
Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

author:Cui Yi'an 💟

During the ups and downs of the Chinese Revolution, Chen Geng not only left a deep mark on his outstanding military talents and firm revolutionary beliefs, but also demonstrated complex interpersonal relationships and thoughtful family strategies in his personal life. On the occasion of the wedding, his words to his wife were both a trust in her and an expectation of her. Who is this political commissar who has a bad relationship with him? Why did Chen Geng make such a request at such a moment? What kind of story and deep-seated political considerations are hidden behind this?

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

Chen Geng's early life and revolutionary involvement

Chen Geng, born in 1897, is closely linked to the history of modern China. His story began in an ordinary farming family in Hunan Province, where his father was a primary school teacher and his mother was the head of the family. Although his family was not wealthy, Chen Geng's father firmly believed that education could change his destiny, so he received a good education from an early age.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In 1916, Chen Geng was admitted to Hunan No. 1 Normal School, which was a turning point and marked his official entry into the road of study and ideological enlightenment. At the Normal School, Chen Geng not only studied basic subjects such as education and history, but more importantly, he was exposed to a series of new ideas and revolutionary theories, which profoundly influenced his later life choices.

In 1922, Chen Geng's revolutionary career began to set sail in earnest. He joined the Chinese Communist Party, a decision that completely changed the course of his life. After joining the party organization, Chen Geng actively participated in many important revolutionary activities, including the Northern Expedition in 1926. In this series of battles, Chen Geng not only showed outstanding military talent, but more importantly, his political consciousness and leadership skills began to be recognized by comrades.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In 1927, with the development of the revolutionary situation, Chen Geng was sent to the Eastern Workers' Communist University in Moscow, Soviet Union for further study. There, he not only studied military strategy and political theory, but also exchanged ideas with revolutionaries from all over the world, an experience that greatly broadened his international perspective.

After returning to China, Chen Geng participated in the creation and defense of the Central Soviet District in 1931, especially in the Jinggang Mountains of Jiangxi Province. Here he was not only a fighter, but also an instructor, responsible for educating and training new revolutionary soldiers. His teaching methods were practical and straightforward, and he was loved and respected by the soldiers.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In 1934, the horn of the Long March sounded, and Chen Geng, as a member of the Red Army, participated in this great strategic shift. The Long March was not only a military operation, but also a process of spreading ideas and building the Party. In an extremely arduous environment, Chen Geng's leadership ability and firm revolutionary conviction were further tempered.

After the end of the Long March, Chen Geng continued his military and political work in northern Shaanxi. He studied deeply at the Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and at the same time held a teaching position, imparting his knowledge and experience to more revolutionary reserve forces. During this period, he not only made achievements in military tactics and strategy, but also showed extraordinary talent in organizational and political work.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

Through these years of unremitting efforts and struggles, Chen Geng has gradually grown into an important military leader of the Communist Party of China. His life and revolutionary activities not only shaped his personal destiny, but also profoundly influenced the course of the Chinese revolution. In this process, Chen Geng always maintained his loyalty to revolutionary ideals and deep affection for the people, which laid a solid foundation for his later military career and political life.

Military leadership during the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

With the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chen Geng's military career ushered in new challenges and opportunities. In 1937, when the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, Chen Geng was appointed as the commander of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, shouldering the heavy responsibility of resisting the invaders. During this period, he led his troops to participate in important battles such as the victory at Pingxingguan, demonstrating outstanding military command ability and precision strikes against the enemy.

In the Battle of Pingxingguan, Chen Geng's troops won more with less, skillfully used the terrain and night battle advantages to deal a heavy blow to the Japanese army, and this battle not only raised the morale of the Eighth Route Army, but also injected a strong impetus into the spirit of the Chinese people's war of resistance. In this battle, Chen Geng's military talent was fully displayed, and his name became famous in the anti-Japanese camp.

In the years that followed, Chen Geng continued to lead his troops to be active in North China, carrying out a strategy of guerrilla warfare and protracted warfare. His troops constantly harassed the rear of the Japanese army, cut off their supply lines, effectively pinned down a large number of Japanese troops, and bought valuable strategic maneuver time for the Chinese troops in other theaters of operations.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the situation in the country quickly turned to a civil war. At this time, Chen Geng had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and served as the commander of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army. During this period, he led his troops to participate in many key battles, including the famous Liaoshen Campaign, Pingjin Campaign, etc. In the Liaoshen Campaign, Chen Geng's troops played a key role, and their heroic combat and precise command laid the foundation for the victory of the entire campaign.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In the Battle of Pingjin, Chen Geng once again showed his military talents. His troops quickly penetrated behind enemy lines, cutting off the retreat of the Kuomintang army and forcing it into passivity. The victory in this battle marked the liberation of North China and laid a solid foundation for the victory of the National Liberation War.

During the civil war, Chen Geng not only performed well on the battlefield, but he also focused on improving the political consciousness and morale of the troops. He often went down to the grassroots to understand the needs and ideas of the soldiers, and worked to solve their practical problems. His actions have greatly enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

Chen Geng's military career is not only a series of victories, but also a process of continuous exploration and innovation in military theory and practice. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War, he always adhered to the people-centered guiding ideology of war, closely integrated military action with political goals, and made indelible contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

Political and military roles after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

With the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Chen Geng's responsibilities and roles entered a new stage. He not only continued to play an important role in the military sphere, but also played a key role in politics. In the early days of New China, Chen Geng was appointed chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, responsible for planning and directing military operations throughout the army, and also participated in the formulation of major national policies.

During his tenure as chief of the General Staff, Chen Geng's primary task was to reorganize the newly established People's Liberation Army and build it into a modern army. This includes the restructuring of the armed forces, the establishment of a military education system, and the formulation of a new military strategy. In the process, Chen Geng demonstrated extremely high organizational and leadership skills, and successfully transformed a revolutionary army into a national regular army.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, Chen Geng participated in the strategic planning and command of the Chinese People's Volunteers as a senior military adviser to the Chinese People's Volunteers. His military wisdom was fully reflected in this war, especially in the fourth battle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and his strategy directly affected the development of the war situation. Under the guidance of Chen Geng, the Chinese People's Volunteers displayed extremely high combat effectiveness and indomitable spirit under extremely difficult conditions.

In addition to his military duties, Chen Geng also played an important role in politics. He is a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and has participated in many important policy discussions and developments, especially on national defense and military modernization. In 1955, Chen Geng was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, which was not only a recognition of his military talents, but also symbolized his important position in the political and military fields of New China.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In the 1960s, Chen Geng continued his military and political career, despite challenging domestic and foreign circumstances. During this period, he paid special attention to the military's scientific and technological progress and strategic innovation, and promoted the modernization of military training and tactics. Chen Geng knows very well that a country's military strength depends not only on quantity, but also on quality and scientific and technological progress.

In addition, Chen Geng also attaches great importance to the political work of the army, and he believes that the ideological and political education of soldiers is as important as combat skills. He often stressed that only an army with a firm ideology can be invincible on the battlefield. Therefore, he promoted political education in the military to ensure that all military personnel understood and supported the party's line and policies.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

This stage of Chen Geng's career not only demonstrates his outstanding ability as a military strategist, but also reflects his far-reaching influence as a politician. He was undoubtedly an important pillar of national security and political stability in his political and military role after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Challenges in personal life and handling of family relationships

In addition to his outstanding achievements in the military and political fields, Chen Geng's personal life and family relationships were also an integral part of his legendary life. Despite the numerous wars and political challenges, Chen Geng always tried his best to maintain the harmony and stability of his family, which occupied an important place in his life.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

Chen Geng's relationship with his wife is central to his personal life. His wife, a woman who also loves the country and its people, not only plays the role of a supporter in the family, but also a strong backing in Chen Geng's political life. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, although Chen Geng often had to command operations outside for long periods of time, the trust and understanding between him and his wife never wavered. They kept in touch and shared thoughts and emotions with each other through letters, which later became important sources for the study of Chen Geng's personal life.

In dealing with the complex relationship with the political commissar, Chen Geng showed his wisdom in dealing with the relationship between family and work. Despite differences of opinion and approach with some political commissars, Chen Geng never allowed these differences to affect family members. He wisely instructed his wife to be polite and friendly in her dealings with the families of other high-ranking officials, and to ensure that the harmony of family relations was not affected by external political disputes.

Chen Geng said to his newlywed wife: I have a bad relationship with the political commissar, and you are not allowed to have a bad relationship with his family

In addition, Chen Geng has also invested a lot of effort in the education of his children. He is well aware of the social and psychological pressures faced by the children of military and political leaders. Therefore, in addition to his busy work, he still tries his best to find time to communicate with his children, care about their learning and growth, and teach them to have a sense of responsibility and patriotism. He encouraged his children to pursue education and personal development, hoping that they would become useful talents to society.

Chen's family life also reflects his humanity as a soldier and leader. Not only was he a valiant general in public, but in the family he was also a loving husband and father. His lifestyle and family values were particularly precious in the social context of the time, and became an important part of his personality.


Through these years of hard work, Chen Geng has not only won respect on the battlefield, but also the love and respect of his family in his family and personal life. His life story illustrates how a military leader can balance duty and emotion at both the public and private ends, and how to maintain personal principles and family harmony in turbulent times.