
Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row

author:Game number one

Hello everyone, I am the number one game, and I will bring you the latest Honor of Kings information every day!

In the King's Canyon, if you want to win the qualifying match, you need to cooperate with players and teammates, and cooperate with teammates, that is, some heroes are responsible for injury resistance, and some heroes are responsible for hitting damage, if there is no injury resistance, then it is easy to be killed by enemy assassins in Glory of Kings, there are some tank heroes or opponent road heroes, the main purpose is to attract firepower, especially after the S35 season update, tank heroes are very eye-catching, and a group of heroes with a very high degree of flesh were also born, but in fact, in King's Canyon, some heroes are not tanks, but it also has a very strong ability to resist injuries, can even withstand 30,000 damage, let's take a look.

Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row

The bull demon has a high degree of frankness

Speaking of the more meaty heroes in the Glory of Kings, it is estimated that there are many friends who will first think of the Bull Demon, because in the Glory of Kings, the Bull Demon is a hard auxiliary, and staying by the side of the Bull Demon, it can also increase resistance, and it is also a disguised increase in the openness and protection ability of the Bull Demon, so there are many players who like to use the Bull Demon, when we use the Bull Demon, we can explore the grass to attract firepower, and use a skill and ultimate to play the control effect, in this way, the output of our back row can play damage steadily.

Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row

Zhang Fei's blood is thick

In fact, the hero with strong injury resistance, in addition to the Bull Demon, should be Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei can increase the shield for his teammates, and his own frankness is also very high, and the same as the Bull Demon, in the later stage, Zhang Fei in the flesh suit, the blood volume can even reach close to 20,000, so as soon as I see my teammates choose Zhang Fei, it can prove that this hero's injury-bearing ability is very strong. In fact, this is nothing? After Zhang Fei uses the ultimate, a very thick white shield will appear, if we don't encounter a local hero with real damage, this shield alone can withstand a lot of damage, so Zhang Fei is also known as the most fleshy hero.

Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row


In this season, Zhu Bajie ushered in a strengthening, coupled with the collective strength of the tank heroes, so the popularity of Zhu Bajie has increased a lot, and now Zhu Bajie's overall playing rate and winning rate are very good, and even some friends use Zhu Bajie to fight in the jungle, which can also play a good effect, Zhu Bajie's frankness is also very high, the main reason is that the damage he received can be recovered, even when encountering multiple enemy heroes, it can be seen that Zhu Bajie's blood volume has not decreased but increased, the main reason comes from Zhu Bajie's passivity, so that Zhu Bajie's injury in the King's Canyon is very high, each game can even reach more than 50% of the damage.

Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row

Lao Fuzi

However, these heroes are only considered from the aspect of health or shield, and they look particularly meaty, but these situations will also encounter some restraint heroes, for example, Zhang Fei Bull Demon is particularly afraid of real heroes like Lu Bu Marco Polo, which has a hero who has a relatively high degree of frankness in the King's Canyon, but still has a certain output ability, and the threat to the back row is very strong, he is the old master, and he can be said to be the most meaty hero in the King's Canyon, some friends may not understand what is going on, let's take a look。

Tianmei announced that the most meat hero is not the bull demon Zhang Fei, but Ta who can resist 30,000 outputs in a row

Old Master, the biggest role of this hero is his injury-free, we also know that it is very important to avoid injury in the Glory of Kings, even if it encounters real damage, it can also be reduced, especially the old master's injury exemption in the later stage can reach 70% ,And when we use the basic attack, we can also reduce the cooldown time of the skill.,So the old master can resist in the late stage.,Especially when you encounter multiple enemy heroes.,You can also calmly fight back.,Although the old master's health doesn't look very high.,But in the case of semi-meat.,Plus its 70% injury-free effect,It's not enough to resist 30,000 damage.。