
These three palm prints are so special, do you have them on your hands?

author:Sister Meimei Daxia
{"info":{"title":{"content":"这三种掌纹太特殊了,你手上有吗","en":"These three palm prints are so special, do you have them on your hands?"},"description":{"content":"慈悲夫子眼拇指有佛眼纹、夫子眼的人,多有宗教信仰归宿,为人谦卑和善,菩萨心肠,如果生命线深长且耳垂肥厚,这类人祖上要么有...","en":"People who have Buddha eye lines and Master eyes on the thumb of the compassionate Master's eyes have a lot of religious beliefs, are humble and kind, and have a bodhisattva's heart."}},"items":[]}