

Music carnival in the rain


At the same time, the sky of Hangzhou seems to be infected by this musical feast, and the sudden downpour has not stopped the enthusiastic fans. None of Jay's fans chose to leave, but instead sang collectively in the rain, which was a spectacular scene.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Tens of thousands of people outside the venue held umbrellas, like a fluctuating sea of flowers, and the rain and music were intertwined to create a moving performance.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

And on the Internet, this scene has been described as "moved to tears", such a statement is not an exaggeration, only real music and the enthusiasm of fans can create such a touching scene.

Posing or encountering?

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Back to our "sleepwalking aunt", some netizens suspected that this scene was deliberately posed. They point out that the angles of the shots were carefully chosen and did not seem like scenes that were discovered by chance.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

But it has to be said that whether it was a clever pose or not, it managed to catch everyone's attention. On social media, the topic of discussion quickly heated up with different opinions.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Some netizens humorously commented: "This aunt may have come to teach us a lesson, telling us to keep a normal heart even in the VIP seat." ”

Feelings of rain or shine


And Jay Chou's concert is not just an ordinary concert, but also an emotional party for fans. In the rain and wind outside, the fans who could not enter the stadium expressed their persistence and obsession with singing.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Outside the concert in Hangzhou, they witnessed the arrival of this moment with a heart of "longing for the sea". In the crowd, some people laughed and said: "Maybe the next time the Phoenix Legend comes to sing, this aunt will be full of energy." ”

Behind the hot search

"Asleep" into a VIP?

On the second day of the concert, the aunt's sleeping position has been compiled into various versions by netizens and has become a hot topic. Some people began to question why the more popular Jay Chou's concert was, the more rampant negative comments became.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction on social media: "There are new topics every day, but the media is just around some 'messy' things. Why hasn't the show been hyped up?"

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Auntie's freedom

As for the aunt who slept soundly at the concert, maybe we should think about it from a different perspective. Some netizens left a message in the comment area: "She bought a ticket, and sleeping is also her freedom."

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Is it right to take pictures of people and post them online?" This aunt has inadvertently become a hot search topic, but her behavior also makes us reflect on whether we really understand the true meaning of the word "freedom".

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Behind the controversy are each of us with different understandings and expectations of music, freedom, and cultural phenomena.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

When these things come across on social media, there are countless interesting and profound discussions.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

Let's share your insights on this series of events in the comments section, and maybe your comments will become the next hot topic.

"Asleep" into a VIP?

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