
Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

author:Original for boxing fans

This week, legendary heavyweight champion Mike Tyson returned to his hometown of Brooklyn, New York, where he was revered by fans and engaged in a "street fight" with former WBO Champion "The Cannon" Siannon Briggs, causing even more madness.

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

Brownsville, located in Brooklyn, is where Tyson lived his childhood and even had a huge impact on his life. In fact, Tyson was born in Greenburg, Brooklyn, and didn't move into Brownsville until he was 10 years old, but Brownsville left an impression on him far more than Greenburg, because Tyson played more of a "gas bag" role during his time at Greenburg, and he revealed in his autobiography published in 2013 that the playmates in the neighborhood were more like "threats", so that he was often bullied to tears and snot.

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

However, as he grew older, especially after moving into Brownsville, Tyson showed a gradual "rise" trend, because almost all of his "glorious achievements" were completed in Brownsville - by the age of 13, he had been imprisoned 35 times (some say 38 times) for fighting and stealing, and became a well-known "problem boy" in the neighborhood.

It was in Brownsville that Tyson, who was sent to a juvenile school, was discovered by a former boxing disciplinarian who later gave him to the famous Kus D'Amato, and then history......

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

To this day, Brownsville is still infinitely glorious because of Tyson, so it's no wonder that the local people are crazy about Tyson's hometown.

Tyson rewalked the old street of his childhood, where he took photos and hugged fans, the organizer found Briggs, who is also from Brownsville, to help, the two can be regarded as a pair of old friends, the reunion is very excited, as a result, under the instigation of fans, Tyson and Briggs took off their shirts and went into battle bare-chested to start a "street fight", only to see the two sides attacking with punches, and finally Briggs, who was also huge, hugged Tyson, and everyone at the scene laughed.

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs
Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs
Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

Tyson posted a video of a "street fight" with Briggs on social media, where he wrote: The best fighters in Brownsville are always ready to fight, love this guy!


Tyson and Briggs are both well-known heavy gunners in their fields, and Briggs even surpassed Tyson in the number of knockouts in 1 round, but unfortunately the two never met in the ring. As early as 2000, Tyson's team had planned to play Briggs, but it failed to take shape for various reasons, which has to be said to be a big pity. Later, Tyson returned to the court in 2020, and Briggs wanted to start an exhibition match with the other party, but it still failed to take shape.

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

In case you didn't know, Briggs ended up on the road of boxing and had a lot to do with Tyson. Tyson and Briggs are 5 years apart, according to Briggs's recollection, he was once on the streets when he was a child, when he was playing in Brownsville Park, he saw 17-year-old Tyson, Tyson was already quite famous in the amateur boxing world at that time, and many people began to fear him.

"My friends shouted at me – Mike Tyson is here! I was so scared that I didn't even dare to run, but seeing Tyson that day changed my life and I decided to become a fighter as well," Briggs recalled. ”

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

Tyson, who is now 57 years old, will turn 58 when he will face influencer Jack Paul this summer. Tyson's performance with Roy Jones Jr. four years ago looked good, but I don't know what will happen in a few years? The battle with Jones, despite being an exhibition match, generated 1.5 million PPV ratings, which also shows Tyson's influence, so playing against Paul is expected to create higher PPV ratings.

Tyson returns to Brooklyn and goes bare-chested to engage in a "street fight" with former boxing champion Briggs

Some fans ridiculed that through Tyson's "street fight" with Briggs this time, he is still extremely sharp!

Will Tyson be able to regain his formidable power against Paul, or will his younger opponents stop the immortal legend? We'll find out in July!