
Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

author:I'm here

Let's start with a story about a successful businessman named Steve. He is now extremely wealthy, owns a big house, a good business, and of course has achieved his financial freedom.

If we read this story, do we all envy him very much and want to be him, but if we understand him deeply, we will find that he has also paid a lot to have the status he has now.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

He had a lot to learn and do a lot of extra business since middle school. Therefore, he devoted a lot of time and energy to work and study, and of course, he neglected his family.

So what is the family situation he is facing now? He is divorced, his siblings are far away from him, and what about his children, who have not been accompanied by childhood, and now they occasionally come to his big house, but it is only cold and decorated, no temperature, nothing that attracts them, and of course the children do not want to stay with him for long.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

Steve is in a state of extreme loneliness, and despite his vast wealth, he is not happy. And this seems to be the complete opposite of what he originally envisioned.

In his earliest understanding, as long as he had enough wealth, he could enjoy a happy life. Especially for your own children. He also believes that when children are young, they don't need to pay much attention to them before they understand adults, and when children really understand the adult world, and then communicate with them, they can build a better relationship.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

But the reality doesn't seem to be like this, why did his life come to such a situation? In fact, it was because he had a wrong understanding of life, that is, he didn't understand what kind of life he really needed? That is, he kept moving forward on the wrong path, and although he gained a lot, he also lost a lot.

What about ourselves? I believe that Steve's life path is exactly what we are constantly practicing and pursuing, and we are still pursuing the same life as Steve, and we will also lose a lot of family affection because of the pursuit of wealth.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

But if we can't maintain good relations with our relatives, if we lose their support, if we can't witness our children's growth from childhood to adulthood, if we can't get their love, then what's the point of the wealth we are pursuing?

Now, we want to avoid Steve's fate, we want to have another happy life, it's not too late, we still have the opportunity to re-understand life, we can re-plan our own life.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and the first of the "50 Most Influential Business Thinkers of Our Time." And he used such a classic book "How Do You Measure Your Life" to take us to insight into the truth of life, find what is the most important factor for our life, and then let us replan our lives along such a path, so that our lives will be smoother and less detours.

Steve's case above is the most typical example of a failed life in this book. For us, the success or failure cases in this book will inevitably inspire us, and will inevitably give us insight into the truth of life, and the author's extensive ideological guidance for us will undoubtedly provide us with the right direction in life and allow us to find the real way forward.

Why do they have a house, a car, financial freedom, but not happiness? They started their lives wrong

If we want to have an extraordinary life, we need to change some of our past assumptions from the cognitive level, and re-understand what we should really pursue in life? #如何衡量你的人生##人生##人生的意义#

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