
Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

author:Shanghai Changning

Recently, the Xinjing Town Elderly Dementia-Friendly Community Support Center - Yuelang Memory Cottage, together with Luyuan Primary School and Xinjing Town Juvenile Protection Workstation, jointly carried out a unique "Aroma Healing, Perceiving Nature" science popularization intervention activity in the Lvba residential area.

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

With her professional knowledge and vivid explanation, Chen Jiani, the training lecturer of Wanhong Pension Group, led some of the elderly and people with cognitive impairment in the community, the "Jing Lingyou +" of the excellent + habitat classroom of Luyuan Primary School and nearly 30 children in distress into the wonderful world of aromatherapy.


The old and the young are communed, and the "Jing" color and "fragrance" meet

First of all, the lecturer introduced the ancient and miraculous treatment of "aromatherapy" in simple terms, and how to improve the memory and cognitive function of the elderly with the help of aromatherapy. In the classroom, the elders and students sat together, listened attentively, and shared their life experiences and wisdom, while the students carefully recorded every knowledge point with curiosity and desire for knowledge. "Teacher, this smell is very fresh, what kind of essential oil is it?" "Teacher, what are the benefits of this essential oil on the human body?" In the interactive Q&A, it not only enhanced the communication between the old and the young, but also allowed the students to have a better understanding of cognitive impairment.

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......
Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......


Young and old have fun together, sniff and inhale the fragrance

In the world of human senses, sniffing and inhaling are closest to instinct. During the activity, the elders and the students made their own essential oil roll-on bottles, felt the natural aroma of essential oils, immersed themselves in the aroma of herbs, experienced the healing power of nature, the faces of the elderly were full of smiles, and the students were full of a sense of achievement.

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......
Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

The students said that they not only learned about aromatherapy, but also felt the wisdom and warmth of the elderly, and will pay more attention, understanding and care to the elderly at home in the future. The old people also felt companionship and warmth in the interaction with the students, and their hearts were very happy.

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

Since the end of February this year, with the strong support of volunteers from Wanhong "Vitality Orange", major banks, enterprises and other friendly institutions, nearly 1,800 people have been screened for community risk assessment in the third year of the pilot project of Xinjing Town's elderly cognitive impairment friendly community construction project, and nearly 40 people have been screened accurately. This friendly cooperation with Luyuan Primary School not only improves the awareness of young people about cognitive impairment in the elderly, understands the effective way to delay cognitive impairment, but also allows the two generations of the elderly and the young to experience the charm of nature and the beauty of life together in the intimate interaction and companionship, and further creates a friendly community atmosphere for the elderly with cognitive impairment.

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......
Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

Source: Xinjing Town

Written by: Cheng Qinghui

Editor: Chen Sha

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Young and old take the same class and walk into the world of aromas together......

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