
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

author:New Net Division
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

The "Growth Scripture" for New Teachers

1. Academic qualifications and the starting point of the work unit cannot determine the end point of a teacher's development.

2. What you learn in the workplace after joining the company is the most useful.

3. Being a class teacher is a valuable asset.

4. Good habits benefit for life.

5. Helping others is also improving yourself.

6. The pursuit should be hierarchical and endless.

7. "Fame and fortune" are the "by-products" of career development.

8. Learn to work with colleagues, students, and parents.

9. The teaching profession should be realized from interest to fun to interest.

10. Gradually look at the "authority" of the industry with three eyes: looking up, looking up and looking down.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

New Teachers Should Uphold the "Attitude Experience" of Work

1. Complete the specified tasks within the specified time.

2. Increase the content of innovation in your own work and increase the share of mental work in your work.

3. Do (say) things in place at one time, and there is a certain price to pay for repetition, rework, and remediation.

4. Transform inefficient hard work into efficient work, not to mention the glory of school, but only to talk about the new achievements after becoming a teacher.

5. You don't have the right or the ability to judge your child's future, anything is possible.

6. Convey positive energy in public places, and don't let your momentary negative emotions affect the mood of the team.

7. Every child is a precious existence, do not abandon every student, moisturize middle students, care for potential students, and educate excellent students.

8. Tools determine speed, path determines efficiency, shortcomings determine development height, and details determine success or failure.

9. Educate students to be cost-conscious, and to exchange the least cost for the best educational effect.

10. Conquer students with the charm of the subject, so that habits can be transformed into a kind of learning ability.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

New teachers should improve the "quality of teaching"

1. It is better to speak quickly and many times in the lower paragraph, and it is better to speak again in a variety of ways in the higher paragraph.

2. Excellent teachers who prepare lessons can explain clearly to students in one main lesson, while teachers who do not prepare enough lessons need to consolidate multiple classes or even exercises and exams, that is, it is more important to use effort in preparing for class than to rush more classes.

3. Grasp the degree of time allocation between the teacher's lecture and the student's independent study and practice in the classroom, if you talk too much and practice less, the average score of the class will be okay and not sharp; if the students practice too much and talk too little, it will be sharp, but it will cause polarization and the average score will not go up.

4. Students, especially primary school students, who do not listen to lectures, speak, read, and take notes, will not be able to do so, which will affect their subsequent development.

5. Most of the main reasons for students to deviate from subjects are that they do not like the teacher, that is, they can change the teacher-student relationship before they can change their grades.

6. Solve the problem that the student wants to learn first, and then teach him how to learn, that is, it is more important to solve the problem that the student wants to learn than to blindly guide and learn.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

The "work experience" that allows you to avoid many detours

1. Teachers should pay special attention to the beginning and end effects of a semester of teaching: the first lesson of the class (the first lesson of teaching) at the beginning of the semester and the last lesson at the end of the semester.

2. There is knowledge in the row of seats at the beginning of the new semester, and there is also knowledge in changing seats in the middle of the semester. If a student needs to change seats due to a problem with classroom behavior, try to choose a way to skillfully arrange student seating in a way that does not hurt the student's self-esteem and allows you to maintain good classroom discipline.

3. Be sure not to confuse classroom routines with classroom rules, which emphasize the consistency of behavior when performing the same thing or the same type of thing, that is, to develop conventional habits, while the rules are aimed at serious mistakes; In principle, there should not be more than 5 classroom rules, and the rules should be strictly enforced. Breaking the rules punishes the students, and breaking the routine only requires the students to practice it in a targeted manner.

4. One of the three questionnaires should not be missing. At the beginning of the semester, in order to understand the students' hobbies, personality and family education status, the mid-term questionnaire solicits students' real thoughts and suggestions on class management and their own teaching, and at the end of the semester, students are asked to give themselves an appraisal evaluation.

5. Students have the right to make mistakes. The classroom is a place where students are allowed to make mistakes. It is in the process of inquiry that mistakes and corrections are the most lively, so the various mistakes made by students in the learning process are very valuable teaching resources. In teaching, we should not only be tolerant of mistakes, but also be good at using them to make the most of them.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

The "Classroom Experience" of New Teachers Standing on the Podium

1. When preparing lessons, the language of the textbook should be translated into written language that children can understand, so as to avoid teaching in adult language or professional words that students do not understand.

2. When preparing for class, it is best to have a backup of the examples, example questions, and practice questions in class to prevent unexpected situations, inappropriate or mistakes in impromptu speech.

3. Do not wait too early or too short, it is advisable to arrive at class 3 minutes in advance. Waiting for class should be carried out in four ways: assign pre-study tasks, open the electronic whiteboard, check students' preparation before class, and walk around to remind students to enter the learning state.

4. The organization and teaching of shouting to stand up and sit down cannot be saved, but must also be serious and standardized. When the class leader shouts to stand up, the teacher should look at all the students, and as long as one student does not stand up, do not return the salute and shout to sit down.

5. Put forward requirements for students' sitting posture: head straight, shoulders flat, back straight, body comfortable, feet safe.

6. Teachers should make eye contact with students when they are lecturing, and do not look at the ceiling or speak to the blackboard. Do not pinch chalk in your hands, do not shake your legs, and teach in a natural manner.

7. The introduction should not be too long, the review should not be too long, and it should not be allowed to go up to deal with class affairs or criticize students. Therefore, during the golden learning period of 5 minutes to 20 minutes after class, it is necessary to talk about new lessons, key points, and difficult points.

8. When teaching a new lesson, the speed of speech should not be too fast, students should talk about the second link after understanding the first link, avoid talking about a lesson quickly many times, and it is better to speak slowly than quickly many times.

9. Students should be given enough time to think before asking questions, and the instructions should be clear when asking questions, and students should not be in a hurry to sit down after answering, but should give students on and off the stage time to reflect on the stage.

10. Avoid simple, fragmented questions that can be answered without entering the brain, and avoid "yes, yes or no" or invalid questions where the teacher says the first half of the sentence and the student reads the book and says the second half of the sentence.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

The "Experience Experience" of New Teachers Standing on the Podium

1. Three journeys of new teachers

Stage 1: It feels like there's nothing to talk about

Because of the unfamiliarity with the textbook system, coupled with the lack of grasp of students' knowledge, experience, thinking and other basic learning conditions, the subconscious uses their own adult understanding level to teach, and can not convert the textbook language into words that students can understand, that is, will not transform subject knowledge into subject teaching knowledge, so the classroom does not take into account the learning situation, interaction, and quickly finishes the lesson in ten minutes according to the textbook.

Stage 2: Unable to finish

After a period of time, through the correction of homework and small exams, it was found that the error rate of students was very high, and then it was perceived that the middle and lower class students would not know anything.

Stage 3: Finish the lecture smoothly

After a while, the teacher knows how to make trade-offs, prioritizes, and adopts some methods and strategies, and at this time, the teacher can successfully complete the teaching task in one lesson.

2. New teachers should have a working attitude

1. Work hard first

New teachers should establish the awareness that "I can't speak, I can practice, I can't practice, I can take the test, I can't take the test, I can correct mistakes", as long as I invest a lot of time, I can get good results.

2. Dry smarter

After working hard for a while, young teachers will think about how to achieve better results with less investment? You will think of ways and carry out reforms in the selection of examples and variants, the design of tutorials, the design of learning courses, and the design of assignments, and then you will enter the stage of skillful work.

3. Use the scale to test whether you are standing firmly on the podium

In the book "On the Teaching and Research of Junior High School Mathematics", Zhai Li'an, a teacher and researcher in Yangpu District, Shanghai, based on the four elements of Grossman's subject teaching knowledge PCK, put forward an analytical framework of PCK based on classroom teaching:

1. The core content and educational value of the discipline

Mainly embodied in:

(1) There are no scientific errors or improprieties;

(2) Accurately grasp the teaching essence of teaching focus (core content) and difficult points;

(3) Strive to achieve the preset teaching goals.

2. Connections between teaching contents

Mainly embodied in:

(1) know the horizontal connection of what is being taught;

(2) Know the vertical connection of what is being taught.

3. The student's experience and learning difficulties

Mainly embodied in:

(1) Understand the basis of students' learning of specific content and what is easy to understand or misunderstand;

(2) Students who are concerned about students' difficulties in learning a specific content and those who have learning difficulties;

(3) help students learn teaching strategies;

(4) Adjust the relationship between preset and generation;

(5) will choose the appropriate teaching method (mode) according to the specific teaching content;

(6) There are teaching strategies to guide students individually, in small groups or as a whole to break through major difficulties.

Assuming 10 points for each piece, you can see how many points you can score, and you can also ask your colleagues to rate yourself, and at the same time, you can find the direction of your efforts.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

What New Teachers Should Know in Advance

1. What is not lesson preparation?

Lesson preparation is not the same as copying lesson plans, piecing together lesson plans, writing lesson plans, making courseware or compiling tutorial plans.

2. What is lesson preparation?

In my opinion, lesson preparation consists of five parts: reading and thinking, writing lesson plans, making courseware, skill training and content digestion.

1. Focus on reading and thinking before writing a lesson plan. Research the course standards, study the teaching references, study the textbooks (texts), read the textbook analysis, study the after-class exercise papers, and study the learning situation (the relationship between the students' knowledge, ability, experience, thinking starting point and the logical starting point of the new teaching content).

2. Write a lesson plan. Design learning objectives, learning contents, learning methods, and learning evaluations according to curriculum resources and learning conditions.

3. Make courseware (design micro-courses) and design guide cards. It is an auxiliary tool and means of teaching plans.

4. Skills training. For the content that requires emotional recitation, you must first practice, and you must first write and draw a picture of the new words and maps you want to demonstrate on the blackboard, only in this way can the teacher have the confidence to demonstrate.

5. Content digestion. The content of the lesson plan should be thoroughly understood and memorized, that is, the manuscript should be taken out of class during class.

3. What is the focus of lesson preparation?

1. The focus of the whole book syllabus:

(1) Decomposition of the objectives of the subject course standard and the objectives of this volume;

(2) On the basis of being familiar with the logical structure of each chapter of the textbook, draw a knowledge tree or mind map of the whole book;

(3) Determine the important and difficult chapters of the whole book;

(4) Prepare teaching schedules and write semester teaching strategies and plans.

2. Focus of unit preparation:

(1) Familiar with the overall goal of the unit;

(2) Determine the important and difficult points of the class;

(3) Divide the number of unit hours;

(4) Develop unit teaching strategies.

3. Focus on lesson preparation: solve three problems, what to learn, how to learn, and whether you have learned. A lesson can be divided into multiple lessons, and the tutorial case is written in one lesson hour.

4. What are the current innovations in lesson preparation?

The Pursuit of Understanding and the Beginning of the End in Flipped Lesson Preparation: The Thinking Revolution of Teaching Transformation, Unit Teaching Design in the Context of Big Concepts, and the Integrated Design of Teaching Evaluation.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

New Teachers Control the "Discipline Sutra" in the Classroom

Causes and countermeasures of disorder in the classroom

Cause 1: There is no standing link or not being serious and not in place.

Solution: Standing up in class is not an optional part, it is an important part of organizing teaching. If a student is busy carrying something, whispering, or not standing up, the teacher should keep an eye on the student who is not in place, and wait until all the students have stood up before returning the salute and asking the student to sit down.

Cause 2: Students have learned to have nothing to do.

Solution: Students who have learned can be used as teachers, and problems can be designed in layers, and homework can be assigned in layers, so that students who have learned can have something to do.

Cause 3: There are too many debts for basic knowledge, and the starting point of the textbook is too large, and I can't understand it if I want to listen to it, and I can't sit still because I can't understand it.

Countermeasures: Learn one and retreat three, start from the basics, and avoid students listening to books.

Cause 4: Raise your hand to move the stool to make a sound, make a shout of "call me, call me", judge and choose to ask students to answer in unison, and some students deliberately pull their voices or slow down half a beat.

Solution: If you want the teacher to ask yourself to speak, you can ask the student to raise their hands many times, but they can't make a sound; For example, you can use the number of fingers to represent four answers.

Cause 5: The class size is too large, the teacher's voice is too low, so that the students in the back row cannot hear clearly, and the students have not yet developed the habit of listening.

Countermeasures: Moderate voice to ensure that students in the back row can hear clearly, and train and cultivate students' active listening habits.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

A reminder for new teachers

1. Cherish your first job, mature and grow in "boiling".

Don't impulsively resign because of a disagreement, a disagreement, a small setback, etc., and be sure to cherish your first job. The experience, mentality, and sense of accomplishment of the first job affect a lifetime, and most of the inaction in many people's lives is related to the shadow of failure in the first job.

New teachers have to "survive" the "three ones": the first day, the first week, and the first month. Get through the first month and you'll be a big step ahead. Because there is an adaptation period for doing any job, and teacher work is a kind of technical work, and experience and experience are boiled out, so you should cherish your first job and mature and grow in "boiling".

Second, stay away from some negative energy

When you come to a new environment, you will meet new colleagues, and you will find that some old teachers will constantly instill negative energy, negative thoughts, negative emotions in you, and they will complain that the school is not good here and there. There is a motive behind the behavior, and there is a desire behind the motive.

Being in a negative energy environment all the time will definitely have an impact on your own work. Therefore, it is necessary to filter negative information, produce antibodies, and quickly integrate and adapt to the rules and life of the school.

Of course, this problem is generally not present in a good team full of positive energy.

3. Reduce psychological expectations, accurately position, and keep up with the rhythm of colleagues

Some newly recruited teachers are young and arrogant, and they are competitive everywhere, such as putting forward some "high indicators" in class management and teaching quality, and they are also working very hard, but they have never reached the goal, and even the difference is very large. If you fail once, you will be hit once, and if you fail many times, you will doubt your own ability, and even have the idea of "whether the profession of teacher is suitable for you".

Young people, if you think about your colleagues, some have worked for five years, some have worked for ten years, and young people can't compare to old colleagues, it's normal. Therefore, if you can keep up with the rhythm and pace of your colleagues at the beginning, it is quite good.

Fourth, take a good first lesson, make a good start, and take a good step

When you arrive at the class for the first time, you must let the school leaders and class teachers introduce themselves solemnly, and the sense of ceremony and the first round effect are very important: the first theme class meeting and the first lesson of the subject will definitely add points to yourself in the minds of the students.

It is necessary to exchange the least cost for the maximum educational benefit. When a student violates discipline, don't talk if you can solve it, don't say a word if you can solve it, don't let it stand up if you can solve it, don't let it stand up if you can solve it, don't let it stand outside, don't trouble the class teacher and principal if you can solve it yourself, and try not to let it call your parents.

When you give instructions to punish students in class, it is important to think about what you will do if the students ignore and do not carry them out, that is, you must think of a way out before you can save face in front of the students. For example, if you ask a student who has violated discipline to stand up and he doesn't stand up, you can use "I see that you are embarrassed to stand up, you feel aggrieved and embarrassed", and you can relieve yourself.

5. Keep an "appropriate distance" from students

For teachers who have just graduated from university and are working as class teachers, the most common problem is "getting too close to students". It is important to remember that the democratic and equal relationship between teachers and students should be an educational relationship, not a simple partnership. Keeping a proper distance will create majesty and beauty.

When you are too close to the student, the student can't tell the difference between the classroom and the outside, when you are too familiar with the student, and the student selectively accepts or does not take your instructions seriously, that is, you and the student as a teacher are "offside", you are not far from failure.

6. Skillfully use psychological effects to "trick" with students

There is an overrun effect in talking to students. The overrun effect often occurs when the class teacher is talking to the students. For example, when the child is careless and does not do well in the test, the class teacher will repeat the same criticism of one thing once, twice, three times, or even four or five times, so that the child will go from guilt and anxiety to impatience and finally disgust and hate. If you are "forced", there will be a rebellious psychology and behavior of "I want to be like this". If we have to criticize again, we should not simply repeat it, but change the angle and put it in a different way. In this way, children will not feel that the same mistakes are "caught", and the boredom and rebellion will be reduced.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

School-level "help" to help new teachers stand on the podium as soon as possible

Experience sharing 1: Putting forward personalized requirements for new teachers in lesson preparation "three ones"

In the first week, teachers are required to write down the class record, that is, to write down every sentence to be said in class; in the first month, the detailed case is written, and the teacher checks and accepts the written lesson plan; and the content of the lesson plan in the first semester should be out of script.

Experience sharing 2: In the preparation of classes, the master gave one-on-one hand-to-hand guidance

The master should tell the new teacher in detail what materials to read first, then what materials to read, the lesson preparation procedures and the format of the lesson plan.

The new teacher prepares a lesson plan for the first time, the master guides the existing problems, and the new teacher revises it twice until it reaches the standard.

Experience 3: If group lesson preparation is required, new teachers should work individual preparation

Collective lesson preparation is very helpful for new teachers to understand and grasp the teaching materials, but most of the new teachers cannot control the designed teaching process and problem-solving strategies, so it is very important to personalize the lesson plan from the perspective of novices.

Experience sharing 4: In terms of class, tailor the most basic classroom routine for new teachers, tell and practice the coping strategies for possible problems in advance

The most basic requirements for new teachers to attend classes, such as waiting for class, board writing, teaching style, language (speed of speech), discussion and inspection, and answering questions.

For students who violate discipline such as not listening to instructions in class, contradicting teachers, and interfering with classes, we should teach some control strategies that work immediately.

Experience 5: New teachers should be evaluated with a focus on improving remedial strategies

To learn to empathize, you must consider that he is a novice, do not judge him with the standards of high-quality classes or mature teachers' courses, and must consider whether he is talking about whether he can do it with his current ability in his recent development area, and more importantly, focus on how the new teacher can effectively improve and how to quickly master the knowledge.

The most effective way is for the old teachers to demonstrate how to do it, so that the new teachers can imitate and experience it, and then there will be real improvement. Don't talk purely about why it's wrong, but negotiate together on the details of how to remedy it in the next lesson, so that the new teacher will have real gains in the private and customized lesson.

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

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Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

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Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"
Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"

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Source: Transformer Wang Hongshun

Author: Wang Hongshun

Editor: Wu Huayun

Review: Huang Xiaoyu Liu Jing

Let new teachers avoid detours and stand firmly on the podium 10 "scriptures"