
How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Gynecological examination, as soon as the word is mentioned, many female friends may feel embarrassed, or even blush and heartbeat. Indeed, the process of such an examination involves the most intimate parts of the woman, which will inevitably make people feel shy.

However, if you look at it from another perspective, this is not only a simple examination, but also a physical examination, which is an important part of protecting women's health. Therefore, it is important for every woman to understand the specific process and precautions of gynecological examination.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

1. Gynecological examination: the gatekeeper of women's health

Gynecological examination, it is not only a routine, but a line of defense related to women's health, especially for women over 35 years old, regular gynecological examination is essential.

Not only can this detect diseases early, but it can also help doctors assess a woman's reproductive health status and provide important information for disease prevention and treatment. Gynaecological examinations usually include a Pap smear, hysteroscopy, gynaecological ultrasound, breast examination, and internal examination.

Each test has its own unique purpose and procedure, and together they form a comprehensive system for assessing female reproductive health.

While each test may cause varying degrees of discomfort, they all aim to better protect a woman's health.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

2. Hysteroscopy: endoscopy to explore the uterus

Hysteroscopy may sound nerve-wracking enough, but it is a very valuable diagnostic tool. A specialist doctor uses a long, thin, tube-like instrument, a hysteroscope, to pass through the vagina and into the cervix to see the inside of the uterus.

This test can help your doctor detect abnormal growths in the lining of the uterus, polyps or other possible problems. Before undergoing a hysteroscopy, women usually need to do some preparation.

First, make sure your bladder and bowel are empty, which not only reduces discomfort during the exam, but also allows your doctor to see what's going on inside the uterine cavity more clearly.

Secondly, it is also very important to relax your mind, which can lead to muscle tension, which is not conducive to the examination. During the test, your doctor may take a sample of your endometrium, which is necessary to diagnose certain conditions.

This test may sound a little scary, but with the help of modern medical technology, it has become relatively easy and safe.

Skilled doctors, advanced equipment, and adequate preparation can greatly reduce the discomfort of female friends and make the process smoother.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

3. Gynecological ultrasound: female reproductive health under sound waves

Gynecological ultrasound, a technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture images of the reproductive organs, has become an integral part of routine gynecological examinations.

Ultrasonography is divided into abdominal ultrasound, which takes images through the abdominal wall, and vaginal ultrasound, which is closer to the uterus and ovaries through the vagina, so the images are clearer.

Vaginal ultrasound plays an important role in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases, especially for women over 35 years old, it helps to detect problems such as ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids, etc.

According to medical research, the accuracy of vaginal ultrasound for the diagnosis of endometriosis is as high as more than 90%. Before the examination, women should be fasting for 4 to 6 hours to get a clear view of the pelvic organs, but a vaginal ultrasound usually does not require special preparation.

During a gynecological ultrasound, the doctor will explain the necessity and steps of the examination in detail to reduce the patient's concerns. During the examination, the ultrasound probe will be applied with an appropriate amount of medical guide to ensure that the sound waves are conducted smoothly.

Patients may experience mild discomfort but usually no pain. At the end of the examination, the doctor will analyze the possible problems based on the ultrasound images and provide corresponding medical recommendations or treatment options.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

4. Breast examination: early screening and early peace of mind

Breast screening is also essential for health monitoring for women over the age of 35. It includes clinical palpation by doctors and imaging tests such as breast ultrasound and mammography. These tests can help detect breast cancer at an early stage, which has a significant effect on improving the cure rate and reducing the mortality rate.

Palpation is the most straightforward form of breast examination, and the doctor uses the hand to detect whether there is a lump in the breast. Breast ultrasound, on the other hand, uses ultrasound to detect the internal structure of the breast, which is especially suitable for young women with dense breasts.

Mammography is more suitable for middle-aged and elderly women with less breast density, and according to statistics, the sensitivity of mammography can reach 87%.

Before the breast examination, women should choose to have a week after the end of menstruation, when the mammary glands are relatively soft and less susceptible to hormones, and the results of the examination are more accurate.

At the same time, women should avoid using creams or powders before undergoing the examination to avoid affecting the clarity of the image. During the exam, your doctor will ask you a detailed medical history, including symptoms such as breast pain, discharge, and whether there is a history of breast cancer in your family, all of which are important for diagnosis.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

5. Internal diagnosis: the most direct way of gynecological examination

Internal examination, as the most basic and direct way of gynecological examination, is carried out by the doctor's hand and special examination tools. During this procedure, your doctor will assess the size and shape of your uterus, as well as whether there are any abnormalities.

Although this process may make people feel that privacy is being violated, it has an irreplaceable role in diagnosing a variety of gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.

Before the internal consultation, the doctor will ask the patient about the patient's medical history and current symptoms in detail, so that the examination can be targeted. Patients should empty their bladder before the test, which not only reduces the discomfort during the test, but also allows the doctor to feel the uterus and ovaries more accurately.

During the consultation, the doctor will wear gloves and use lubricants to minimize the patient's discomfort. During the exam, your doctor may gently press on your lower abdomen to better assess the condition of your internal organs.

Internal diagnosis is simple, but it provides a wealth of diagnostic information. Based on the feeling of the internal examination and the patient's feedback, the doctor will determine whether further tests, such as ultrasound or hysteroscopy, are needed.

The doctor's experience and skill are crucial in this process, and an experienced doctor is able to cause minimal discomfort while obtaining the maximum amount of diagnostic information.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination

6. Five precautions before the inspection: ready, not embarrassed

Preparation for a gynecological examination is like the preparation of a small trip, and if you think about it, the journey will go more smoothly. Here are five tips to make the preparation process less blushing.

1. Cleanliness and personal hygiene: On the day of the examination, the patient should keep the perineum clean and hygienic, not only out of respect for the doctor, but also to ensure the accuracy of the examination results.

2. Choose the time of the examination: It is recommended to perform the examination in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when the uterus and ovaries are most stable and can get the most realistic examination results.

3. Choose the right medical institution and doctor: A good medical environment and professional doctors can make the examination process more comfortable and provide a more accurate diagnosis.

4. Psychological preparation and communication before the examination: The doctor will explain the necessity and process of the examination before the examination, and the patient should actively ask questions to understand every aspect of the examination, which can reduce psychological pressure.

5. Relaxation techniques during the examination: During the examination, deep breathing and relaxing the muscles can effectively reduce discomfort. Communication with your doctor is also crucial, and if you feel unwell, you should tell your doctor immediately.

How is the "gynecological examination" that makes people blush? Doctor: These are the five points that need to be paid attention to before the examination


Gynecological examinations, although they may be a little shy, are a health check that every woman must face. Proper preparation and understanding of the inspection process can make the process much simpler and less intimidating.

Remember, it's not just a check-up, it's a sign of self-care that takes responsibility for your own health. Of course, the doctor's professionalism and warm service will also make the process more humane, allowing you to maintain dignity and comfort while protecting your health.