
The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

author:Time is eternal

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, today let's talk about the legendary Kangxi Emperor. When you mention him, do you immediately think of the image of being wise and martial and creating a prosperous world? However, today we have to look at this emperor from a different angle, maybe we can find something new.

Let's start with the North Korean side. At that time, Korea was our vassal state, and it had to pay tribute to our Qing Dynasty. Therefore, in their historical documents, there are also many records about our Qing Dynasty emperors. It is said that after the death of Empress Hesheri, Emperor Kangxi became a little abnormal, and it can even be said that he was extravagant. Oh, this is really shocking! Think about it, how did the emperor who was wise and martial in our minds suddenly become like this?

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

Don't worry, let's take a look. There is also an Italian court painter named Ma Guoxian. He had a lot of dealings with Emperor Kangxi, so there are many descriptions of Emperor Kangxi in his memoirs. Oh, this emperor is in the summer resort of Rehe, he is really happy, and the scenes of frolicking with the women have been painted by Ma Guoxian. It seems that this emperor is really a person who knows how to enjoy life!

But ah, the story of Emperor Kangxi is more than that. Have you ever heard of him including his aunt in the harem? Also, he actually forcibly took the wife of a courtier, which is really jaw-dropping! Think about it, this is the Ming Jun in our minds, how can he do such a thing?

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

Of course, we can't just listen to these wild histories and rumors to conclude that Emperor Kangxi is a bad person. After all, history always carries a certain degree of subjectivity and bias. We have to examine and evaluate this emperor from multiple angles. But ah, these accounts do give us an opportunity to re-examine the Kangxi Emperor and give us a deeper understanding of what he really looked like.

So, what kind of person was Emperor Kangxi, and what was his true appearance? I am afraid that we will never get a complete answer to these questions. However, it is these unsolved mysteries and controversies that make history fascinating and fascinating. Let's continue to explore, think, and argue, and maybe find out more about this legendary emperor!

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

Actually, when it comes to Emperor Kangxi, there is really nothing to say about his exploits. It created the prosperous era of Kangqian and made our Manchu economy and culture have been greatly developed. His political wisdom and courage are also not to be picked. But ah, people, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Just like us ordinary people, the emperor has his weaknesses and flaws.

Take those wild histories and rumors, although you can't fully believe it, you can't completely deny it. After all, history is written by people, and it is inevitable that there will be subjectivity and bias. So, we have to keep an open mind to accept and understand those different voices and perspectives.

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

To be honest, I think Emperor Kangxi is also a very interesting person. He has both a wise and martial side, as well as a lascivious side. This complexity made him a legendary emperor. When we evaluate him, we have to take into account this complexity.

Of course, we can't just focus on his shortcomings. After all, his achievements are real, and they have made great contributions to the development of our Chinese history. Therefore, when we evaluate him, we must also look at his strengths and weaknesses comprehensively and objectively.

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

In short, Emperor Kangxi is really unpredictable. He has both a wise and martial side, as well as a lascivious side. This complexity has made him a legendary emperor. When we get to know him, we have to keep an open mind!

Hey, speaking of which, we ordinary people sometimes do something unexpected. So, when we look at historical figures, we have to be a little tolerant. After all, no one is perfect! We have to allow them to have a little flaw, a little flaw!

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

Finally, I would like to say: History, what a magical thing! It allows us to understand the people and events of those distant times, and it also gives us a deeper understanding of the world. So, we have to cherish history and learn from it!

Oops, having said so much, I don't know if you understand it. In short, Emperor Kangxi's person is really interesting! When we get to know him, we have to keep an open mind! Okay, okay, let's stop here today, let's talk next time!

The Italian book records the other side of its absurdity, and the truth is revealed!

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