
The client asked the banker not to delay her son's marriage...... Thankfully, it was delayed

The client asked the banker not to delay her son's marriage...... Thankfully, it was delayed

Recently, a lady hurriedly ran into the Huangqiao branch of the Agricultural Bank of Jiangsu Taixing and asked to withdraw the 130,000 yuan fixed deposit in the account.

The client asked the banker not to delay her son's marriage...... Thankfully, it was delayed

After inquiry, the customer service manager found that 130,000 yuan had not yet expired, and now it would lose interest if it was withdrawn, so he confirmed with the customer whether to withdraw it.

The lady said that her son was old and had not yet married, and she recently met an introducer, who said that as long as she went to see the woman with cash, the woman could be her daughter-in-law and go home with her immediately.

After hearing this, the customer service manager felt very suspicious and thought that it was likely to be a fraud, and asked the head of the office to help persuade him.

However, the lady did not listen to persuasion, and kept impatiently urging the staff to handle the business for her so that the staff would not delay her son's marriage.

Seeing that the dissuasion work was ineffective, the head of the internal service quietly called the police and asked the customer service manager to stabilize the customer and wait for the police to come to deal with it.

The client asked the banker not to delay her son's marriage...... Thankfully, it was delayed

In the end, under the persuasion of the police and the persuasion of the bank staff, the woman realized that she had been deceived and gave up the idea of withdrawing cash.

Blind date fraud is the most hateful, not only to cheat money but also to cheat feelings.

The reporter reminded everyone that when going on a blind date, you must keep your eyes open and find a regular blind date agency or a reliable acquaintance. During the blind date, if the other party asks for money and items, you must be careful and beware of being deceived.

The client asked the banker not to delay her son's marriage...... Thankfully, it was delayed

Source: Financial Times client

Reporter: Zhu Lixuan, Feng Yao, Wang Feng

Editor: Yu Siqing

Email: [email protected]

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