
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked

author:Qin Sangrou


In this fast-paced modern society, books are like a spa for the soul and a feast for wisdom. Recently, a video by Douyin celebrity Huang Qiangqiang "Suddenly understood the meaning of reading!" sparked a heated discussion about reading.


Let's take a look at what netizens say:

Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked
Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked

Netizens have different opinions on the meaning of reading, so let's explore the wonderful meaning of reading and talk about how to make reading fun and practical in daily life.

1. The joy of reading: broaden your horizons and enrich your soul

Reading is not just to "increase knowledge", but also to a fantasy drift of the soul. It helps us to broaden our horizons and explore the colours and ever-changing nature of the world.

As Oscar Wilde said, "Education is wonderful, it enables us to turn one thing into another." "Through reading, we can travel back in time, chat with historical figures, resonate with literary characters, and experience the charm of different cultures.

Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked

Reading can also enrich our inner world and add depth and texture to our emotional life. It helps us understand ourselves better, accept others, and develop empathy and tolerance.

2. The practice of reading: develop the habit of reading, learn to think and reflect

In order to turn the joy of reading into practical action, we must first develop a good habit of reading. On the subway, during your lunch break, and before going to bed, these fragmented times are all good times to read.

Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked

Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." "So, we should stick to our daily reading and make reading a part of our lives. Moreover, reading is not only a passive reception of information, but also a process of active thinking and reflection.

When reading, we should learn to ask questions, think about the author's views and thoughts, and reflect on them in light of our own actual situation. In this way, the knowledge in the book can truly become our own wisdom and ability.

3. The value of reading: sharing and dissemination, so that wisdom flows

The value of reading is not only reflected in personal growth, but also in sharing and disseminating. When we gain wisdom and inspiration from books, we can share our insights and insights with others for the benefit of more people.

President John F. Kennedy once said, "Reading is an opportunity to have a conversation with the greatest thinkers." At the same time, we can also encourage the people around us to join the ranks of reading together through our own actions and feel the charm of reading together.

Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked


Reading is an attitude to life, a way to pursue wisdom and growth. Huang's video reminds us of the joy of reading, and we will respond to this call with practical actions.

Let's pick up the books again and feel the power and wisdom that those words bring us. Let's start reading to make our lives more exciting, our hearts richer, and our world wider.

Huang Qiangqiang's video on "The Meaning of Reading" was wildly liked

Thanks to Toutiao's strong support, we have the opportunity to share and exchange reading experiences through this platform, and hope that more people can join the ranks of reading and feel the power of knowledge together.

If you have any different opinions and suggestions about reading, please discuss in the comment area~


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