
Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

author:Red Star News

Indonesian police announced on April 21 that on the 20th, a Chinese tourist fell to his death at Mount Izhen in Indonesia.

According to the local police chief, Ahmad Junadi, the accident occurred at around 6 a.m. on April 20 when "the victim fell from the edge of a cliff about 75 meters high while taking pictures, and was seriously injured by hitting a rock during the fall, and eventually died from serious injuries to the head and body." ”

Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

The victim accidentally stumbled and fell off a cliff while approaching a tree behind him

According to reports, at that time, the victim Huang Lihong and her 32-year-old husband Daniel Zhang visited Yizhen Volcano, and they booked the service through a travel agency and were accompanied by the tour guide Gusvanto. In the early hours of the morning of the incident, the couple set off from Bondovoso and drove to the volcano tourist area. Then, guided by their guide, they began their hike to climb Mount Ijin at 2:10 a.m.

At about 4 a.m., the couple arrived at the crater's blue flame viewing area. Afterwards, they descended to the crater to see the blue flames and took some commemorative photos. After viewing, they re-ascended to the crater rim to prepare for the sunrise.

During the photo shoot, Ms. Huang accidentally tripped over the long dress she was wearing, rolled backwards and fell into a cliff about 75 meters deep. The tour guide, Gusvanto, said that despite repeated warnings about the safety hazards in the area, Ms. Huang may have insisted on taking photos of her friends at the same location because she saw them.

It is reported that Mr. Zhang was the first to complete the photoshoot, and Ms. Huang then began to shoot, Gusvanto recalled, "It was me and her husband who were in charge of the photoshoot. "At first, Ms. Huang chose to take photos in a safe location about 2 to 3 meters from the crater rim. However, she then decided to step back, hoping to get closer to the trees behind her to get a better angle. In the process of retreating, she accidentally tripped over the long dress she was wearing, causing her body to lose her balance and eventually fall into the cliff behind.

Devi Sujiharto, an official of the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency, said that the victim fell into a cliff about 75 meters deep and was confirmed dead at the scene.

After receiving the news, the rescue team of Izhen Volcano rushed to the scene to carry out rescue. However, the location where the victims fell is difficult to reach due to the difficult terrain. It took about 2 hours for rescuers to remove the bodies of the victims from under the cliff. At around 11:38 a.m., the body was transported to a nearby public hospital. It is understood that the local morgue is located in the hospital.

Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

Rescuers carried the body out of the cliff

Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

The bodies of the victims were taken to an ambulance

According to the medical team, Ms. Huang had severe contusions to her head and other parts of her body, as well as fractures in her right ankle and left knee. Ahmad Junadi said Ms. Huang's body would be transferred to a hospital in Bali and that her family would arrange for her to be taken back to China.

Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

The husband of the victim was devastated

Huang Lihong's husband, Daniel Zhang, was devastated by the news, and he kept calling his relatives to report the situation, during which he also had the agitated behavior of banging his head against the hospital wall. The tour guide, Gusvanto, said that the incident was indeed an accident. The Indonesian police also handled the case as an "accident".

Red Star News reporter Deng Shuyi

Editor: Zhang Li, Editor: Feng Lingling

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Chinese female tourist fell off a cliff while taking pictures of an Indonesian volcano, and her body will be transported back to China Her husband hit the wall in grief

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