
Scholz said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may continue for several more years, and the West does not accept the imposed peace agreement

author:Shotaku Sansui

According to a report on the 20th, German Chancellor Scholz said that there is no hope of ending the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict may drag on for a few more years.

Scholz pointed out that since the full-scale outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russian President Putin has not shown any compromise and loose stance on the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin's attitude is tough, and Russia must complete all the goals in the special military operation in Ukraine.

Scholz said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may continue for several more years, and the West does not accept the imposed peace agreement

Now the Ukrainian army is in a difficult situation on the battlefield, and the Russian army is holding the advantage and initiative on the battlefield, which makes it even more unlikely that Putin will make compromises and concessions on the issue of the Ukrainian crisis, Putin's position will only be tougher and firmer, and Putin is forcing the United States and the Kiev authorities to compromise and make concessions to Russia.

Scholz stressed that Germany and the West will continue to support the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, Germany and the West will continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine, Germany and the West will not accept the peace imposed on the Ukrainians by Putin and Russia, and Germany and the West will not accept the peace agreement of Putin's alliance under the city.

Scholz said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may continue for several more years, and the West does not accept the imposed peace agreement

Germany believes that only by helping Ukraine win this war can it truly ensure the security and peace of the Ukrainians and the security and stability of the Western camp.

In order to safeguard the hegemonic interests of the United States, the Germans not only want to provide military assistance to Ukraine, but Germany also fears that the flames of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will burn to Germany itself, and Germany is worried that it will become the main battlefield of fierce confrontation between the two major military machines of Russia and the United States.

If a war breaks out in Europe, Germany could once again be destroyed in a catastrophic European war fire, and the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is the full-scale outbreak of war in Europe.

Scholz said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may continue for several more years, and the West does not accept the imposed peace agreement

If the Germans do not want to see their homeland in danger of being destroyed by the fires of the war in Europe, the Germans should stand up bravely and ask the United States to agree to negotiate with Russia to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and only when Russia and the United States sit at the negotiating table can the crisis of the war in Ukraine be truly resolved, and the conflict of interests between Russia and the United States over Ukraine is not resolved on the battlefield, but at the negotiating table between the major powers of Russia and the United States.