
Why Cao County

Popular network reporter Li Hao reported from Cao County

From "unknown" to "famous"

From the small town of southwest Lu to the "center of the universe"

In the past two years, Cao County has followed the dust and stepped on the great waves of the times

Steady progress with innovation

Seize the opportunity of modern business with tradition

Frequently "out of the circle" with industrial vitality

It shows a unique splendor

Why did the mere town become a modern "flow" niche

Lift the veil

Follow the river

Why Cao County


In 482 B.C., Wu Wangfu sent to participate in the meeting of the Yellow Pond of Jin, Lu and other countries, with a wave of his hand, he dug a canal between Si and Ji, called Heshui. For more than 100 years after the excavation of Heshui, it was the only waterway between the river, the Huai, the river and the economy.

Heshui passes, and the town is prosperous. Located at the intersection of Heshui and Jishui, Taoyi quickly prospered and became the center of the world by virtue of the hub of the waterway transportation network. After Fan Li abandoned politics to do business here, for a while, pottery merchants gathered, and the traffic was busy.

And Cao County, just south of Taoyi, at this time Zezhu Lake and rivers are all over the place, the water and sky are vast, and there are few plains. The bustle of merchants was bound to spread prosperity, and soon the construction of wharves and post stations began to be built on the original site.

Why Cao County

The rapid development of commercial towns has injected fresh blood and vitality into the development of towns. To Jin Yuan, the population is scattered, gradually become an important town, there are two small rivers in the east and one west in the town, and there are two huge stones on the river for people to walk, so the town is named Panshi Town. At this point, Cao County officially stepped onto the stage of history.

Although the main city is late, the real history of Cao County is far more than that.

Why Cao County, said "the first capital of China".

Why Cao County

Cao County, the upper Qi Shang Tang, the lower Spring and Autumn Period. The history of Cao County is even longer than that of Qi and Lu.

It is rumored that more than 4,000 years ago, "Kun" was born in Cao County, and he did two major things in his life. First, under the orders of Emperor Yao, he fought with the Yellow River for 9 years; second, he gave birth to "Dayu", completed the important task of controlling the water after 13 years, and successfully inherited the throne from Emperor Shun, and established China's first "family world" dynasty - the Xia Dynasty.

In this way, Cao County has been the land of "Longxing" since ancient times, of course, these are just legends, and there is no way to verify.

Why Cao County

In 1700 B.C., Chengtang raised troops in "Bo" and established the Shang Dynasty, and the capital was in Bo. And "Bo", after many historians have studied, it is the current Cao County, so Cao County has the reputation of "the founding place of Shang Tang and the first capital of China".

The history is thick and destined to produce many celebrities, and the stars are splendid.

Why Cao County

A number of outstanding figures, such as Yi Yin, the prime minister of the Shang Dynasty, Wu Qi, a military strategist during the Warring States Period, Zhuang Zhou, a thinker, Yan Shengzhi, an agronomist of the Han Dynasty, and Huang Chao, the leader of the peasant uprising in the Tang Dynasty, continue to dot the historical galaxy of Cao County.

The scroll of history was stretched forward, and civilization sprouted and grew early in the land of Cao County.

Why Cao County

Speaking of Cao County, you can't get around the "mound". In Cao County, there are nearly 500 mounds of ruins, of which more than 100 are well preserved. In Cao County, the history of the mound can be traced back to the Neolithic Age, which can be said to be the earliest human civilization site in Cao County. These mounds were once the highlands where the ancestors survived, and they were also their burial grounds. They are a slice of history, both admired and abandoned. Although Cao County's mounds are now known as the "historical mountains", it is actually an unforgettable experience in human history.


It is a "strong man" who came out of the history of the Yellow River struggle.

From the geographical point of view, the ancient land of Cao County is located in the flat and fertile but troubled "Yellow Flood Area".

Why Cao County

The Yellow River flows down the Loess Plateau, passing through Zhengzhou, Henan Province, and begins to become moody. According to historical records, from the pre-Qin period to the Republic of China for more than 2,500 years, the lower reaches of the Yellow River overflowed more than 1,500 times, 26 major diversions, and 12 major diversions endangered the Heze region. Cao County, on the other hand, is in the center of the flooding.

In 1855 (the fifth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty), the Yellow River broke from Tongwaxiang in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, and was diverted to the Daqing River, ending the situation that the Yellow River had seized the Huai River into the sea for hundreds of years, which was the sixth major diversion of the Yellow River. In 1875 (the first year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty), Ding Baozhen, the governor of Shandong, created and repaired the east embankment on the south bank, and the Yellow River was restrained by the embankments on both sides of the river, forming the current river channel.

Nearly 1,000 years of struggle have deeply imprinted the character of diligence, struggle, frankness and fortitude into the hearts of every Cao County person.

The Yellow River is anlan, creating a new chapter. After the hardships of pulling out the wedges, I understand that the road to steady progress is not easy to come by.

Why Cao County

Without the harassment of the Yellow River, the "restless" people of Cao County made a bold move by the quiet Yellow River, and Cao County became a major agricultural county and a super grain-producing county in the country, and the grain sowing area and output ranked in the forefront of Shandong Province, of which the grain output ranked among the top three in the province. The grain sowing area of the county has been stable at more than 3 million mu all year round, achieved 19 consecutive years of bumper harvest, and the total output has exceeded 2.6 billion catties for four consecutive years.

Why Cao County

The "rice bag" is bulging, and the "vegetable basket" is not far behind. In Shaozhuang Town, the vegetable greenhouses are lined up one after another, passing through the village, and the whole town is nestled in the "embrace" of the vegetable greenhouses. Ancient water town, vegetable town, about 3,000 tons of vegetables are transported from here to all parts of the country every day, the income per mu of land has increased from 3,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan, driving the surrounding towns and villages to plant an area of 100,000 mu, employing 80,000 people, and an annual output value of 3 billion yuan.

Domestic rape leads directly to the Greater Bay Area, and on the other side of the ocean, there is a sea-rail intermodal train on the asparagus in Cao County, which has become a delicacy on the table of foreigners.

Why Cao County

Cao County asparagus is not nameless, since 1976, asparagus in Cao County has taken root and spread, after 30 years of careful "care", the county asparagus area of 120,000 acres, processing enterprises to 24, annual processing capacity of 150,000 tons, has become the largest county of white asparagus planting in the country, but also the first county of asparagus processing and export, with an annual output value of more than 300 million yuan, can be said to have become the "Hermes" of vegetables.

Coming from the turbulent Yellow River, Cao County is iron-clad, and looking at the quiet Yellow River again, Cao County has worked hard for a long time.


It is the "test rusher" on the road of China's reform and opening up.

How can an inland county become a "trendsetter" on the road of reform and opening up?

In the 60s, Jiao Yulu, then secretary of the county party committee of Lankao County, Henan Province, led the local people to start a struggle against sandstorms, waterlogging, and salinity, planting paulownia seedlings with high survival rate and fast growth, and also sowing the hope of "thousands of acres of clear blue", and since then the "song of paulownia" has been sung.

As a "neighbor", Cao County has accumulated a large number of paulownia resources. At this time, Zhuangzhai Town, located in the northwest corner, looked at the millions of paulownia trees in the county and fell into deep thought.

Fast growing, light wood, easy to process. In the eyes of the industrious Cao County people, this has become a "stepping stone" to get rich, and the wood products processing industry in Cao County can be traced back to the end of the Ming Dynasty, more than 600 years of rich experience and unique existing resources began to collide, and opened the door to the "100 billion level forest industry cluster".

Why Cao County
Why Cao County

After the reform and opening up, Cao County has been connected with the world as early as possible, and has become a famous board production base in the country and the largest foreign exchange base for paulownia wood processing and export in the country.

Why Cao County

Not only the board, the grass and willow weaving technology that has been inherited for hundreds of years began to shine, and in the 80s, Caoxian's wooden products were exported to foreign countries, becoming a typical microcosm of China's reform and opening up.

As a well-known forestry county in the country, the amazing productivity and exquisite carving skills have allowed Cao County to monopolize nearly ninety percent of Japan's coffins, and "made in Cao County" is the last decent contract for the Japanese after all.

An era has a problem of the times, and a generation has a generation's mission, breaking the barriers of solidified interests, and fighting against the countercurrent of closed and lonely travel. Cao County's forest industry has broken into a broader new world in the reform.

In recent years, Cao County has continuously optimized the structure of forest processing industry, actively promoted industrial transformation and upgrading, and built a development pattern of "one park, two cores, and multiple districts", with distinctive characteristics of each functional zone. The forest processing industry covers 26 towns and streets in the county, with an annual forestry output value of more than 120 billion yuan, and is one of the three major 100-billion-level forest processing industry clusters in the country.

Why Cao County

With the progress of the times and the popularity of e-commerce, "cross-border e-commerce + platform construction" has ignited a new engine for the development of Caoxian's wood processing industry.

According to statistics, there are more than 4,000 wood products enterprises in Cao County on Alibaba's domestic wholesale website, accounting for more than 40% of the wood products enterprises in the whole network, and the county's wood products network sales account for 40% of Taobao and Tmall, 50% of, and 12% of Alibaba's cross-border e-commerce sales of wood products in China.

Cao County has become the "largest cross-border e-commerce industrial belt of wood products in China", and its products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions such as the United States, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, and Sweden.


It is the success of rural e-commerce's "corner overtaking".

The sentence "Cao County 666" sparked heated discussions among netizens and became the "center of the universe" overnight. Cao County is on fire.

Why Cao County

"Ding", in 2009, Ren Qingsheng of Dinglou Village, Daji Town, received the first order on the Internet, and "Di", in 2024, the packages in the Cao County Logistics Park are piling up every day.

Why Cao County

Once as a poor county, Cao County did not have developed heavy industry, and there were no superior tourism resources, and farmers could only rely on three points of loess to watch the sky to eat, but the people of Cao County, who had the courage to break through, did not sit in the well and watch the sky, they seized the pulse of the times and showed their strength in rural e-commerce.

Seeing the light of day, there will be great changes only when there is a real thing.

A few years ago, most people engaged in studio costumes, most of which were family workshops, and after making them, they carried them to all parts of the country to set up stalls, or go to the door to push them.

Why Cao County

In just two years, there were hundreds of online stores in Daji Town, and the costumes accounted for 70% of the national market.

The development of the market is like a slowly burning fire, the government is like a burning stick, reaching into the hearth and stirring it, and the spark of the stars will become a prairie fire, and the more it burns, the more it burns, the more it burns. After tasting the sweetness, everyone has done e-commerce, and the whole industry has begun to grow in an extensive and barbaric way, which makes the government think about it and begin to intervene, guide and support it in an orderly manner.

Since 2013, the Daji Town Government has set up the "E-commerce Industry Development Office", started to build an e-commerce park, issued encouraging policies, and done large-scale standardized operations, trying to build a complete industrial chain from design, processing to sales and service.

Why Cao County
Why Cao County

In recent years, with the rise of the national tide and the improvement of young people's cultural self-confidence, Cao County has begun to work Hanfu, no more than 5 years, Cao County Hanfu has annual sales of more than 7 billion yuan, forming a complete Hanfu industry chain such as original research and development, design and production, accessories and auxiliary devices, experience display, network marketing, etc., accounting for one-third of the national market, Cao County has gradually grown into "China's original Hanfu production capital". At the beginning of 2024, the popular horse-faced skirt once again made Cao County "out of the circle", and in just two months, it handed over an amazing "record" of 500 million.

Why Cao County

There are 2,282 Hanfu enterprises, constituting a huge "Hanfu empire" in Cao County.

"Farmers get rich, grassroots entrepreneurship". Cao County e-commerce has taken advantage of the trend and explored a new path for e-commerce to drive targeted poverty alleviation and e-commerce to drive rural revitalization, creating a new model of e-commerce development in Cao County that can be replicated and promoted.

Why Cao County

Today, Cao County has a total of 19 Taobao towns and 168 Taobao villages, making it the second largest rural Taobao industrial cluster in the country after Yiwu. The county has more than 5,000 e-commerce enterprises and more than 60,000 online stores, driving 350,000 people to start businesses and find employment.

Why Cao County

How can Cao County, how can the stream be retained, and the sea will eventually be waves.

In fact

Everyone has a "Cao County" in their hearts

It's not what people call the "center of the universe."

But it carries everyone's "endeavor dream"

(Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet)